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Bloody diarrhea in an adult — Symptoms and effective treatments

Diarrhea, or the common people diarrhea is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of many disorders of various origins. Characterized by frequent emptying processes of change quantitative and qualitative indicators of the chair, i.e. the person very often have the urge to defecation, thus changing the number, consistency and color of feces. This disease is able to manifest itself at any age — young or old.

Diarrhea is one of the most common disorders of the intestine, manifested most often manifested in the summer season. Mild forms of diarrhea, do not bring special harm to the body, but the abundant defecation can lead to the development of exhaustion, dehydration and the appearance of deficiencies.

Often there are additional unpleasant symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, nausea until vomiting, increased body temperature.

The reasons for the emergence of diarrhea can serve:

  1. disorders of intestinal motility,
  2. the presence of various infectious diseases in the digestive tract as a consequence, the emergence of toxins in enteroviral diseases, salmonellosis, cholera, foodborne illness, etc.,
  3. as a consequence of uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs,
  4. the disruption of the normal content of microorganisms in the gut,
  5. if a disturbance in the enzymatic system of the digestive tract (fermentopathy),
  6. in hereditary pathologies associated with intolerance to certain foods.

Agree, all of us endured this unpleasant experience before the big moment, or before an exam, and someone took stale food or more incompatible products, which in turn led to long sittings in the toilet.

From this it follows that the diarrhea with blood in an adult is sometimes not is a symptom of an illness. But if the diarrhoea lasts more than three days if accompanied by a fever, if in the stool impurities are present (pus, blood, etc.) — you should think about the presence of pathology.

This article will be considered a condition in which revealed the contents of some amount of blood in diarrhea and the causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment of these pathologies.

Causes of blood in diarrhea

Blood is a vital component of our body, connective tissue consisting of plasma and a cellular link. Circulates in a closed system under the action of the heart and normally do not directly communicates with the other tissues due to the presence of blood brain barriers.

It is easy to guess that the presence of blood in the cavity of the digestive tract — a deviation from the norm.

So why does this unpleasant disorder?

To the perpetrators of the appearance of blood in the watery stool will carry:

Infectious disease. These include dysentery, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa of infectious Genesis, Salmonella, etc. It is not the most common reason for the presence of blood in the stool, but in these diseases the stool is unformed form — liquid.

The frequency of the urge to act of defecation can reach up to 20 impulses per day. Will also be present and other symptoms — a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, and symptoms of intoxication, such as reduced efficiency, high rates of body temperature, the presence of fever.

These are all signs of infection in the digestive tract. Peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum.

In this pathology is the development of ulcers, which often bleed. Then the blood mixed with enzymes and other contents of the upper digestive tract, becomes black or coffee color due to the formation of specific pigment — hemosiderin. Bleeding in these diseases is accompanied by General weakness, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, nausea, characterized by abdominal pain.

However, coffee color of stool may be due to the intake of certain drugs containing iron ions — Ferum Lek, Cosmofer, Lifer, Ferrostal, Monier, Venofer. In this case, the change in color of stool is a normal physiological phenomenon. Cracks in the anal area and the hemorrhoids.

Very common causes of the presence of bleeding in the stool. Then streaks of bright blood light red color will be visible on the surface of the stool. This kind of blood due to the fact that pouring from the damaged areas of the anus or hemorrhoids, it does not affect the enzymes of the digestive system and so it does not acquire the color of coffee grounds.

Another sign of the beginning of bleeding from hemorrhoids is discomfort, a feeling of itching, pain and itching during defecation. Ulcerative colitis (ulcerative colitis) and Crohn's disease.

This is a serious disease which are caused by a chronic autoimmune processes, which result in the development ofinflammation and ulceration of the intestinal wall. All these processes lead to bleeding, which will see diarrhea streaked with blood. Tumors of the digestive system. Many tumors have a tendency to vascularization (formation of new blood vessels in tumors). The decay or damage of the tumor of the gastrointestinal tract is bleeding.

The color and nature of the feces is possible to determine the localization of the tumors: if the stools are black in color — the haemorrhage in the upper gastrointestinal tract if the blood is scarlet in color and has the shape of veins in the lower divisions.

The presence of such troubles as diarrhoea, especially with blood, makes one wonder: "What would it take?»

What to do if you notice bloody diarrhea?

The blood that appeared after diarrhea, most often seen suddenly, without warning, may be accompanied by severe symptoms. If you find blood in the feces, especially in large quantities, should immediately contact the doctor and not to waste time, it is fraught with the progression of the disease and rapid deterioration.

What to do before rendering the qualified help?

Before the arrival of the ambulance at the bloody diarrhea you need to take steps to stop the frequent bowel movements and restore water — electrolyte balance in the body.

First we need to take more fluids, preferably mineral water without gas content. Do not drink sugary drinks, alcohol — this will lead to further dehydration.

With the appearance of loose stool recommend taking enterosorbent (enterosgel, smecta), if you noticed the appearance of diarrhea with blood after poisoning the missing or spoiled food. These drugs are "attracted" various toxins and poisons in the digestive tract and eliminate them from the body. This is the first event that can be taken upon detection of feces with blood, and treatment should continue after a medical examination.

Treatment liquid stool with the admixtures of blood

The main goal of treatment of diarrhea with bleeding is the impact directly on the cause of the disorder, but not to reduce the frequent urge to defecate.

The choice of treatment definitely depends on the source of the pathology development. If diarrhea with blood caused by the action of infectious agents, it is necessary to determine their group and to select appropriate treatment antibacterial and antimicrobial agents.

Although bloody diarrhea is often not a very dangerous disease, sometimes require hospitalization of the patient, therefore, contraindicated self-treatment. An important stage of treatment is the restoration of water and electrolyte balance in the body.

In recent years, many groups of microorganisms have become resistant to many groups of antibacterial agents. Now doctors prefer to use drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones — Lomefloxacin, Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Pefloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Sparfloxacin etc.

In special cases, patients need emergency medical care for diarrhea with bleeding.

Such situations include:

  • old age,
  • infants under 1 year,
  • hyperthermia above 38 C,
  • painful and pronounced pain in the abdomen,
  • the presence of vomiting with blood or vomit black,
  • disturbances of consciousness, severe dehydration.

If you have indigestion, you have the option to go to traditional treatment methods. You can make an infusion of the leaves of chamomile, drink various herbal preparations.


Any disease can be prevented. And digestive disorders can be "cured" before they occur. Follow the diet, eat small meals 5 — 7 times a day, and do not cram before bedtime.

By following these simple suggestions help to prevent the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the obvious symptom of which is diarrhoea mixed with blood.