Is there any intestinal infection droplets

The most common intestinal infections

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Infectious disease is a kind of process, beginning with the penetration of the pathogen of the disease in the human body and the continuation of its reproduction and the appearance of hidden or overt signs of infection.

Intestinal disease:

  • Form a large group of diseases with a characteristic localization of the infectious process in the intestine.
  • The route of transmission of intestinal infections – fecal-oral route.
  • The causative agents of intestinal infections leave the body with faeces or urine, and the next organism can be transmitted by oral or even (in some cases) by airborne droplets.

We are talking about a group of diseases, infection may cause:

  • Bacteria (Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, E. coli).
  • Viruses (rotaviruses, virus And hepatits, polio virus).
  • Parasites (roundworm, amoeba).
  • Bacterial toxins (staphylococcal enterotoxin, Clostridium toxins).

How is the intestinal infection?

The route of transmission of intestinal infections include:


Is one of the most important factors for transmission of intestinal infections. The water is polluted by the leakage of feces from surface water and soil in sources of drinking water or due to failures in water supply systems. In exceptional cases it may be contaminated by hands of carriers or entities. The most common disease transmitted by drinking water is typhoid, and dysentery, viral hepatitis A.


Food can be:

  1. The primary contaminated: foods that come from sick animals/birds.
  2. Secondarily contaminated: foods contaminated with animal excretions, contaminated hands of people in contact with them, surface water, soil, flies and other insects.
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Intestinal infection is transmitted most often through consumption of contaminated meat, meat products, animal by-products and eggs which are not properly processed. In the processing of meat and eggs may come to a combination of factors that can lead to infection:

  • Kitchen utensils.
  • A place where meat is processed.
  • Hands that may be contaminated.

An infectious agent can also affect the gastrointestinal tract through consumption of contaminated fruits and vegetables consume them people without treatment or with inadequate treatment. Pollution occurs when artificial nutrition soil and irrigation from surface waters, the most common infection of the fruit occurs fruit flies.


Provides an environment which is initially contaminated with feces. Comes to contact with the soil, is an infection.

Superficial water

Surface waters are easily polluted by human waste and animals. They can lead to contamination of sources of drinking water, less food, especially vegetables. Do you use irrigation surface water, it contaminates the fruits that subsequently affect human health. Some infections can be transmitted directly from surface water, for example, swimming in open water – pathogens to penetrate into the oral cavity causing lesions of the skin and mucous membranes (Shigella, infectious hepatitis A).

Contaminated hands

Whether by transfer of infection dirty hands, most likely, we are talking about such bacteria as Shigella, hepatitis A, typhoid. Pathogenic microorganisms in the mouth through the hands, which were microscopic pieces of feces contaminated food or leftovers.


The flies are the mechanical vectors of some intestinal infections. They carry pathogens from the secretions of patients or carriers. Most often it is transferred Shigella. Transmission by flies is one of the most common causes of increased incidence of these microorganisms in the late summer and early autumn.

The most common infection


We are talking about acute gastrointestinal illness with a short incubation period caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella, the most common of which isSalmonella Enteritidis.

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The bacterium is rapidly destroyed at temperatures above 60 ° C, in an acidic medium (pH 2) and under the influence of conventional disinfectants.

Clinical picture: abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, temperature of about 39 ° C, diarrhea.

Treatment: usually, the disease subsides for 1-3 days with the introduction of symptomatic therapy. Important rehydration, disinfect the intestines.


This is an extremely contagious disease caused by Shigella bacteria, usually Shigella dysenteriae, Sh. flexneri, Sh.sonnei.

Incidence peaks in late summer. Bacteria are very sensitive to environmental influences, is destroyed during drying.

The incubation period is up to one week, usually 3 days.

Clinical picture: the disease begins with sudden fever, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, Kolokolova character. Soon inherits the diarrhea, happens sometimes to 30 impulses per day, the stool can be blood impurities.

Treatment: rehydration, disinfect intestinal, analgesics, antibiotics are prescribed only if necessary.

Hepatitis A

The disease is caused by a virus of hepatitis A.

The virus is resistant to cold, heat and normal disinfection, therefore, for a long time can be maintained outside the human body, for example, in the soil, canals, water, products.

The disease is seasonal, with peak incidence occurs in the autumn and early winter.

The incubation period ranges from 2 weeks to almost 2 months, usually about 25 days.

Clinical picture:

  1. Inapparently form: occurs without symptoms, only by the creation of antibodies.
  2. Asymptomatic: no symptoms found changes in blood tests and tests of liver function. Therefore, affected persons do not experience symptoms and unknowingly are the disseminators of infection in the community.
  3. Busselton form: no yellowing, flu-like symptoms: excessive fatigue, weakness, fever, sometimes there is headache, runny nose and cough. The person experiences loss of appetite until aversion to food, nausea, vomiting, feeling of fullness, abdominal pain.
  4. Icteric form: after initially developing symptoms yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. The man has dark urine and light stool.

    Peredaetsya li kishechnaya infekciya vozdushno kapelnym putem

The disease lasts on average for about a month, the result of which produces a permanent immunity.

The disease can be prevented through vaccination.