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Dysbacteriosis after antibiotic treatments and the advice of doctors

Dysbiosis after taking antibiotics is inevitable. Drugs that improve the state of the microflora, it is rational to include in the course of treatment, do not wait for appearance of symptoms of disorders in the digestive organs. These drugs are absolutely harmless and are combined with other medications. They are dispensed without a prescription. You can buy them on their own initiative, and you can ask a doctor to prescribe actual.

The impact of antibiotics

Antibiotics kill not only pathogens, but also many helpful bacteria which is part of the natural microflora of the digestive system, leading to growth of opportunistic bacteria, to imbalance. What is expected of a person changes? All depends on the type of drugs and the General condition of the body.

Antibiotics belonging to the tetracycline group and aminopenicillins, break the ratio of different populations of bacteria in the upper layer of the intestinal microflora. Growth is likely staph bacteria and not only. Aminoglycoside and fungicides inhibit the reproduction and, therefore, prevent the renewal of populations of different species of bacteria the opportunistic do not apply. This leads to a gradual deterioration of health.

After antibiotics symptoms of dysbiosis are the same as after stress, toxicity, for example. Their nature they do not have. But treatment may last longer because the body as a whole needs to recover. Violations of the microflora of the prevent entry of nutrients from food. The time of healing is delayed.

Symptoms of imbalance

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics is manifested in the form of flatulence, diarrhea, difficulty urinating, urge to vomit, exhaustion, dehydration. Rumbling in the stomach, is associated with impaired secretory function of the glands and decrease intestinal motility. After ingestion symptoms are fully manifested. However, when abstinence from food, the situation is not improving – flatulence, rumbling, pronounced discomfort, discomfort remains.

The children, who prescribed a course of antibiotics, the symptoms are the same as in adults. Note, however, that children's bodies are still forming, the endocrine glands are working uncoordinated way due to the fact that the growth is not over. Problems with the microflora of the digestive system can lead to more serious consequences. Dysbiosis after taking antibiotics in childhood is very dangerous. He is dangerous in the elderly. You need to respond faster to negative trends. People belonging to the age categories that carry the disease harder. Treatment of dysbacteriosis after antibiotics must be timely. Prevention is the best solution.

Indirect impact

Antibiotics may directly affect the gastric mucosa. But not only that. They often also inhibit liver function. Regardless, there are pills or shots made, possible goiter. The liver produces bile that enters the intestines necessary for the digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins mostly partially. She is responsible for the metabolism of drugs, therefore they worsen her condition dramatically.

Antibiotics can badly affect the kidneys, which is also reflected on the state of the microflora of the digestive system. Disorders in the kidney is a pathological change in metabolic processes. Bacteria that protect the mucous membranes depend on the presence of certain substances in the blood, tissues, cells. If you break the process of urine formation, any of its stages, need nutrients in the body may not be, but the toxins actively accumulate. Antibiotics are excreted through the kidneys. Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics is inevitable, even if they are in the digestive system not directly do that.

Sometimes people refuse treatment with antibiotics because of their actions, destructive power. But, from the point of view of dysbiosis, it has no sense. The temperature that often accompanies an illness requiring antibiotics, also has a detrimental effect, changing the microflora. Necessary in any case to take measures to maintain the mucous membranes in good, healthy condition.

Medications that can help in this case

How to treat dysbiosis after a course of antibiotics and in other cases? It is easy to understand this. For diagnosis it is sometimes necessary to take the analysis of the feces. Note that dysbacteriosis – this slight deviation, and the disease, which is sometimes chronic. Laboratory tests will give information about the state of the microflora. The doctor can prescribe the most effective drug.

Buy the right medicine is also not problematic. Varieties of drugs that restore inner harmony, a little, although it may seem that it is not. Range of pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies created to ensure that everyone was able to find the best remedy for yourselfprice, the most effective. The principle of operation combines different brand.

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics, the treatment may be carried out in two directions. All the drugs for his treatment, divided into probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics contain a good bacteria. Can be used only one kind of bacteria. These drugs are called mono-component probiotics.

The probiotic may be included several types of bacteria. This goes for any multicomponent drug. Prebiotics do not contain bacteria. They have all the necessary components for the growth and development of useful species, population size inevitably decreases under the influence of negative factors. And probiotics, and prebiotics are non-toxic, often contain absorbents, accelerate the withdrawal of negative substances from the body, contraindications and side effects have not.

Drugs to improve the condition of the kidneys, the liver should be selected more carefully. They are less versatile. Contraindications is. Optimal choice of medicines, based on natural components. They are gentle, rarely come into conflict with other medications. Cure goiter easy in our time as to prevent his appearance.