In E. coli urine during pregnancy

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The emergence of Escherichia coli in the urine of pregnant women – a common phenomenon. There is a disorder of the intestine, diarrhea and vomiting, indicating that colonization of the vaginal and cervical bacteria. Lack of treatment can lead to a strong deterioration of health, development abnormalities in the fetus. Upon detection of the same E. coli required to sound the alarm, to go for treatment to the urologist, gynecologist.

Women are encouraged to undergo a colonoscopy, blood test and urine to detect the sticks in the analyses to obtain a complete picture, identify existing deviations. It is often E. coli found in the urine and about whether and how to fight it, women are important to know. It is best to avoid infection, keeping a healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene. With the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of the abdominal pain, discharge of urine with pus and blood to go immediately to the doctors.

For some reasons, appears in the urine E. coli?

The reasons for the settlement of bacteria in urine during pregnancy can be different. Is compressed kidney, uterus, leading to disruption of their activities and smooth penetration of harmful germs and viruses due to the physiological characteristics of women: shorter urethra, close to rectum and ureter.

Settling of bacteria is possible because of the:

  • conduct promiscuous,
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene,
  • the presence of patients with diabetes, chronic lesions of the urinary system and even tooth decay.

The development of bacteriuria in the urine may as an independent in the natural settlement in the urethra and about in contact with bacteria and viruses through the blood stream of nearby infected foci.

Often, chronic diseases or exacerbation during pregnancy is conducive to contamination of urine by bacteria:

  • cystitis's,
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis,
  • vaginal dysbiosis in contact with chemical irritants into the bladder.

The reproduction of intestinal infection in the urine is possible because of the banal fatigue, stress, decrease in protective forces of an organism.

During pregnancy in the urine E. coli observed on the background of inflammation in the pelvis of the kidney, caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, fungus Candida, when it starts the development of a purulent process in the urethra. Or pyelonephritis, which only favors the crashing hormones, a growing uterus and compression of the surrounding internal organs.

What are the symptoms?

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By infection with bacteria of the urethra starts to hurt in the lower back, there are severe cramps when urinating. This disease is a threat to the fetus, when the diagnosis in pregnant women require urgent treatment antibiotic course.

Bacteria in the resettlement in the urine lead to the development of urethritis, the infection of the walls of the channel of urination as a result of entering into the urethra chlamydia, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus. Perhaps the defeat of the embryo during infection of the amniotic fluid or the shell of the urinary tract, which may also adversely affect the development of the baby.

That is cystitis dangerous, is prone to relapse. While pregnant observed:

  • frequent urination,
  • the nagging soreness in the lower abdomen,
  • the appearance of blood in the urine,
  • rise in temperature,
  • drowsiness,
  • discharge of urine with a rotten odor.

When you see these symptoms, you urgently see a doctor.

In fact, the wand is successfully eliminated. Most importantly, identify it, get tested.

What can be complications?

When identifying bacteria in the urine in a timely manner, the prognosis is quite favorable. The reproduction of the same E. coli in the urine of pregnant women can lead to complications in case of low immunity, kidney, bladder, ectopic bleeding or complications in the postpartum period, the diagnosis of various pathologies in the fetus until death.

It happens that on the background of mother's infection intestinal infection in newborns congenital meningitis, cerebral palsy. Coli can negatively affect the fetus. When the initial infected pregnant women in early pregnancy doctors can offer abortion, if there is abnormal development of the fetus.

Diagnosis is to conduct renal ultrasound, Doppler, examination of urine under a microscope and swab from the urethra. Redirect pregnantwomen to the urologist, nephrologist, physician for consultation for appointment of adequate treatment.

How to treat pregnant?

Not an easy task, to treat E. coli in pregnant women, when antibiotic therapy is not always appropriate and may adversely affect the fetus. The scheme of treatment is prescribed by a doctor gynecologist individually with all the features of pregnancy, presence of other concomitant diseases.

Treated Escherichia coli in urine with antibiotics penicillin: with Cefotaxime, amoxicillin. You cannot resolve the issue sulfonamides and nitrofurans. The fetus may develop jaundice. After treatment women pass urine test for E. coli again. If it occurs again, test the treatment.

Administration of potent antibiotics, women are excluded. May be appointed Kanefron a dose of just 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course of treatment — 2 weeks. Amoxiclav how a powerful antibiotic, but allowed for pregnant women with complicated course of bacterial process – up to 6 tablets per day. But it has contraindications. It is impossible to apply in pathology in the kidney and liver.

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Forage permitted to accept up to 3-5 days based on the individual dosages for the elimination of pathogens in the urine, reduce inflammation. It is a safe drug and is applicable for children, pregnant women. In combination it is necessary to take bifidus, yogurt, kefir, dairy products, vitamins and minerals.

For women it is important to adjust the diet, to drink more water for removing bacteria from the body together with urine, recovery of the intestinal flora.

Folk remedies for the recovery of the intestinal microflora

We recommend taking for the purpose of cleaning the urine from moving bacteria:

  • a decoction of plantain brewing by boiling, infusion and drink 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment — 10 days,
  • sunflower normal to eliminate diarrhea and disinfection of the intestine by infusion with boiling water,
  • of medication celandine, known as anti-inflammatory drugs by infusion in boiling water, and ingestion of 10 ml of 1 times a day.

What are the forecasts?

Success depends on the time of detection of bacteria in urine. At an early stage of infection and timely treatment of the favorable forecasts and nothing threatens the fetus. Diagnosis of bacteriuria in the later stage may lead to exacerbations: the development of purulent urethritis, chronic pyelonephritis, abnormal development of the fetus, to the birth of a baby is weakened when infected by E. coli. Perhaps the sudden interruption of pregnancy, conduct of preterm birth.

Prevention for women

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It is important to learn how to wash: in the direction from the anus to the vagina, often pay attention to the color of your urine regularly to provide a urine sample when setting pregnancy on record. When collecting urine to collect only the middle portion, descending into the toilet of her primary and last part.

You need to give up wearing thongs, lingerie restrained, which could lead to rubbing in the anus and genital organs, and can occur a displacement of healthy microflora with pathogenic. When checking bacteria more than 5% of the total it is possible to say that there was an infection. Sometimes that partner is a carrier of bacteria, but has at the same symptoms. Women should be treated with caution to antibacterial medications that can adversely affect the fetus, to observe personal hygiene. Only timely detection and carrying out correct therapy will lead to the development and birth of a healthy baby.