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Disease of the colon — Symptoms and treatments of colon

Diseases of the colon are very common, but in fact have the same symptoms and signs, the most basic is the change of stool, cramps and bloating, very rarely occurs nausea and vomiting.

The large intestine is the colon, which is divided into two divisions that perform different functions.

One Department selects and sucks the remaining useful and necessary body substances, and other forms and accumulates in the stool, and after accumulating a sufficient number leadeth them out.

Below is a look at disease of the colon, their symptoms and signs, causes and everything related to these diseases.

The main symptoms when the problem with the large intestine

Disease of the large intestine is often entirely asymptomatic. Typically, symptoms appear later, such as cramps, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, but usually the majority of the population do not pay attention to it and take it for simple indigestion.

Bowel disease symptoms:

  • violation of stool (diarrhea, constipation or a frequent change of the chair),
  • the bloating, the constant "bubbling", especially in the evening and at night the stomach as if blown,
  • pain in the colon and itching in the rectum, gassing, the pain stops after a bowel movement.

All of these symptoms can be associated with the presence of parasites in the body.

Gradually the symptoms begin to wear symptomatic, and then turn into permanent. To pain and itching in the anus increase the allocation of mucous with blood and pus droplets. Always want to the toilet "by and large" may be involuntary release of gases.

All these symptoms occur with the advanced form of the disease.

Many diseases cause the nutrients that should be absorbed in the large intestine, do not. This is due to the violation of the microflora and functioning in the intestine. In this case the person loses appetite, he dramatically reduced the weight, he feels a General weakness and overwork quickly. there is a shortage of necessary vitamins and trace elements. If this happens with children, they are in violation of the development.

What disease can develop if you have parasites

The most common infectious disease is the bot, or what is popularly called worms. Among the modern population it's very common.

More than half of cases are children, because their immune systems have not adapted and have not learned to deal with them.

The presence of worms in the body, indicates that you have contracted a parasitic disease. Worms are all over the intestine.

Almost all people had this disease in childhood, since all lick dirty hands, kiss cats and even are just with their peers. Many people think that it is nothing the body will not bring, but this is a mistake.

If time does not start treatment, this can expensive cost. Helminthiasis leads to severe illness especially for children, as their small body may receive less needed minerals, vitamins and nutrients. This leads to disruption of vital organs.

What can happen:

  1. poisoning with substances that produce the parasites,
  2. the disruption and even destruction of normal gut flora,
  3. the decline of the immune system,
  4. strong protoplanet and General weakness,
  5. violation of the functions of vital organs,
  6. a General breakdown of the digestive tract.

The reasons for getting worms in the human body are many. But the basic is eating foods not processed correctly. Dirty vegetables and fruits, expired dairy, smoked products. These products are eggs and parasites themselves.

Each person may not allow the finding of the worms in the large intestine, if it is of course to take care of yourself and your health.

What products is to be feared and it is better not to use:

  1. meat is a favorite location of parasites,
  2. seafood , especially smoked and salted,
  3. dirty vegetables, fruits and herbs, and much more.

How can you tell that you have a bot?

First, just observed the deterioration of the General condition of the patient, like in viral and respiratory diseases. After already experiencing digestive upset, food is poorly digested, there is a sharp weight loss, the immune system weakens, it can lead to additional diseases, which exacerbates the situation.

Treatment selects specialist, for a start, he looks at the tests and identify what parasite you are infected. And assigns special preparations. Self-treatment is better not to do, as this may aggravate the situation.

For prevention, you can consume pumpkin seeds, walnuts and pine nuts. These products contain substances thatable to fight off parasites.

What else are disease of the colon?

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory process of the large intestine, is a violation of the mucosa. This disease is chronic and sometimes acute.

Why it may occur?

All this is due to immunity disorders. Even assuming that the disease may be inherited (like genetic predisposition).

This disease disrupts only the colon, the entire mucosa is damaged, there are sores, cracks, recovery from this disease is a very complex process. A very big danger that can develop cancer.

The main symptoms of disease of the colon is:

  1. sustained release blood mucus or blood during bowel movements,
  2. violation of the chair, and they are alternating (diarrhea and constipation), an exacerbation often occurs diarrhea,
  3. cramps in the lower abdomen (mostly left)
  4. rapid weight loss,
  5. severe weakness and fatigue,

The first sign is the presence of blood in feces. If you notice this, then you need to urgently visit a doctor. Colon examined this instrument as a colonoscope, with it possible to detect certain diseases. If necessary, prescribe other treatments.

The treatment of this disease is a complex process, your task at this time to see a specialist. Not to self-medicate, you can only adjust your diet. Exclude dairy products, or at least reduce their consumption.

Ischemic colitis is an inflammation in the colon associated with a change in blood flow in the vessels. Bad blood enters the tissue of the intestine and spasmodic pains are felt. If the patient is not to go to the hospital, it may develop ulcers from one to many.

The first sign of ischemia, the allocation of blood, after there is a reduction in diameter of the colon. Some people do not pay attention to it, and the hospital has come in poor condition. Gradually, the pain intensified and the bleeding profuse. In the most difficult cases is the death of cells and tissues, this can help in only surgeon.

Treatment depends on the stage of the disease, but even in the initial stages prescribed drugs. Prescribed as antibacterial agents, and to increase blood flow in the tissues. All medicines must appoint a physician, after examination, as it may develop a malignant tumor. Self-treatment to engage in is prohibited.

Tumors in the colon. They are divided into benign (polyps) and malignant (cancer). The first in turn may trigger (to turn) second.

People of adult age should screening colonoscopy at least every two years. And who has parents or close relatives suffered from similar diseases should be seen by a proctologist. This can save you from terrible consequences and allow to identify the disease at an early stage. The disease can be cured only in the early stages, in the later is virtually untreatable, as the metastases are formed in adjacent and distant vital organs, which leads often to death.

The first sign is sudden weight loss, accompanied by severe pain in the region of the abdomen on the left. After diarrhoea, General weakness and other symptoms.

The main task of the people — it is time to go to the hospital to remove the tumor surgically and to avoid the appearance of metastasis.

Another disease is pseudomembranous colitis. Inflammation arose in consequence of the ingestion of some drugs (antibacterial, laxative, or after surgery). It is a violation of the normal flora in the intestines. Decreases of beneficial bacteria, and pathogenic on the contrary a positive breed. And the allocation of waste, they violate the microflora.

The main symptoms are diarrhea or constipation, drowsiness, possible febrile state of the patient, the allocation of mucous blood during and after defecation. In severe cases, can fall blood pressure, a heartbeat increase.

The treatment begins with discontinuation of the medicine that you took. If a person is in a critical condition needs hospitalization.

To attempt to fight the disease should not.

Spastic colitis or irritable bowel syndrome. All tissues and cells of the intestine are the devil abnormalities, impaired motor function only.

What could be this disease?

  1. strong constant stress,
  2. infectious diseases (advanced),
  3. the wrong food (snacks, refusal of liquids, the constant grueling diet and the like).

The same process takes place when pseudomembranous colitis, good bacteria are reduced and this leads to inflammation of the intestine.

There is no splash of enzymes. Very strong cramping, bloating, flatulence, irregular and not systematic chair. To determine the disease is not simple since all the symptoms are similar to other diseases. But if you go to the doctor he will prescribe necessary diagnostic tests and prescribe treatment.

Drugs for getting rid of the disease very much, so as to recover the motor function of the intestine, needed the complex drugs and proper nutrition.People even suggest to visit the resort-sanitary treatment (physiotherapy, massages and others).

Crohn's disease is an inflammation refers to chronic. Is the violation of all digestive organs (intestines, stomach and even the esophagus). There is a reduction of some parts of the colon, affects blood and lymph vessels in the intestine.

The symptoms are very similar to other diseases: diarrhea, nausea, bloating, bubbling, cramps and pain in the abdomen. Leaks in complex disease may experience intestinal obstruction. The patient is much thinner, the nails and the hair becomes lifeless. Perhaps the development of a purulent discharge from the anus. If the affected small intestine, symptoms similar to a stomach ulcer. May occur the malfunction of vital organ (the liver).

To treat the disease is very difficult, the sooner you contact the hospital, the faster you will get rid of the disease. The doctor prescribes the drugs and prescribes a diet (some foods are forbidden to drink at all). Treatment to the recovery must be under the supervision of a specialist (gastroenterologist). Self-medication is prohibited.

Diverticular disease is the formation of pouches in the colon, both single and multiple. With this problem faced by all people from young age to old. Arises constipation and pressure on the colon. Also at risk are those people who have thin intestinal wall.

The usual symptoms are: abdominal pain, constipation. When these symptoms should visit a doctor and be examined. The problems begin later, after a complications and inflammation. Later starts diarrhea, increased body temperature, excretion of bloody mucus.

When a problem is detected the patient is placed in the hospital and prescribed treatment. The main task of the doctor to prevent internal bleeding. Patients undergoing x-ray examination, colonoscopy and delivers other necessary tests.

If a person has found this problem, he should eat right, the diet must be fresh vegetables, fruits and greens and other foods high in fiber. In acute forms prescribed antibiotics and medications, enriched with beneficial bacteria to restore the normal intestinal microflora. Running form surgery surgeons, but the task of the patient to prevent this.

It's not all bowel disease, there are many other problems.

All colon disease have the same symptoms and signs. Our task on time to go to the hospital for help. Doctors will prescribe examination and a diagnosis at an early stage, if you tighten, it can cost you dearly.

The appearance of the following symptoms contact your doctor:

  1. bloody mucus in the stool,
  2. sharp, pressing pain in the abdomen and below,
  3. change in stool (constipation, diarrhea),
  4. the absence of the chair for a few days.

All these symptoms are not talking about the fact that you have some kind of disease. But better to be examined than to treat the started disease.

If you suspect that you or your child curled worms, it is necessary to go to the hospital. Many people do not pay attention to it and think that will cure itself. But worms can settle not only in the large intestine, but also in vital organs (eggs and larvae move with the flow of blood). They can be in the liver, the brain is the most important organs.

For prevention should:

  1. to observe all rules of personal hygiene,
  2. do not use other people's things, and especially not to eat or drink with the same utensils,
  3. if you have Pets, you need to take preventive medications,
  4. and watch out for the ones that you eat (raw and smoked food is not at all),
  5. if you cook the meat or fish is a good treat (boil at 100 degrees).

If you execute correctly all the preventive measures and continually undergo a medical examination, it is possible to detect a particular disease and to cure or stop its progression.

Love yourself and take care about your health and the health of their loved ones. Do not forget to regularly visit the hospital, because your health is in your hands.