The best medicine for cystitis in women

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The most common diseases of the urinary system include cystitis. It should be noted that from this disease more often affects women. The problem has been known for many years that determined the emergence of a large number of methods of cure: cure cystitis produced in many countries, some drugs are very popular, others are prescribed in rare cases. Consider the disease while treating the wrong drugs, the absence of medicines can become chronic, causing a lot of problems. Folk remedy cystitis helps in the rare cases when self-treatment substantially increases the risk of transfer of disease from ordinary chronic. To treat cystitis when chronic form symptoms is difficult enough, therapy is often delayed for one week or even a month. Self-diagnose, especially if previously the disease was manifesting itself, is the intense burning sensation, discomfort, severe pain when urinating. However, effective treatment of cystitis may only conduct a physician, as the drugs are prescribed depending on the form of the disease, the brightness of the symptoms and General condition of the body and other things. In this case, note cure cystitis for women that can be prescribed by a doctor. These drugs can only be assigned to a specialist, self-administration is not recommended.

Highlights the treatment of cystitis

Why does medication cystitis can appoint only the doctor? Many reasons:

  1. As a rule, the inflammatory process involves several organs of the urogenital system. Examples would include the development of these diseases in which there is inflammation of the kidneys, genitals and intestines.
  2. In many cases assigned to the complex treatment. To determine whether the inflammatory process has spread in the body, conduct numerous tests: blood tests, ultrasound and so on.
  3. You should consider that the rapid treatment of cystitis in women can be prevented from changes in the cells of the urinary system – such changes are a complication of the inflammatory process, which leads to the formation of cysts and malignant tumors.
  4. Only in the case when the assigned effective cure cystitis can exclude the likelihood of complications and the appearance of relapses.
  5. As previously noted, even the most effective remedy for cystitis without a comprehensive approach to treatment does not achieve the desired result. Only at observance of a certain diet, personal hygiene and precautions can count on a positive result of the therapy.
  6. Many doctors indicate that cystitis is a symptom of a weak immune system. Therefore, prescribed medications for the treatment of cystitis should also support the immune system, which protects the urinary tract and the entire body from pathological changes.
  7. The treatment of cystitis involves the choice of antibiotics, taking into account the sensitivity of flora to each drug. It is important to understand that the best medicine that will not disrupt the natural environment, and will impact only on the passage of the inflammatory process.
  8. Usually, the best cure is determined by conducting urine test. In the course of treatment is also determined by the characteristics of the bacterial environment in order to assess the effectiveness of therapy. A good treatment against cystitis can be called that, which for several days will have an impact on the inflammatory process and, for example, inflammation of the bladder begins to subside.

    Luchshee lekarstvo ot cistita u zhenshin

Every woman needs to understand that self-treatment of cystitis pills home can lead to very serious problems. Cystitis in rare cases occurs with the inflammation of only one of the urinary system, there is a greater likelihood of developing sexually transmitted infections.

Usually, the best remedy is prevention. In order to eliminate the possibility of the disease should pay attention to the route of infection. The main causative agent of the inflammatory process becomes E. coli. Therefore, the lack of personal hygiene there is a high probability of development of inflammatory process. Wearing synthetic underwear or sting, which can lead to rubbing and compression of the genital organs, is also the cause of the problem. Also when considering how the development of cystitis, you can pay attention to the possible reaction on the pathogenic flora of the partner. Mix infections also leads to the fact thatjust one day inflammation develops.

Group of antibiotics

It should be noted that just 30 years ago, considering the disease was not acute, treatment with drugs was carried out only in advanced cases, and the treatment consisted in the use of herbs, diet and personal hygiene. In the modern world the problem has become quite serious, as is often the cystitis becomes chronic with an acute manifestation of symptoms, as well as the development of various complications. Therefore, for the treatment of cystitis in women should use antibiotics.

Drugs of this group, particularly broad spectrum of influence, have a lot of different side effects. Therefore, to choose what drugs must be treated solely by the physician after receiving the results of urine tests. Note that some pathogens may be resistant to certain antibiotics, and their use will only bring harm. New drugs have fewer contraindications, but their cost is much higher. In severe cases may be prescribed a course of instillation by collargol. After the course of treatment the attending physician should appoint repeated tests for definitive diagnosis.

The following antibiotics can be prescribed by a doctor in case of symptoms of cystitis:

  1. MONORAL is quite a popular drug in our time, which can be assigned after carrying out bacterial research. The composition includes a compound that is a derivative component of the phosphonic acid. Produce medicines in the form of powder, capsules, suspensions. Note, however, that this drug is not prescribed for the disease which passed into the chronic form of manifestation.
  2. Nolicin and several analogues, for example, Norbaktin, presented with broad-spectrum antibiotics exposure. Modern methods of production has determined that when considering which medication is most effective when the inflammation, many point including Nolicin. Doctors often prescribe it in the case when other antibiotics have not shown the desired effect. This tool is available tablets, the cost is relatively low.
  3. Nitroksolin – a drug, which can be called an analogue 5NOK. This remedy belongs to the group of hydroxyquinoline. Feature of drug can be called that he you can take it in a variety of infections of the urinary tract: urethritis, cystitis, or epididymitis. The General indication for the use determines the impact of active substances on the infection.

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As previously noted, when considering the fact that it is better to apply in the inflammatory process of the urogenital system, be sure to consult a doctor. Self-medication can lead to side effects and complications because of the inefficiency of the drug or its peculiar effect on the body.

The group herbal remedies

A separate group of drugs which may be prescribed in case of inflammatory process is produced from vegetable components. The name of this group indicates that the main composition is represented by natural components. The features of this group of drugs include that it is assigned in the absence of high temperature and strong pain, that is, when dimly marked manifestation of symptoms. In most cases, taking antibiotics should also drink drugs of this group, as they can significantly increase the effectiveness of therapy. However, note that you can assign complex treatment needs a doctor, because some drugs are incompatible.

The most common drugs with a natural origin of the composition, the best in the group, include:

  1. Zistan is quite a popular preparation, which includes dozens of different extracts of medicinal plants. Many of them have a diuretic effect, antibacterial effect and anti-inflammatory properties. It should be noted that should drink only as a Supplement to the basic treatment. With prolonged use it reduces the manifestation of inflammation, enhances the effects of antibiotics. In some cases, the doctor recommends to drink this drug as additional therapy to the main treatment, as it helps dissolve kidney stones and remove them.
  2. Leaves cranberries – protivospalitionoe, herbal diuretic a substance that effectively fights various germs, especially the Staphylococcus aureus. More effective effects considering the drug has when it is combined with different antibiotics. Are assigned to leaves, cranberries in various diseases, including cystitis. When considering what tool you are able to considerably increase the immunity with the passage of the inflammatory process, should pay attention to the extracts from the leaves of bilberry. Note that it is not necessary to buy so-called filter bags, since they have a low efficiency compared to dry raw materials. Another advantage of considering funds are pretty low cost.
  3. Cranberry juice ormonorail – a folk remedy that has been used for many years. Cranberry is a good anti-inflammatory action, can fight bacteria, has a diuretic effect. Many traditional healers called cranberries are a natural antibiotic, as its effects on the body somewhat similar to many drugs of this group. You should note that preventive measures include eating per day to about 300 milligrams of cranberry juice. If you follow these recommendations you can significantly reduce the likelihood of relapse, and the recovery time is significantly reduced. Similar properties primarily related to the fact that the composition of the cranberry tannins include. This trace mineral prevents the attachment of bacteria to the walls of organs of the urogenital system. Note, however, that one day of receiving krivoborodov solve the problem with the inflammation of the urogenital system will not work. A highly concentrated cranberry extract has a positive effect only with prolonged employment, as well as complex treatment with several drugs. A fairly common error you can call the reception Morale is Manures are two different drug 1 presents the antibiotic, the second with cranberry extract.
  4. Kanefron – another pills cystitis, which belong to the group of drugs. The structure includes quite a few different plant extracts, for example, the root of lovage or the tops of the centaury. Produced the drug in solution or pills. Note that it is often prescribed for a significant reduction in manifestations of the symptoms of the disease under consideration: discomfort, pain, stinging when urinating. Certain effects on the body also defines a reduction in the risk of exacerbation of chronic cystitis. Natural origin and characteristics of the team that kanefron suitable for combining with many antimicrobial therapies. The cost is quite large, but this means in many cases almost indispensable.

The above list consists of drugs that can be prescribed by a physician or used as a traditional medicine. Features of determine that they have insignificant adverse effects on the body, but for some diseases contraindicated.


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A separate group of drugs can be called probiotics. They are assigned to prevent recurrence of the disease. In the appointment of drugs from this group should take into account your General state of health of the woman, characteristics of the microflora of the intestine and vagina. This may be assigned additional research. After completing the entire course of treatment a woman must undergo an examination by a gastroenterologist and a gynecologist.

Adaptation of the pathogen

The importance of periodic examination due to the fact that the causative agent of the inflammatory process can develop its own immunity to certain antibiotics. In a group of drugs whose effectiveness can be substantially reduced because the response of the infection include:

  1. And furagin Furadonin – the last time such drugs are used only as a preventive means.
  2. Ampicillin is a medicine which is used in recent years in the fight against infections and inflammation. However, in case of contact with Escherichia coli in the body, with a 30% chance of Ampicillin will not have the desired impact.
  3. Biseptol can not be called an effective tool in the fight against E. coli, as in 30-80% of cases this drug does not provide the desired effect.
  4. The group cephalosporins first-generation also does not provide the desired effects on the body.

Almost all the above drugs have a negative impact on the body, there are likelihood of various side effects. That's why they recently began to appoint less often, because there are more effective modern means against inflammation and infections in the body.