What is cystitis and how does it manifest itself

What is cystitis inflammation of the urinary tract in General?

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Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) occurs in about 50% of women. How it arises, what are the symptoms of cystitis?

The most common mechanism of transmission is penetration through the urethra into the bladder. Since the female urethra is shorter and closer to anus than in men, intestinal bacteria can easily infect the bladder.

Disease cystitis can affect a woman of any age, almost from the first year of life to a ripe old age. Its maximum appearance, in particular, is associated with hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

Urinary tract infections are common disease. Because of this, you need to know about the disease as possible more. Let's look at what a chronic cystitis the symptoms and treatment of the disease.

Pathogens – bacteria, fungi and even viruses

The most common (90% cases), the pathogen that causes the disease is the bacterium Escherichia coli. Less often, the disease cause enterococci. Other agents, such as fungi or viruses cause inflammation in a very small percentage of cases. The emergence of infection in women is often associated with puberty, in men older than 60 years – as a result of enlargement of the prostate and, thus, violations of the emptying of the bladder. Women, as a rule, we are talking about inflammation of the bladder, in men, the infection is associated with inflammation of the epididymis.

Causes of inflammation of the urinary tract

In the occurrence of cystitis involves a few various reasons. Diseases of this group are associated with a number of different circumstances. Among the main ones it should be noted inadequate fluid intake. This condition occurs not only during reinforced training in the gym. Often to the treatment of infections of the bladder resorted to young girls who spend a beautiful summer day on the beach in a wet swimsuit and, thus, consume very little liquid, because the drinks at kiosks are expensive…

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Often the symptoms of cystitis can appear after more liberated sexual fun. So it is sometimes called the "honeymoon disease". Irritation can also cause a condom or lubricant. And, as mentioned above, the spread of the infection due to which there are signs of the disease, may contribute to the woman herself, wiping herself after urinating from the anus. It is obvious that the signs of cystitis by the same mechanism may occur even in a little girl who has not yet acquired good habits of hygiene (especially the rule of wiping "front to back").

For cystitis symptoms treatment and course of the disease can also have a negative impact Smoking or environmental pollution, these factors cause decrease in immunity of the mucous membranes. Another risk factor that causes the symptoms of cystitis, according to some experts, may also be inadequate emptying of the bladder.

Risk factors for development of urinary tract infections

The most common way in which bacteria get into the urinary system is the path from the rectum through the perineum into the urethra, and it happens despite the strict adherence to the rules of hygiene.

Women are more prone to diseases infections of the urinary tract because the rectum and urethra are very close to each other, and bacteria is sufficient to overcome the very small distance in order to get into the urinary tract.

Men who suffer from urinary tract infections, there are less. This happens not only because they have the anus and urethra are located further from each other than women, but because they have a longer urethra than women, therefore bacteria do not have time to reach the bladder where they can multiply and cause an infection.

In addition to improper hygiene, urinary tract infection causes also such as urinary retention, inadequate fluid intake, weakness of muscles, after childbirth, during pregnancy or menopause.

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The risk of urinary tract infection also increases risky sexual behavior. Unprotected intercourse, the interchange of sexual partners, lack of hygiene during sex (especially anal) can lead to inflammation of the urinary tract.

The risk of cystitis is also higher in people with diabetes. The reason is simple – their urine contains more sugar than healthy people, and the sweet environment is useful for bacteria, giving them more chances for survival and reproduction.

Another risk is a congenital defect of the urinary tract. People who suffer from the disease, which manifests itself reverse the flow in the urinary tract often suffer from urinary tract infections, including cystitis. To avoid this problem, in many cases, it is necessary to perform an operation at a specialized urological ward.

Urinary tract infections are also more common in people who have been introduced the so-called permanent urinary catheter. In its introduction, at least for one week, a person almost always develops a urinary tract infection, including cystitis, because the bacteria in this period have sufficient time to pass through the catheter into the urethra and begin to multiply there.

Signs and symptoms of cystitis

The first symptoms of the urinary tract presents with pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, having frequent urination, but with the formation of only small amounts of urine. In addition, during urination may be unpleasant sensations of tingling and burning sensation, pain (in particular, at the end of urination).

Urine may be slightly reddish color, which is associated with blood in it, which gets there because of the irritated mucous membrane of the urinary tract. In addition, the disease may manifest itself slightly elevated temperature.

What are the symptoms occur at a later stage of a urinary tract infection? They are represented by the following manifestations:

  1. A high body temperature.
  2. Chill.
  3. Red color urine with a greater proportion of blood.
  4. Discharge from the vagina.
  5. Back pain in the lumbar region.

Usually this means that the infection from the bladder spread any further and, most likely, has affected the kidneys. It is a condition that requires immediate medical attention because the disease poses a serious threat to the kidneys and, thereby, overall health.

Treatment of urinary tract infections

If you feel pain when urinating or the urine has acquired a reddish color, not hesitate, immediately consult a doctor. After sampling, the doctor can make an analysis according to which will determine whether the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, how many, how they are, and then prescribe antibiotics.

The treatment takes about 5 days. It is very important to go through the whole therapeutic course to prevent a relapse of the infection. In the case of the presence of pain in the back and the lumbar spine, the physician should investigate the renal function. This is done through blood sampling and analysis, as well as ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder and urethra. In accordance with the results of the ultrasound the doctor will be able to assess the shape and size of the organs of the urinary tract.

During the time when a person takes antibiotics, it is important to respect quiet mode, to avoid physical activity and sunlight. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, especially pure non-carbonated water or urological tea (should be prepared immediately before consumption, the tea needs to be always fresh!).

As adjuvant therapy good shows the effect of the use of cranberry tablets, which contain highly concentrated active ingredients contained in cranberry. Drugs available in any pharmacy. Alternatively you can buy dried cranberries which is also very beneficial for the urinary tract. It is also advisable to eat fresh berries as prophylaxis against recurrence of urinary tract infection.


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In addition to adequate fluid intake is required and the regular emptying of the bladder – can't hold urine for too long, otherwise, you give a chance to the bacteria to multiply in the bladder.

In the treatment of urinary tract infections it is important to ensure regular use of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. In addition, you need to keep a regular drinking regime, which is especially important in the summer. In addition, a role played by calm and warm. Particular care should be paid to the abdomen and back area of the kidneys warm.

In any case, it is not recommended to prescribe yourself antibiotics. It can make the doctor on the basis of the analysis of urine. Important factors such as the type, dose and duration of administration of antibiotic, a layman could not identify. Without visiting a doctor's health can only deteriorate.

Prevention of urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections can be prevented by adherence to basic hygiene. It is important after using the toilet always wipe back, women during menstruationit is recommended to regularly change tampons and sanitary pads often to change towels before and after intercourse, it is advisable to go to the toilet (urine of a healthy person is sterile).

In addition to adequate fluid intake is required and the regular emptying of the bladder – can't hold urine for too long, otherwise, you give a chance to the bacteria to multiply in the bladder.

As an additional precaution against diseases of the urinary tract good also the active substance contained in the aforementioned cranberries, so from time to time is recommended to drink cranberry juice, tea made from dried cranberries or consume products containing cranberries.

It is very important to follow the cold. Do not sit on cold surfaces. It is dangerous to walk with bare back or belly. It weakens the body and gives bacteria more chances to multiply.

Complications of urinary tract infections

If the inflammation of the urinary tract, including cystitis, to underestimate, to self-medicate, visit doctor in time, its development can cause serious complications. Without proper treatment with antibiotics can stop the spread of bacteria, they proliferate and begin to spread from the bladder to the kidney, where it cause inflammation of the renal pelvis.

Inflammation of the kidneys is very dangerous for children, the elderly and pregnant women, because in this case there is a high risk of renal dysfunction. Inflammation of the urinary tract can lead to irreversible weakening and impaired renal function.

People suffering from diabetes, also belong to the vulnerable group, because their kidneys are already suffering from the diabetes and if it affects the infection that's reached from the urinary tract (which is very likely in patients with diabetes due to elevated sugar in the urine, which enhances the growth of bacteria in the bladder) their kidneys are under threat 2 different diseases that have a negative impact on their function. The kidneys are vital organs and if they do not work properly, life is in grave danger. Therefore, when pain in the lumbar spine and an elevated temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor.