What appears cystitis

Almost every woman during the period of his life faced with the problem of inflammatory diseases of the bladder wall. Men are much less likely to face the manifestations of cystitis, as the basis lies in the difference of structure of the genitourinary system of both sexes. Causes of cystitis can vary, and significantly. The article will detail what happens from cystitis how to protect yourself from disease and why this problem cannot be fought alone, ignoring the expert community.

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Provocateurs of the disease

Very often women, when visiting specialists are asking the question what they have cystitis from time to time, with all that they are the right way of life and to observe the rules of hygiene. Statistics science, which reports actual data: starting from adolescence (12 years) girls suffer from cystitis 7 times more than boys. Aged 17 to 43 years is almost impossible to find a girl or woman who would be faced with inflammation of the bladder. If the disease recurs often, and it is not to pay serious attention in terms of treatment, the scenario of transition in the chronic form of cystitis is increased 5 times. This fact is dangerous because with each new exacerbation of the disease may be a new difficulty in the treatment.

Cystitis may occur as a consequence of the following "provocateurs»:

  1. The impact of the fungus.
  2. Bacteria.
  3. Virus.

They can cause manifestations of cystitis already in early adolescence, and eventually, when sexual maturity, when a girl raises the need for intimate life, added another factor: sexual transmission of the infection. With age, the list of factors that can trigger the onset of the disease significantly increases:

  1. Kidney disease.
  2. Love for cooking spicy dishes.
  3. The presence of bladder stones.
  4. The first days of the menstrual cycle.
  5. Constipations.
  6. Overload the bladder long stagnation of urine.
  7. The presence of frequent infectious and catarrhal diseases.
  8. Initiation of sexual activity or the resumption after a long period of their absence.
  9. The neglect of protective equipment in the conduct of intimate relations. Randomness and large number of partners.

In this list you can add effects on the female body external and internal factors: age-related changes caused by the menopause, metabolic disorders, toxins and allergies as a consequence of radiation therapy.

Causes of inflammation of the bladder in women

If the main factors that can trigger the occurrence of cystitis is listed, it does not mean that the problem lies in them. To receive a cystitis maybe under different circumstances, and women, and especially girls, would do well to get acquainted with additional reasons provoking inflammation of the bladder and urinary system.

  1. The main culprit for almost any inflammatory process is hypothermia. A frequent cause of colds is the worship of the fashionable things that not only warm in sub-zero temperatures, but on the contrary, open some areas of the body completely. Short blouses, skirts that can be called purely conventional item of clothing, low rise pants, the neglect in relation to shoes – all in the final result promotes freezing and manifestations in inflammatory processes.
  2. The female body has features of an anatomic structure, which facilitates the penetration of bacteria into the urethra, with subsequent contamination of the entire system, including the bladder. Modern hygiene facilities allow not only to control situations in which there is a probability of penetration of the virus in the body, but also to prevent this phenomenon.

Another reason that can cause the appearance of cystitis is the infection of the other organs of the body, specifically the pelvis. The main route by which the infection spreads and affects the bladder, is the urethra. Getting into the vagina, infection by development can be transformed, the result is a threatening factor contributing to inflammatory processes of the genital organs, which are the end result of the perpetrators of the incidents of communicable diseases.

Now, when this question is unclear, can be classified for the convenience of the situation of infectious diseases, which are responsible for cystitis:

  1. The inflammatory processes of the cervix.
  2. Violation of the microflora and structure of the vagina.
  3. Inflamed urethra.
  4. Adverse effectcandidiasis's.
  5. Entering harmful microorganisms with subsequent inflammation of the reproductive system.

The appearance of blood in urine during urination can be caused by a violation of the anatomical or mechanical influence on the size of the urethra to decrease. This same problem can occur as a consequence of incomplete emptying of the bladder or obstruction in time desire to urinate.

Medical checks are often over for many women, the entry of the virus through secondary use of tools designed to inspect the condition of the genital organs. A similar threat exists at the time of sex without contraception protects against pregnancy and protects from the ingress of infectious diseases during the act.

What you need to know girls and women

Often professionals are asked in relation to causes of cystitis are almost same questions. Cystitis is a disease that can manifest for a variety of reasons and this is its peculiarity. It is desirable that each girl knew that the cause of inflammation of the bladder may be her first sexual intercourse. The reason is simple: losing your virginity under the influence of disorders of the mucous membrane in bacteria and viruses you receive the opportunity by the shortest route to provoke an inflammatory process that eventually will cause disease.

Lowering efficiency of the immune system is the cause of many diseases, is not an exception and cystitis, which can also take the form of acute attacks with the defeat of the body by various infections. In women it often occurs with a change in climatic conditions, when the whole organism in the process of adaptation is weakened and the emergence of a virtually unchecked virus finds favorable for its development environment.

In women past forty years old, may experience a failure of some body systems that contribute to reduction of estrogen. This failure is often the cause of cystitis in varying in degree form, and it already threatens to disrupt the whole of the genitourinary system and the lack of ability to control the process of urination alone. At this age it is impossible to neglect the rules of hygiene, using for this purpose attempted by means which do not have an allergic abilities and do not threaten health during the treatment of intimate areas such as irritation or scratching that can serve as a further cause of the appearance of diseases of the urinary system in General, and cystitis separately.

Another factor that can cause chronic disease cystitis is a sedentary activity. Sedentary work that requires constant tension of the pelvis, poor circulation, all this together can become a provocateur of developing a chronic form of the disease.

Why sex can cause cystitis

Sex, or rather its presence can directly cause many diseases that hit this list and cystitis. After intercourse, the first signs of the disease may occur after a few days, this phenomenon doctors and the people called the "honeymoon syndrome" and often met in the days when girls married at the time of marriage and remained virgins. First sex was a cause of a violation of microflora of the genital organs, and the first signs of cystitis is pain and pain when urinating.

The reasons why the continuation of all life is the manifestation of cystitis provokes the sex may be different, doctors have identified a list of key:

  1. Use to meet intimate toys and preventing pregnancy contraceptives, which have harmful effect on the integrity of the vagina and other genital organs.
  2. Mixing microflora both partners during orgasm, the presence in them of bacteria.
  3. The lack of adequate lubrication during sexual intercourse.
  4. The disruption caused by displacements of the genitourinary system, which is in the process of sexual intercourse may cause mechanical destruction by irritation of the mucous membrane.

Symptom of disease

As we now understand the reasons of occurrence of inflammatory processes of the bladder a lot, and the actual manifestation of the disease is very unpleasant physical sensations. The presence of cystitis can be determined using the following signs:

  1. The process of urination is accompanied by pain and pain.
  2. Numerous trips to the bathroom.
  3. Discomfort and painful sensations of nature in the abdomen.
  4. After urination, the presence of feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  5. Changes in the color of urine, the appearance of turbidity and the presence of mucus.

Inflammatory processes of the urinary system and bladder can be observed the presence of elevated temperature. At the first sign of symptoms should not delay the time to make an appointment with a specialist, thereby reducing the time, but the localization of the inflammation and cure cystitis. Self-treatment at home with the use of broad-spectrum drugs may lead to development of chronic forms of the disease.

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