How to treat cystitis in house conditions

Kak mozhno lechit cistit v domashnih usloviyah

Inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract infections (cystitis) is a common disease that most affects women. The cause of this disease is the anatomic proximity of the urinary tract and rectum, shorter urethra in women and the overall susceptibility. In 80% of cases the disease is caused by Escherichia coli, which normally lives in the gastrointestinal tract of humans. It is useful for people and is a necessary bacteria, which ensures that in the intestine did not breed dangerous bacteria. If, in case of contact with the urinary system, the bacterium causes problems.

Bacteria reaches the bladder against urine flow through the urethra. If a person does not drink enough fluid, and the bladder is not sufficiently cleaned, the bacteria in it to sit and breed. Other causes of inflammation include sexual intercourse, urinary retention, pregnancy, menopause, diabetes and colds.

Probably every woman faced with this problem, such as cystitis and the treatment of this disease. Despite the fact that the disease is not dangerous to life, the discomfort of cystitis are able for a few days to "unsettle". Therefore, let's look at the issues on how to cure cystitis at home, how can you ease the symptoms and prevent the disease.

Typical symptoms of a urinary tract infection

Signs of cystitis include:

  • frequent urination pain in the bladder,
  • a small amount of urine during urination,
  • burning sensation during urination,
  • change the color of urine,
  • pain in the pelvic region,
  • fever,
  • nausea and vomiting.

When experiencing these symptoms of inflammation in cystitis need immediate treatment for cystitis to inflammation has not spread to the kidneys, therefore, are advised to consult a doctor. If severe symptoms are absent, but felt only discomfort, or you are already using the treatment of cystitis is recommended by official medicine (treated with pills and antibiotics), it is recommended to Supplement the therapy and try to treat cystitis at home. During therapy with antibiotics cystitis is definitely recommended to take Lactobacillus, as the restoration of the intestinal microflora is important for many processes in the body, including the immune response. The following tips how to treat cystitis, can also be used as prophylaxis.

Cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a rich source of enzymes, potassium and other nutrients, which can prevent the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract.

Kak mozhno lechit cistit v domashnih usloviyah

If you suffer from inflammation, Apple cider vinegar is a good treatment for cystitis, natural antibiotic against infections.

How to be treated? Pour 2 tbsp of Apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. You can also add fresh lemon juice and/or honey. Mix well and drink. This drink should drink 2 times a day for several days. If the condition does not improve after 3 days, consult a doctor.

Indian gooseberry is usually available on the Internet

Indian gooseberry contains substances that restrict the growth of bacteria, therefore, is also an effective treatment for cystitis.

How to treat cystitis with the help of Indian gooseberry? In a glass of warm water add a teaspoon of powder of Indian gooseberry, one teaspoon of turmeric powder and a pinch of pepper. Simmer until water till half evaporates. Drink 3 times a day for 3-5 days. It is also recommended to consume more fruits and vegetables, such as lemons, oranges, kiwi, berries, papaya, tomatoes and peppers. They contain a high proportion of vitamin C, which fights inflammation and infections, effectively strengthens the immune system.

Cranberry juice

Substances contained in cranberries, particularly proanthocyanidins,prevent bacteria, seated on the walls of the bladder. Cranberry juice has a slight antibiotic effect. In addition, treatment of cystitis with cranberry juice is tasty and enjoyable.

How to treat the disease with the help of cranberry juice? Drink half a Cup (100 g) of cranberry juice a day to prevent infection, it can be diluted with water in 1:1 ratio. If you are already suffering from infection, it is recommended to drink 3-4 glasses of juice a day. This will prevent the spread of infection. Always choose unsweetened juice because sugar, on the contrary, promotes the growth of inflammation.

Warning! Do not drink cranberry juice if you have problems with kidney stones.

Baking soda

Kak mozhno lechit cistit v domashnih usloviyah

Inflammation in the body due to the more acidic environment of the body. Baking soda helps normalize acid-base balance of acidic urine, which will reduce the soreness and speed up recovery time.

Treat cystitis baking soda in the following way: add one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink 1-2 times daily until symptoms.

Compresses of essential oils

When deciding, what to treat cystitis, you can seek the assistance of essential oils. Tea tree oil, juniper oil and sandalwood oil have antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that help to fight bacterial infections, including infections of the bladder.

How to conduct therapy? Mix 10 drops of tea tree oil with equal amounts of juniper oil and sandalwood oil and RUB this mixture pelvic area near the bladder daily for 3-4 days. These wraps can counteract the pain of the bladder.


Bilberry contains substances that restrict the growth of bacteria, including those that cause urinary tract infections. The antioxidants in blueberries, strengthen the immune system.

Eat a Cup of fresh blueberries every morning for Breakfast. You can add it to smoothies or porridge.

Regular inclusion of blueberries in the diet is a great way to treat urinary tract infections and their effective prevention.


Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which has, in particular, a strong anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of 100-150 g of pineapple can prevent bladder infections.

Do not use canned pineapple or pineapple juice is pasteurized, as after industrial processing does not contain the necessary enzyme.


Bearberry is an herb that contains anti-inflammatory substances, including substances with antiseptic properties. It promotes urination and kills harmful bacteria. This herb can be bought in pharmacies or stores with natural food supplements.

Warning! People with kidney disease and/or liver, pregnant women, lactating mothers and children receiving bearberry is not recommended.

Warm compress

Ordinary bottles filled with hot water, will help relieve discomfort in the bladder and provide relief from pain caused by infections.

Pour in a bottle of hot water and place it on the pelvis within a few minutes.

Water and juices

Problems with the urinary tract can facilitate the consumption of large quantities of pure non-carbonated water, about 4 litres. It helps to wash away bacteria from the body, thereby reducing infection.

In addition to water, may also help to drink fresh vegetable juice, urological tea, fruity cocktails.

Herbs and aromatherapy

When inflammation of the urinary tract is good to use herbs that have antiseptic and antispasmodic action due to their ability to suppress inflammation and relieve pain. These include, for example: carnation, horsetail, fireweed, juniper, nasturtium. Essential oils that contain herbs that stimulate the kidneys and thus increase urine volume and minerals, reducing the number of bacteria in the urine. You can also use chamomile, mint, parsley, Basil and goldenrod.

A tea of garlic

Great for inflammation tea of garlic. Mix 1-2 cloves of garlic in a glass of warm water and consume several times a day. This will give your body an antibiotic in its natural form.

Sitz bath

Kak mozhno lechit cistit v domashnih usloviyah

Hot hip bath and hot foot baths are part of a centuries-old treatment. In a bath add 10 drops of essential oil of tea tree and sit in it for 10 minutes. You can also make a bath by adding 2 handfuls of sea salt. Initial water temperature should be about 35 degrees, gradually increasing and reaching 45 degrees.

Warning! This procedure is not suitable for people with heart problems.

Another tip

Whenever inflammation and infection of the most important part of the therapy is stimulation of the immune system. Keep warm feet, make sure you have enough rest and sleep, ventilate the room often changebed linen. Do not hold your urination because the longer urine is in the bladder, the more bacteria multiply. Do not wear tight-fitting underwear. Strictly observe hygiene after visiting the toilet, wiped up from front to back.

It is recommended to increase consumption:

  • vitamin C (citrus and kiwi), all vitamins and minerals (nuts, legumes, and leafy vegetables, zinc, magnesium, vitamin E, D and b group),
  • the garlic is a natural antibiotic,
  • sauerkraut, yogurt and fermented milk products that contribute to digestion,
  • fruits and vegetables,
  • meat wild fish,
  • plants with a high content of vitamins, such as buckthorn and Leica, Echinacea, ginseng.

For the perfect cleansing of the kidneys should limit the intake of:

  • salty and spicy foods, soy sauce and other seasonings,
  • protein, especially red meat, because it contains a lot of uric acid,
  • fried food,
  • white flour, sugar,
  • coffee, black tea, cocoa, chocolate,
  • foods with a high content of oxalic acid such as spinach and rhubarb.

It is recommended to include in the diet:

  • high-quality whole-wheat bread and rice due to high content of dietary fiber,
  • cooked vegetables and fresh vegetable juices,
  • celery and parsley, young dandelion leaves,
  • very important is also adequate drinking regime (2.5-3 litres/day).

The kidneys perform really great job in the body, so they deserve care. Give them your attention. They will thank you with their health!