Cystitis urine with blood in women treatment

Cistit mocha s krovu u zhenshin lechenie

Many infectious diseases cause an inflammatory processes in the body. Acute cystitis with blood or hemorrhagic cystitis – a disease that develops in the body after being hit by infection, characterized by inflammation and bleeding of the mucous epithelium of the inner cavity of the bladder. According to the results of the studies, men have this problem more often than women. The risk group also includes men in the elderly, who suffer from adenoma of the prostate gland. Blood cystitis indicates the development of severe forms of the disease under consideration. Appeal to the doctor necessarily, as without proper treatment the inflammation will only increase the symptoms be manifested more and more.

The reasons for the development of the disease

In almost all cases the reasons for developing cystitis with blood are ingested acute infection. In addition to viruses the causative agent can be also other microorganisms, for example bacteria and fungi.

It is possible to identify the following factors that significantly increase the risk of disease:

  1. If there is a strong desire to visit the toilet, you not restrain yourself for a long time. The result can be a severe stretch of the bladder wall, resulting in disturbed blood flow.
  2. In some cases, in the lumen of genitourinary tract can be a foreign body, which will injure the mucous membrane. Such an impact will trigger the inflammatory process.
  3. If the path of the current of urine occurs anatomical obstacle, that is, the possibility of the accumulation of microorganisms and the occurrence of the considered diseases. Urine through the channels can occur with difficulty in the case of a significant decrease in the size of the urethra, and the passage of the inflammatory process of the nearby tissues. Often in the case when the urine passes through the urethra the obstruction is diagnosed with a tumor.
  4. Neurogenic factors can lead to a deterioration in the ability of the muscles of the bladder wall to contract.
  5. Tumors and swelling in the urethra, bladder or other organs of the urinary body also leads to activation of the inflammatory process.
  6. Failure to comply with personal hygiene significantly increases the risk of reporting disease. According to the conducted studies, it is partial or full non-observance of rules of personal hygiene is the reason that the infection, fungus or bacteria enter the body and cause inflammation.
  7. If we consider a viral infection, the weakening of the immune system can always be described as the main cause of diseases.
  8. Cystitis with blood in women can occur during pregnancy. This is because the body is significantly weakened due to the rebuilding of a hormonal background. In the result the immune system weakens, the virus and other microorganisms can have a significant impact on the body.
  9. Postpartum period also can be characterized by the weakening of the immune system and rebuilding hormones that makes a woman's body more vulnerable.
  10. Menopause.

The above list identifies factors that may contribute to the development of acute cystitis.


To determine the disease should consider certain symptoms which are peculiar to him. When there is inflammation of the urinary system, when the problem manifests itself with blood in the urine, the symptoms almost immediately. A sharp deterioration is observed almost immediately after infection in the organism. The clinical picture is as follows:

  1. The main symptoms are painful sensations. The greatest pain is reached at the end of emptying.
  2. Other symptoms that are not associated with urination, appear pain in region of pubis. Pain is paroxysmal.

    Cistit mocha s krovu u zhenshin lechenie

  3. Another sign is the fact that cystitis blood in the urine appears at the end of urination only a recent manifestation of the disease. Once inflammation has developed, the blood gets into the urine at any stage of urination.
  4. Even symptoms are very frequent urination in the toilet. Many impulses can about attempts. Frequent visits to toilet is associated with irritation of the mucous membrane. Even in contact with one drop of urine in the bladder raises the urge.
  5. The time that the body gets an infection and starts an inflammatory process that determines the appearance of high temperature. The symptoms can also be associated with fever, intense weakness, apathy and headachepain.

You should consider the point that treatment should be undertaken immediately. This is because there is a likelihood of serious complications. For example, the inflammatory process can lead to blockage of the blood clot of the channels of the urinary system iron deficiency anemia. The difficulty is how to treat such diseases is not always possible to achieve the desired effect.

The course of the disease

The present study shows that the inflammation of the urinary system is the standard scheme of the manifestation of symptoms. Features you can call:

  1. For a start patient begins to experience frequent urination.
  2. Already after 2 hours after the onset of infection in the body and the first symptoms in the urine may appear blood.
  3. After a few days the urine can be painted in a rich red color. With the development of the disease in the urine gets more and more amount of blood.
  4. In the first days after infection in the body can significantly increase the body temperature. Starts fever, headache. That is why cases may be confused with cystitis, the common cold.
  5. Usually, hematuria and other symptoms in treatment occur during the first 7 days. In severe cases, there are complications that last for 2 weeks.

Many cases seek the answer to the question – what to do in case of cystitis. In most cases the disease goes away without treatment. This is due to the fact that the immune system carries out the creation of antibodies that fight the virus. However, if the immune system is significantly weakened, there is a chance of blockage of the urinary tract – the cause of acute pain.

Particular attention is considered the disease should give people of retirement age. This is due to the fact that the symptom of a disease due to the development of acute cystitis may manifest itself somewhat differently. This is due to the fact that physiological processes related to aging, define the manifestation of other symptoms. Therefore, even when the manifestation of minor issues with the body should consult a doctor. A troubling symptom can be called the appearance of blood in the urine.

General diagnosis

The attending physician, on the basis of information, as manifested symptomatology, self prescribed treatment. A number of laboratory studies performed during history-taking. Note the following features regarding the diagnosis of this disease:

  1. In acute stage of the disease, the analyses of urine and blood will show an acceleration of a sedimentation rate.
  2. Increased white blood cell count also indicates inflammation in the body.
  3. In the case when the cause of disease is bacteria, greatly increases the concentration of red blood cells.

    Cistit mocha s krovu u zhenshin lechenie

Conducted the blood analysis allows to confirm the viral origin of the disease. The result of this research can be an indicator of an increase in monocytes.

After the initial research pointed to the passage of the inflammatory process in the body, appointed by cytoscopy is a special procedure which involves filling the bladder with a special solution. After that, use cytoscopy for the study of bladder walls and channels. It should be noted that the procedure is unpleasant, but painless. Also for the final diagnosis of renal ultrasound, x-rays.


The treatment of the cancer is performed as an outpatient under the supervision of a urologist and a gynecologist. Only after completing various studies and determine the causes of the disease treatment. It is associated with the intake of various antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs. To cure the disease you can also, subject to certain recommendations:

  1. You should be on bed rest.
  2. Out the infection or bacteria, you should drink at least 3 liters of water. Also instead of water you can drink mineral drinks with a small soda, acidic fruit drinks.
  3. Herbal preparations that have diuretic properties also help to cure.

    Cistit mocha s krovu u zhenshin lechenie

  4. A certain diet allows you to create the most favorable environment for healing. For example, should be excluded from the diet dairy products, fried foods, very spicy and salty dishes.
  5. Take medications that strengthen blood vessels.

In acute manifestation of the disease that the treatment exclusively in the hospital, as there is a likelihood of blockage of the urethra by a blood clot.