Treatment of cystitis at home women

Alteration of the cells of the bladder and Kochetkov the cause of the inflammatory process is called cystitis. Because of the peculiarities of urinary system disease in most cases affects women. This particular disease can occur in both acute and chronic form. According to the statistics, all the ladies meet at different ages with symptoms of the inflammatory process of the urogenital system. There are several types of cystitis, some associated with infection, others with the development of chronic diseases or pathological changes of organs of the urogenital system. Consider how the treatment of cystitis at home, is there a way to solve the problem and what methods are most effective.

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What are the causes of the disease and the risk factor?

As previously noted, there are several varieties of the disease, each occurs for certain reasons. To treat cystitis in house conditions it is possible only if the cause of the disease is in infected. Cause of cystitis, as a rule, becomes intestinal bacteria. Microflora of the urinary system and the immune system can effectively deal with pathogenic microorganisms, which cause inflammatory process. However, there are several factors that make the body susceptible to pathogens: weak immune system, violation of the microflora and so on.

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The factors that can make the body more susceptible to pathogens of cystitis include:

  1. The risk group also includes people who are in a seated position every day for a long time – office workers, cashiers and so on.
  2. Severe hypothermia can also cause the development of the considered diseases.
  3. Hormonal disorders are often the cause of a significant weakening of immunity.
  4. Dysbacteriosis.
  5. The General decrease in immunity that occurs due to contact with various infections in the body, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  6. Failure to comply with the generally accepted rules of personal hygiene. Initially the infection may have a different localization, but failure to observe the rules of personal hygiene it is recorded in the urogenital system.

Treatment of this disease should be given the fact that the cause of the cystitis becomes the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The effects of toxins, various medications, the occurrence of injuries and many other causes can also cause infections and the development of the inflammatory process. The above points define what with high precision to diagnosis, which will depend on the treatment, can only physician. There are a lot of drugs from cystitis, as well as folk remedies.


When considering how to treat cystitis note that the important point in diagnosis is collection of symptoms. However, a woman who had previously met with inflammation of the bladder, with nothing to confuse this disease.

Pay attention to the following symptoms:

  1. Bright symptoms can be called the appearance of blood in the urine. A similar phenomenon may indicate quite a lot of problems, one of which is inflammation of the urinary system.
  2. Pain that are chronic or occur at the time of urination.
  3. As a rule, inflammation of the bladder causes the feeling of incomplete bowel movements bladder.
  4. More frequent urge to urinate that bring relief only for a short time.
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To conduct a home treatment to solve many of the women in the manifestation of one or more symptoms. However, you should pay attention to the fact that almost all the above symptoms may indicate other acute and chronic diseases. So how to treat cystitis is most effective in a particular case can only be decided by the attending physician.

There are two main types of manifestation of the inflammatory process of the urinary system: chronic and acute. Acute cystitis symptoms manifested quite clearly, but may have additional symptoms that significantly worsen the patient's condition. Example of additional symptoms in the acute form of the disease can be called:

  1. A significant increase in body temperature in case of infection. The immune system holds the production of antibodies,as the temperature rises.
  2. Acute pain in the abdomen.
  3. Severe fatigue and decreased performance.
  4. Cloudy urine, due to changes in the cells of the bladder.
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In recent times quite often developing chronic cystitis. This is due to the fact that concomitant diseases and the weakening of the immune system allows the virus to penetrate deep enough, making the pathogen resistant to antibiotics. The chronic form quite difficult to cure at home fast to kill the virus is possible only with an integrated approach to the problem.

Treatment of the disease at home

In some cases, immediately after the appearance of symptoms there is no way to contact the doctor for help. The treatment of cystitis in women at home is quite common, because even if the infection has a opportunity for a fast and effective treatment.

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To important points assigned therapy include:

  1. When identifying just noticeable symptoms, you should immediately treat you. It is impossible to prevent the development of disease, as the brighter will be manifested symptoms, the more difficult to treat.
  2. Warming the lower abdomen and speeds up the treatment. You can use warmers.
  3. The inflammatory process has quite a strong impact on the body. Therefore, General recommendations can be called the observance of bed rest because exhaustion leads to a weakening of the immune system and the development of the virus in the body.
  4. At home treatment of cystitis in women can be provided if there is no severe pain and no blood appears in the urine. You should pay attention to the fact that the manifestation of such symptoms should consult a doctor for medicines, as folk remedies cannot solve the problem.
  5. Also General recommendations can be called abundant fluid intake. A large amount of fluid in the body leads to frequent urination. The time that the bladder contains a large number of pathogens, determines the need for their rapid excretion, which need to drink a lot of water.

When considering how to cure cystitis, it should be noted that this disease develops because of infection. That is why the treatment should be provided with antibiotics. Lately antibiotics are prescribed only by doctors, as some may hurt, not help. However, folk remedies do not have high efficiency, can be used only as an aid to main therapy. We note that an incorrect self-treatment without medication becomes the cause of development of various complications and transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Traditional methods

If we consider a rule that is connected with necessity of reception of antibiotics to fight infection in the body, it is possible to significantly speed up treatment by following some folk remedies. These include:

  1. Bathrooms with various concoctions of injuries, for example, with the usual chamomile is quite effective. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory effect on the body, what determines a significant reduction in manifestations of the symptoms of cystitis. Water typed should not be very hot, as high temperatures often causes complications. Bath with decoction of chamomile should be taken at least 30 minutes, after which it is impossible to prevent cooling of the lower back. After a bath you can put a warm burner in the lower part of the abdomen.
  2. Many people call the cranberry is a natural antiseptic. That is why cranberry juice is often used to treat cystitis traditional methods at home for women. The most effective juice in case of a minor manifestation of symptoms: it is enough to drink a few cups of juice, which suppress the primary manifestation of the disease. Note that cranberry juice, which is sold in the form of the preservative in packages, not has antiseptic effects, as it has in the composition of bacteria and organisms that can fight off the virus. To combat cystitis only need to use freshly squeezed juice, as for several hours there is a destruction of microorganisms.
  3. Healing properties also have a and herbal medicines. For many years there have been several medicinal decoctions, which have a serious impact on the cystitis. Such fees are sold in pharmacies. But it is also possible to carry out and independent production fees considered herbs. Typically, the treatment uses herbs that have anti-inflammatory effect and antiseptic properties.
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Some of the above therapies may be recommended by the attending physician, as they have an effect directly on the causative agent of cystitis and have a high efficiency.

In conclusion, we note that the cystitis cure at home also with an integrated approach to the problem.This is due to use medicines and foods that strengthen the immune system. This is due to the fact that vitamins and trace elements beneficial to accelerate the formation of antibodies. That is why you should devote enough attention to a daily diet: you need to give up alcohol, carbonated beverages, salty or fried, fatty foods. Compliance with certain standards of hygiene also eliminates the likelihood of various complications.