How to treat cystitis when pregnant?

Among all urological diseases should pay attention to the cystitis. This problem can develop both in the early and the average old age. Consider the time that pregnant women often suffer from this disease. Cystitis during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon, which threatens both the life of the mother and the newborn child. If symptoms persist, you should definitely contact the doctor, because self will not lead to the expected result. Consider all the features of the symptoms of cystitis, causes, development and symptoms are manifestations in more detail.

Kak lechit cistit pri beremennosti?

What is cystitis?

Before getting into the specifics of treatment, determine what is cystitis and what organs it affects. The peculiarities of cystitis include the following points:

  1. The disease leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder.
  2. In bright manifestation of the inflammatory process disrupts the function of the bladder.
  3. The reasons for the development of the inflammatory process can be called the penetration of microorganisms, which are beginning to affect the mucous membrane.

Often enough the question arises – is it possible successfully to get pregnant during the course of the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Cystitis is not a reason why you are unable to get pregnant, but it is not recommended to plan pregnancy when the disease.

The early planning of conceiving a child should consider that the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy is also represented by taking certain drugs to reduce clinical symptoms, which can cause a lot of problems to a woman. However, supplementation is not recommended at the time of pregnancy, as they can have a significant impact on the newborn child.

The main symptoms

Cystitis during pregnancy requires treatment due to the fact that the disease is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. Among all the emerging signs can highlight the following:

  1. The inflammatory process becomes the reason why there are strong and frequent urge to pee. This releases a small amount of urine, people feel serious discomfort.
  2. There is a serious burning sensation during urination. This sign is becoming a common reason why many women decide to go to the doctor.
  3. Quite a vivid sign is the fact that urine enters the blood. This is also due to the serious damage to the bladder mucosa.
  4. Urine has a cloudy appearance and a pungent smell.
  5. With the progression of the disease causes severe discomfort in the pelvic region.
  6. A feeling of strong pressure in the lower abdomen, which may indicate a large number of problems, including cystitis.

Also do not forget that the inflammatory process is quite often accompanied by fever. In this way the body responds to the development of the disease. The manifestation of the bright symptoms be sure to seek medical attention.

What causes disease?

There are many different reasons that can inflame the mucous membrane of the bladder. When considering the main reasons to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Most often cystitis in pregnant women develops because of infection. Hormonal changes, weakening of the immune system is the reason why the body fall bacteria that can cause inflammation. Most often, E. coli becomes the reason for inflammation develops.
  2. More women than men suffering from the infectious type of the disease under consideration because of a shorter urethra which is in close proximity to the anus. Poor cleanliness is the cause of getting bacteria in the urinary tract, which leads to cystitis.
  3. Bacteria can be caught during unprotected sexual intercourse, if the partner does not comply with personal hygiene and has a hidden infection.

In the normal state the body is able to deal with many pathogens, however, during pregnancy, significantly weakens the immune system and disrupted hormonal balance, making the body more vulnerable. These causes may lead to the increase in the concentration of natural bacteria that reside in the body for life.

Rarely fix non-infectious forms of cystitis that can developdue to allergic reactions, thermal effects or the use of certain drugs. Note the cystitis at the time of pregnancy is a disease that is associated with the passage of the inflammatory process. Inflammation can occur not only because of infection but also other effects, as the probability of occurrence depends on the particular organism.

What are the dangers of the disease during pregnancy?

Why you should pay special attention to the development of these diseases during pregnancy? As a rule, cystitis is a cause of emergence of a large number of problems that are associated with discomfort, pain. In position it causes a large amount of problems.

However, until the onset of the disease and the appearance of the prominent symptoms, many people are interested in only one question – whether the threat cystitis during the pregnancy, whether it can influence the development of a fetus. We can immediately note that the disease is dangerous, as it has a bacterial origin, and the inflammatory process can produce severe complications.

All the doctors and experts say that at the first appearance of symptoms of the inflammatory process, be sure to consult a doctor. This is because the inflammatory process of the bladder may worsen and lead to serious complications that are associated with infection of the kidneys. The bacteria that get in the kidneys, can cause them serious damage.

The inflammatory process may have a negative impact on fetal development. Quite often there is a situation in which-due to bacterial infection of the bladder mucosa a baby is born prematurely with low birthweight and without the completion of the process of the development of certain organs or systems. That is why it is quite important to timely carry out diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Diagnosis during pregnancy

As previously noted, it is imperative to promptly see a doctor. In the presence of symptoms and related complaints, the doctor should prescribe a more detailed examination, and only after consideration of the results obtained to supply the appropriate diagnosis, prescribe treatment.

The special features of the examination in case of suspicion of cystitis include the following points:

  1. Quite often assigned the examination of urine. You should consider the point that infectious kind of cystitis that occurs in most of the cases, manifested in this way. Studies to determine the presence of pus, microorganisms or blood in the urine that indicates the passage of the inflammatory process.
  2. Another method of diagnosis – the purpose of the cystoscopy. This procedure is performed using a special cystoscope, which is represented by a small thin tube and small camera. It is introduced into the urethra, and the specialist receives an image, which allows to make a diagnosis.
  3. Test visualization can also be quite effective. Example would be the ultrasound. It allows to obtain an image on the basis of which is the decision about the features of the assigned treatment.

It is quite important to contact a qualified technician. Some of the methods of research and treatment may not apply at the time of pregnancy because of the potential effects on the fetus.

Spend treatment

When considering how to treat cystitis during pregnancy note that the specifics of treatment depend on the reasons that caused the disease. Quite often when infectious nature of the disease antibiotics, which do not affect the fetus and pregnancy. Note that the cystitis may cause the bacteria which are fighting and antibiotics. However, you need to pay attention to the fact that some drugs are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, while others are caused by doubt concerning clinical trials conducted. You should buy only expensive drugs known foreign manufacturers, as many domestic counterparts, the versions produced in other CIS countries only on paper safe for pregnant woman and the unborn child.

There are some medications that can be administered in this case and it is absolutely safe to receive. An example can be called:

  1. Drugs from the group of painkillers. Note that running the cystitis manifested rather severe pain, which can be reduced only when taking painkillers.
  2. Drugs that are able to spend the relaxation of the bladder muscles also have very high popularity. They are able to reduce the manifestation of the urge to urinate.
  3. Anticholinergic medications.

The inflammatory process has complex effects on the body, but is the cause of quite a lot of problems. In order to accelerate the recovery you should follow all the doctor's instructions, including compliance with bed rest. Due to the inflammation the immune system is undermined to a greater extent, which also becomes a cause of vulnerability to other viruses and bacteria. You can also find cases when the background of cystitis begin to appear and other hidden chronic illness or infection. The cystitis, in severe case,causes kidney damage and preterm labor. So, not the first glance not a serious disease should pay much attention.