The herbal treatment of cystitis in women

It would seem that disease of these organs is not so frequent. But it's not. The kidneys filter body fluids, and urinary organs deduce harmful substances from the body.

After the heart and liver of the kidneys and urinary tract are the most vital organs in the body. According to the analysis of urine doctors can diagnose many diseases. Therefore, on these authorities, it is advisable to pay close attention.

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Traditional methods of treatment

In terms of prevention and treatment because, as a rule, it is a lengthy process, for this purpose, the best suited grass. Their main task is to facilitate the withdrawal of harmful substances and cleansing of the whole body. The removal of liquids from the body also helps with heart disease, it is useful in rheumatic diseases and obesity.

Cystitis is predominantly a female disease

For inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) usually is responsible for a bacterial infection in 4 of 5 cases, the disease causing bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli), which is located in the digestive tract.

Inflammation can occur suddenly and have a sharp course. However, many women meet with them repeatedly, in this case, we are talking about the chronic form. Symptoms that cannot be overlooked:

  • there is a burning sensation when urinating,
  • there is often a need to urinate, despite the absence of objective reasons,
  • urine – turbid, due to the presence of bacteria,
  • sometimes it may contain blood.

In the case of the presence of blood in the urine should immediately consult a doctor, this symptom may indicate that infection of the lower urinary tract is transmitted to the kidneys. The doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Grass guard health

Cystitis treatment with herbs has a long history, but despite this, does not lose its relevance. What herbs to treat cystitis most effective?


Cranberries contain large amounts of vitamins and many other nutrients, due to which is very useful for human health. Its the best therapeutic effects include the prevention and treatment of urinary tract. The use of cranberry can prevent and even cure the infection caused by the multiplication of unwanted bacteria attached to the walls of the bladder and urethra. In addition, it is recommended to take cranberry herbal tea as a precautionary measure aimed at preventing re-inflammation or prostate problems (in men).

Interestingly! Cranberry is native to North America. Its beneficial effects were known to the ancient Indians, who not only consume cranberries in food, but also used in the treatment of various wounds and as an analgesic.


Many people know juniper only as an integral part of a marinade for venison. However, the therapeutic glory to the juniper came in in the middle ages thanks to its powerful disinfecting effects. Chewing a few berries a day you effectively cleanse the internal organs. Therefore, this plant include grass from cystitis. Juniper is also used as a diuretic for rheumatism.

Interestingly! The Latin name comes from the Celts and means "tart". In the days of the plague before the city gates burned the boundaries of the juniper's roots to prevent the disease in the city. Juniper fumigation also, people fumigated their homes. In the middle ages the Arabs made famous jam, which is still indicated in the ancient manuscripts. Today the fruits are used to flavor gin.


Widespread plant. Known to all unpleasant "hot" to the touch leaves. But nettle has unmatched healing power. Nettle tea is a diuretic, which is ideal for people suffering from rheumatism, kidney and urinary tract. Therefore, it includes herbal treatment the genitourinary system. In addition, the nettle improves intestinal peristalsis, promotes the formation of breast milk, due to the iron content, improves the production of red blood cells and purifies the blood.

Interestingly! The name of the plant comes from Latin, where it means "fire, burn". Earlier in Western Europe, the nettle, put on the window sills and threshold, were used to protect from evil forces.


It is stillone common use of the plant. Few people realize that it is not only green, but also a great medication. Gratitude diuretic effects, high content of healthy nutrients and a favorable effect on the gastrointestinal tract parsley is part of many herbal infusions to cleanse the body, removing stones from the bladder, relief of pain in the kidneys and inflammation of the prostate gland. Also, this herbs is an effective way to treat cystitis.

Interestingly! The Romans in the eighth century with wreaths of parsley adorned the halls that hosted the celebration. They believed that parsley gives strength and protects against the effects of excessively used wine. There is a belief that can't stand her witch, so people hang it in their homes for protection against evil forces. When the bride walked down the aisle, hand her a loaf of bread, and parsley, because it was believed that it protects against the evil eye.


Herbs cystitis is probably impossible to imagine without the horsetail. This herb reminds us of the period millions of years ago. Horsetail has a strong diuretic effect, and therefore are designed to help in diseases of the urinary tract. It helps dissolve stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. Simultaneously cleans and blood vessels, improves blood circulation, heart function, helps with gout, rheumatism. However, be careful: use horsetail only for a short period of time.

Interestingly! Horsetail has been opened, like a fossil in the old coal seams. His first ancestors lived on earth 250 million years ago. Already Pliny, and Galen claimed that with the help of horsetail well and quickly heal all bleeding wounds. In Germany, horsetail is used in everyday life – Zinnkraut – "tin herb" in ancient times used to clean pewter.

The few-flowered fireweed

This small plant can be found in meadows, forest clearings and open Sunny areas. The therapeutic and prophylactic application of few-flowered fireweed is based on its excellent effects on the urinary organs, especially in men with prostate problems. At the first sign of disease, it is recommended to immediately start drinking tea made from this plant, fireweed it is also recommended after prostate surgery. This herb is used not only in diseases of the prostate. It has a very good effect in infections of the female urinary tract. Diuretic effect of fireweed is also useful for high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

Interestingly! As a medicinal plant few-flowered fireweed appeared at the herbarium in the 16th century. In those times, for some unknown reason, ended up in oblivion. Its excellent effects on the prostate gland, at the time, was first popularized by the Austrian herbalist Maria Ritual.

Tested home help

Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink. The soda reduces the acidity of urine and thus facilitates the burning sensation when urinating.

In the treatment or prevention drink per day, at least 300 ml of 100% cranberry juice. (Note: if you buy, for example, is a nectar with 50% share of cranberry, it is necessary to drink in 2 times more!). If the juice is too tart, you can buy quality pills or capsules with cranberry extract – the usual therapeutic dose is 30 mg. According to recent studies, cranberry juice really helps to cure the urinary tract – it contains substances that allow the bacteria to gain a foothold in the mucosa of the urinary tract, as a result they are much easier washed out of the body. Similar effects, according to recent studies, it has, and the blueberry juice.

Every day eat a Cup of quality yogurt with live lactic acid bacteria that not only help in preventing urinary tract infections, but also act against fungal infections.

Include in the diet of a greater number of diuretic (diuretic) products, which include parsley, celery or cucumber (you can drink freshly squeezed juice). Diuretics, as such, the infection is not cure, but help the withdrawal of urine from the bladder, and with it washed away and bacteria.

To soothe the inflamed urinary bladder, prepare a cold infusion of marshmallow: 1 l of cold water, pour 4 teaspoons of dried herb and leave to infuse over night. Drink small SIPS throughout the day.

Prepare one of the best anti-inflammatory and diuretic teas:

  1. Garlic: a few cloves of garlic, crush and throw into warm water. Leave on for 5 minutes to settle before drinking.
  2. Listcopy: 2 teaspoons dried minced root pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain and drink.
  3. Nettle: teaspoon dried leaves pour a glass of hot water, leave for 5 minutes, strain and drink.
  4. Dandelion: 2 teaspoons dried dandelion leaves pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, strain and drink.
  5. Birch: a handful of crushed bark of birch pour two cups of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain and drink.
  6. For inflammation of the bladder are helpful teas from other plants – creeping couch grass, Echinacea purpurea and Solidago.