Antibiotics for treatment of cystitis in women

Cystitis always occurs suddenly, interrupting the usual rhythm of life. Discomfort, frequent visits to the toilet do not improve health. As this disease is infectious, then antibiotics cystitis are maximum assistants. They don't just relieve all manifestations, but also to return the body to its former state. Some choose an antibiotic from cystitis without visiting doctor and without passing the examination. But it is advisable not to do it, because it is not known how much damage the body, what organs of the genitourinary system affected. Antibiotics to treat cystitis picks the specialist, taking into consideration the exact diagnosis and its features. Only in this case the treatment of cystitis what antibiotics will be correct and will not bring harm.

Antibiotiki dlya lecheniya cistita u zhenshin

Why do I get cystitis

Often disease occurs when the available infections of the genitourinary system. Depressed immunity, hormonal changing background and under the influence of some factors, infection pathologically start to multiply. Women encounter this disease more often. All because of a certain physiological structure of the urethra.

Among predisposing pathways for the emergence of the disease is:

  • congestive process of blood in the pelvis,
  • injury to mucosa of urinary bladder,
  • hypovitaminosis,
  • the sharp hypothermia,
  • change of a hormonal background,
  • chronic inflammation of the genitals.

If the cystitis appeared on the background of old diseases or infections, it will be secondary. At occurrence as an independent disease he will be the primary. Always share cystitis in the acute form or chronic. The pathogens it infectious and non-infectious origin.

Non-infectious types occur under the influence of several factors. They are under the influence

  • chemical,
  • allergies,
  • drugs',
  • toxic substance.

There are nutritional and other types of diseases. All will depend on what caused the disease.


They depend entirely on forms of diseases. If it is sharp, in this case the symptoms are pronounced:

  • frequent urination,
  • small portions of urine,
  • lower abdominal pain,
  • cramps during urination,
  • subfebrile temperature,
  • turbidity of urine,
  • sometimes the presence of blood.

Chronic disease in the remission period symptoms may not need to have. Sometimes it is expressed only slightly increased urination without pain discomfort. If aggravation occurs, all symptoms comes out and pronounced, resembling an acute form.

The determination of the diagnosis

Independently put a diagnosis impossible. Because people do not take into account certain factors and may not know about all the features of the disease. Therefore, the diagnosis required the doctor. He considers all the factors and assigns the necessary examination.

Diagnosis of acute forms

To establish the diagnosis of acute forms somewhat easier. This helps the typical symptomatic picture. Also the patient's condition significantly improved by the use of antibiotics. But sometimes the inflammatory process does not stop and may become chronic. Therefore, doctors prescribe examination. This helps to identify the cause of cystitis. It is possible it arose on the background of a disease. Then you need to treat not only urinary tract infection, but also the background disease.

Diagnosis of chronic

To establish the diagnosis of this form is quite difficult if she is in remission. Therefore, a patient history, identification of characteristic symptoms, test results, studies of the lower urinary tract. For women it is important to visit a gynecologist, because sometimes, cystitis occurs because of diseases of the genitals.


Without the necessary tests, diagnosis is difficult. Therefore, the required:

  • urinalysis,
  • General analysis of blood,
  • bacterial analysis of urine,
  • urine analysis according to Nechyporenko,
  • PCR,
  • cystoscopy.

Alsodo ultrasound of the urogenital system, allowing to exclude or confirm concomitant diseases. If necessary, a biopsy. And women be sure to hand over the analysis on the vaginal microflora.

The danger of self-medication with antibiotics

Antibiotics appoint a doctor. Independently make it simply impossible. After all, in order to understand what antibiotics are, you need to conduct a urine test. This helps to determine the sensitivity of microflora to certain drugs. The only way is impossible to accurately prescribe treatment.

If you choose the advice of friends, which helped a particular drug or to buy the antibiotic in the pharmacy, no confidence in its safety or use. Even the most harmless antibiotics can be very dangerous. The wrong choice will not cure the disease, put it into a chronic form, break microbalance of the body.

In addition, some may experience allergic reactions to certain types of antibiotics. And this is a direct threat to human life. Moreover, the cystitis has arisen due to diseases of the kidneys or reproductive system. Then, some antibiotics can not cope with the task and recovery can occur only for a short time.

The requirements for antibiotics

Not every drug is suitable for treatment. The doctor selects them in accordance with defined requirements. Only it turns out to cure the infection and not harm. Therefore, the antibiotic should:

  • to have the ability to destroy the pathogen,
  • to stop the growth of pathogenic microflora,
  • not to cause harm to the body,
  • to have the necessary concentration,
  • to be with a long exposure,
  • not to irritate the gastric mucosa,
  • convenience quantitative reception,
  • reduction allergic reactions,
  • compatibility with other drugs.

All this helps to get rid of the disease and not to harm.

Of antibiotics

It is important to understand that the antibiotic can influence mainly on bacteria and part fungi. But on the viruses and worms it's control. Therefore treat cystitis need to not only antibiotics. Due to the lower immunity can join fungi.

Modern antibiotics help to destroy pathogens and do not harm the body. When injected into the bloodstream, the drug will spread throughout the body, affecting the intestinal and vaginal microflora. Therefore, it is too aggressive leads to a long recovery after goiter.

The effect on the cystitis, it was a long and qualitative, the doctor will choose a specific dose. This helps to maintain the concentration of the medicinal substance throughout the day. And when taking the drug is no irritation and the medicine protected by the capsule from exposure to stomach acids, it positively affects the body.

Mostly the infection is treated on an outpatient basis. So I want to minimize the frequency of dosing. Therefore, for convenience, you can select those that have a prolonged property. In this case, it is enough to take 1-2 times a day.

No allergic reaction and the possibility to combine with other drugs helps to avoid complications and affect other infections. Mainly among combined drugs anti-inflammatory that significantly reduces treatment and helps to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

The difference in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases

In the event of acute forms of the disease, not isolated agents, not studying their sensitivity to antibiotics. Therefore, prescribers of broad spectrum. Dose and duration of treatment is understanding the adequacy of the action on pathogens with the most common infectious agents.

But in the chronic form, it is important to identify the pathogen causing the infection. This is due to the fact that the patient has suffered several relapses, and took different antibiotics. Therefore, the causative agent of the disease could develop resistance to them. Then re-purpose the same medicines will not improve the situation.

Only individual selection of drugs able to get rid of harmful diseases. But doing it yourself is impossible. The doctor prescribes tests and examinations, which is determined by the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to some drugs.

If you find the wrong product for both forms, the cystitis at some time can stabilize and hide the body. But later when the small failure of the immune system with colds or hormonal disorders cystitis will appear again. Permanently remove the symptoms and make the disease go into hibernation impossible. With each subsequent recurrence increases the risk of kidney disease with ascending infection. In this case, to treat only one testicle will be small. Join the kidney treatment, which has been delayed for a long time.

Pregnancy and treatment of cystitis with antibiotics

Sometimes during pregnancy you may receive a cystitis. On the background of hormonal changes of the body's immune system weakens. If the body is infection may be the result of the disease. Treatment pregnant prescribed the most gentle. It must be paired with a gynecologist, a leading pregnancywomen.

Cystitis usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. At this time the body is weakened, the change in hormones that is becoming a catalyst for the development of infection. The doctor prescribes antibiotics that acts directly on the tumor disease. If the time to apply the treatment is quite short and missing a few applications of the drug.

But choose their own antibiotics to the pregnant woman. She does not know how they will act on the fetus, what is the correct dosage and length of treatment. This error can cost of pregnancy and lead to the risk of miscarriage.

The choice of antibiotics

For acute form choose a broad-spectrum antibiotics. Among them:

  • penicillins,
  • cephalosporins,
  • macrolides,
  • nitrofurane,
  • okshihinolina.

It inhibit the activity of pathogens that prevents the accumulate energy and to reproduce. In addition, these antibiotics are good because germs losing sensitivity to one component, under the influence of another component. Therefore, the suppression of their activity never decreases.

Tetracycline good effect on the metabolism of proteins in microorganisms, causing its deficiency. This leads to rupture and death of the microorganism. This product is effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, E. coli. Macrolides can destroy the spirochete, Mycoplasma, and bacteria.

How to take antibiotics

The exact dosage and duration of the drug determined by the physician. But mostly modern drugs should be taken 1-2 times per day to 7-10 days. Even noticing improvement and disappearance of symptoms is not advisable to stop taking antibiotics. This can worsen the condition, because symptoms are reduced, and in the body there is still pathogenic microflora. So stopping the treatment may bring the disease. At the same time the microflora already developed resistance to the antibiotic and would have to appoint another.

In addition to the drugs recommended to stay in bed, do a warm up, to drink the required amount of water. It is not necessary to refrain from the desire to go to the toilet. Because urinary retention is causing her congestion and it helps pathogenic microflora to grow faster. Observing all recommendations of the doctor, will be able to rid the body from this unpleasant disease.