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Worms in humans — How to treat worms, effective treatment methods

In the body, in addition to the spiritual essence, there are a number of other life-forms, which are not always conducive to human life. They feel shy when it comes to impartial forms of life that share our cities. There are parasites that poison our bodies, side by side in it and multiply.

Any person has the problem than to treat one of the most common diseases, how to cure worms?

That's the question exciting all, we will try to answer.

To understand this, we need to define as there are worms and how to treat them:

  • they enter the human body because it takes lower multicellular organisms, worms parasites, through the external environment,
  • parasites, or worms, are found in insects, fungi and plants, as well as in vertebrates,
  • helminths found in Russia, 60% of the population, but this is not the worst, because people of Asian descent, doctors of laboratory diagnostics, detect 100% infection different forms of helminths.

Products of its life in humans, they cause all kinds of ailments. To get rid of these symptoms, our direct task, because the worms in the adult, they inhibit the activity and reduce even motor activity.

From worms there are all kinds of side effects an adult. How to get rid of this plague and how to treat the worms, let us try to understand expert advice.

Symptom of disease

From the outset it is necessary to verify the presence of intestinal worms in humans by their appearance. You need to know the symptoms of infection, which are as follows:

  • pimples on the skin,
  • nausea,
  • weight and its change with increased appetite,
  • unstable stool,
  • bad breath, flatulence and belching,
  • headaches and irritability,
  • unusual smell of feces and urine,
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes,
  • asthma and cough,
  • weakness and fatigue,
  • release in Calais parts helminth,
  • itching in the anus.

These symptoms should alert any person and make you think about consult a professional. Only a specialist in the diagnosis of such diseases will be able to answer the question, what in adults treatment of the specific infestation.

Types of parasites in humans

To know how to treat, it is important to understand which parasite on adults we're dealing with. There are several varieties of worm infestation, which differ both in symptoms and effects on the human body.

The following types of parasites:

  1. pinworms, itchy anus is a sign of infection small round worms,
  2. Trichinella penetrate through the vessels in the muscle and cause pain and swelling,
  3. whipworm, a source of problems with the gastrointestinal tract,
  4. tapeworms, different types cepni long length,
  5. roundworm, rather long, round worms that cause problems with the respiratory tract and the ducts of bile.

All kinds of these infestations are associated with consumption of insufficiently thermally processed foods, and failure to comply with the rules of hygiene. Pets also often leads to infestation.

Doctor who discovered the symptoms of the body, should confirm the diagnosis with laboratory tests. For this purpose the scrapings from the area of the anus, analyses of a feces on eggs a worm, ELISA, endoscopy and ultrasound.

Way of treatment

People who want to recover from some pesky problems, choose either the medication way or traditional medicine. It should be noted that efficient and combined treatment of worms, after consultation with the observing doctor.

Medications from worms writes specialist, based on the results of laboratory tests and personal experience.

The mere existence of worms in the adult is not a diagnosis of complex disease, and we must not treat the body and withdraw from it parasites that prevent its normal functioning.

Therefore, preparations from worms aimed at the suppression of the functions of their activity or ability to absorb nutrients, which leads to their death.

On this principle they are divided into the following types:

  • in muscle tissue the parasites the drug blocks nerve impulses,
  • do not allow to absorb glucose, which leads to the death of the parasites,
  • inhibits intestinal worms,
  • affect the mobility.

Moreover, drugs are widely targeted and narrowly focused on a specific type of parasites. Based on experience, methods of treatment and the results of laboratory tests, the doctor chooses a specific medicine for eachcase's.

Antiparasitic drugs extended actions are used to interrupt their growth, inhibiting metabolic processes. These include Vermoxum and Nematol or their analogues.

Antihelminthic drugs narrower range of applications affect tapeworms, Determin.

Besides preparations from worms, using products that eliminate allergic reactions in the treatment of infestations. They allow to reduce the General intoxication of the organism in the elimination of worms in adults, and is aimed at reducing symptomatic effects. Medications for the treatment of the patient, and the manner of their admission are selected by the doctor individually, given the current process of helminthiasis.

Medicines containing Mebendazole are used in enterobioze and trichocephalum. Drugs that have Diethylcarbamazine, suitable in the treatment of filariasis, including with the disease of organs of vision and the lymph system. Medicines having the contents of Levamisole, used in the hookworm, and ascariasis. Hydroxynaphthoate Beenie used against round worms. And adipate piperazine gives a nice effect on Ascaris and pinworms.

Tableted preparations which containing Albendazole bring relief for tapeworm and cysticercosis. Praziquantel successfully used in cestodosis. In difficult cases of helminthiasis therapy is performed with the application: gemodez, glucose solutions. Kordiamin is used for high blood pressure.

Watching the doctor can prescribe the necessary course of treatment and choose the drug from a wide range of drugs applicable to a particular case. It is important not to ignore the problem, and at the slightest symptoms similar to infection with worms, to go to the doctor.

Alternative therapies

Medication, while effective, has side effects. There are people who are contraindicated medications.

For this case, consider non-medication based treatments, namely:

  • Ayurveda,
  • oxygen treatment,
  • treatment based on alcoholic beverages.

Ayurveda leads to normal not only the life forces and raises the General tone of the body, but also serves as a method for getting rid of worms.

The cause of helminth infection, in the opinion of the followers of this doctrine, is the lack of hygiene and purity of thought. The impure, evil thoughts, laziness and sadness are the reasons for the lowering of resistance of the organism to external influences.

Exercises, saturating the human body with cosmic energy, help to maintain health and to find inner balance. It is important to cleanse the body of toxins by laxatives decoctions, and then use with food, hot spices and broths. Very useful are thyme, wormwood and St John's wort. After a week, you can again repeat the purgative decoction to parasites leave your body.

Oxygen treatment has long been known as a method of exile helminths from the human body. The essence of the process is that the esophagus is inserted a special tube and through it to pump oxygen. This procedure is repeated for several days and promotes the expulsion of parasites, saturating the cells of the gastrointestinal tract with oxygen.

To do this, use ozone therapy but the tube is inserted into the rectum and fed ozone-oxygen mixture, which acts on the parasite, paralysing way. Another possibility is to use enemas with olive oil and ozone. These treatments can very effectively get rid of the worms.

For alternative healing use a mix of cognac and tea in equal proportions drinking on an empty stomach together with a laxative. A large tablespoon of cognac drunk during five days, and ten days is a refresher course.

A good remedy for worms is vodka, with nastoenie in her heads of garlic. Used a big tablespoon for ten days.

Folk remedies and methods of treatment

Folk wisdom teaches us to use in the battle against worms in adults natural remedies. Their diversity and usefulness cannot be overemphasized. Good help in the fight against parasites pumpkin and flax seeds, which take together with laxatives.

Well proven decoctions and infusions of wormwood. Garlic and onions not only help with colds, but also have a positive effect in the fight against parasites. Decoction of rind of pomegranate is also well established as an anthelmintic.

It is possible to apply an enema with black cumin oil or with baking soda, and use castor oil. It should be noted that combining the traditional methods of treatment can achieve better results. But it is better not to get and keep clean personal space.

How to avoid Contracting worms

Try to eat only washed vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries. Heat treatment to expose the meat or fish at least 40-60 minutes. Pets constantly to treat worms, in consultation with the vet. Keep clean your hands after close contact with animals and commuting, and after visiting the common areas. Follow the clean underwear and the condition of the nails.

Fishing and hunting, travel travel be neat and clean. Simple tips will help you to be healthy and not to go through a long course of treatment. And in the caseinfection to heal and not get infected again. Bless you.