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Eggs roundworm — Symptoms and ways of infection, effective treatment of Ascaris

Multicellular organisms representative of the ecosystems Ascaris can live in the human body about 12 years. It is the people and are the first and definitive hosts of the parasite. Starts their life cycle, of course, from the moment when the female lays the first egg. And such appears about 240 thousand only for one day. Go along with feces into the environment where and continue your stay before re-penetration into the carrier.

YAjca askaridy — Simptomy i puti zarazheniya, effektivnye metody lecheniya askarid

In the next stage of infection the eggs of Ascaris are found to be in the human oral cavity and reach the intestine. There are emerging larvae, which undergo their first migration. Performing a gap in the wall of the intestine through the bloodstream move first in the region of the liver, biliary tract. Rarely the pancreas.
The next stage — the heart and the bronchi. Causing irritation of the respiratory system, roundworm, along with a cough again appear in the human body. But this time they remain in the small intestine before the onset of maturity and process of reproduction.

The cycle of development or appear as eggs of Ascaris

To the process of fertilization and the birth of the future roundworms, requires two Mature representative roundworm human: male and female. The male, whose length is from 15 cm to 25 cm, has a set of sex differences. The male has testes, VAS deferens. Female larger than male. Can reach 40 cm in length. The female also has sexual characteristics: 2 ovary, infundibulum, several combined uterus and vagina. Ends of the reproductive system opening in the abdomen. The process of reproduction takes place every day. Eggs of Ascaris future parasites with the processes of human life are brought out in the external environment.
The next stage of development begins once the egg is ingested by a definitive host, in the gastrointestinal tract. Here comes the larva, which resets the shell. After the process of re-infecting the person through the liver, bloodstream, cardiovascular, respiratory system localized in the small intestine and reaches maturity. But then again propagated, the cycle starts again.

YAjca askaridy — Simptomy i puti zarazheniya, effektivnye metody lecheniya askarid
From getting immature eggs within the body until the first egg laying is between 75 and 100 days

Roundworm eggs human

The result of the pairing of opposite-sex representatives of the parasites are the roundworm eggs that the female lays daily. They appear a lot, about 240-250 thousand. But this does not mean that they are all suitable for further development. In some cases, when the small intestine lacks the male specimen of Ascaris, females carry unfertilized eggs. They are oval oblong cells, which have a thin shell and the yolk substance inside.

That from the egg of Ascaris has a future offspring, evidenced by the oval. Protects the larva that is inside the shell, consisting of several layers:

  • outer. Protein, the most sturdy and dense. Sometimes there is a lack of,
  • protective. Consists of three layers that prevent mechanical damage,
  • internal. Contains nutrients and essential fluid for subsequent development.
YAjca askaridy — Simptomy i puti zarazheniya, effektivnye metody lecheniya askarid

How to look for the germ of the future of the parasite, the eggs of ascarids, can only be seen through a special magnifying device within the laboratory. Its average length is about 0.07 mm. in 2 weeks begins to appear inside the larva. And how many live outside the body for future roundworm in the feces, depending on the climatic conditions of the environment. At temperatures between +10°C to 35°C, high humidity they can live up to 10 years. Die only at low temperatures at -27°C in a few days. And even when the temperature -50°C they are still 24 hours may exist.

Infection with Ascaris eggs

Most of the diseases associated with parasites, are observed and diagnosed in the warm seasons as well as summer. It all depends on the weather conditions and the terrain where the seeds of future worms. As the eggs penetrate the human.

of infection, effective treatment of roundworm" title="Eggs roundworm — Symptoms and ways of infection, effective treatment of Ascaris" />

Causes of infection:

  • water. Poorly equipped treatment facilities, of which receives the already contaminated fluid into the sewage system, for agricultural purposes. Fresh water from the pond,
  • raw greens, vegetables, fruits, berries,
  • insects. Are temporary hosts and vectors, as frequently interact with contaminated soil. Roundworm eggs in the feces, which relate to ants, flies, beetles, attach themselves to the legs and continue its life cycle,
  • man. The seeds of future parasites stick to shoes and get in the dwelling,
  • items of General use, which was touched men with helminthic invasion,
  • dust. Can permeate the air you breathe,
  • skin. This includes the area under the nails. The larvae of Ascaris in 12 days formed inside the egg, before reaching the human intestine,
  • less often the source of infection becomes of the fish that swallowed along with the water, microorganisms, parasites, and animals.

To dwell in the human roundworm egg can be almost everywhere, but further development and its life cycle it will start only in the definitive host. And it can only be people.

The analysis on helminth eggs and roundworm

In the early stages to identify worms only by diagnostics. Before the manifestation of first characteristic signs, it may take 1 month. It was during this period and the growth and maturation of individuals roundworm.

YAjca askaridy — Simptomy i puti zarazheniya, effektivnye metody lecheniya askarid

Therefore, you should regularly undergo a full medical examination and be tested for parasites:

  • traditional analysis on helminth eggs. The fence material is at home. Placed in a special container and delivered to the laboratory. Is repeated several times,
  • the study of the chemical composition of the blood. Special attention is paid to the changes of erythrocytes, leukocytes, lowering hemoglobin,
  • x-ray, ultrasound. Determine the localization or the effects of parasites on the condition of the lesions on the bodies,
  • enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antibodies IgE and IgG. Produced by injecting special composition. It stains the formed antigens, which react to foreign cells,
  • agglutination reaction. The study of blood serum and detection of antibodies that are produced against foreign microorganisms,
  • the study of sputum. About the presence of helminth infection suggest exceeded the performance of eosinophils, and also found the larvae of Ascaris lumbricoides or roundworm,
  • vegetative resonance test. Computer diagnostics has a large error, but it allows on early stages to detect changes that cause roundworms its vital functions in the human body. The accuracy of the data is when using this method, not more than 87%.

When neglect and delayed treatment of symptoms to a doctor is likely to see an adult. They can walk out with the stool or through the anus, causing itching or burning.

How to get the egg roundworm

If diagnosis confirms that the cause of ill health become the parasites, it is necessary to start urgent treatment. This should take into account that it is easier to get rid of adult individuals than to repair the results of their reproduction. As lead representative of the ascarids of man, and its eggs from the body.

YAjca askaridy — Simptomy i puti zarazheniya, effektivnye metody lecheniya askarid

In this case, the doctors assigned to compulsory medical treatment:

  • «Pyrantelum.» Drug effect on eggs and adults of the parasite. Receiving a single. Daily dose – 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight of an adult. After 3 weeks, can be repeated to prevent,
  • "Mintezol". A sedative that depresses adult ascarids and suppresses the development and viability of eggs and larvae. The course of treatment is 1-2 days. Daily dose at the rate of 25 mg of composition per 1 kg of weight,
  • «Vermoxum.» Take even with mixed manifestations of helminthiasis. Treatment period of about 3 days. The recommended dose is 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Depending on the localization completes the treatment of the "Metaclopramide", which contributes to the improvement and restoration of intestinal sorbent "Enterosgel", anti-Allergy drugs, as "Suprastin", expectorants.

Prevention of roundworm eggs in the human body

To protect yourself and your family from the possible parasitic infestations and related diseases that they cause, you need to take care of your health:

  • mandatory medical examination 2 times a year,
  • supplementation for the prevention of worms: "Trichopolum", "Decaris»,
  • maintaining cleanliness in the house,
  • eating only processed foods and purified drinking water,
  • the use of protective equipment like masks, gloves, manufacturing, suburban areas,
  • observance of rules of personal hygiene.
ascarids" title="Eggs roundworm — Symptoms and ways of infection, effective treatment of Ascaris" />

Any parasites dangerous to humans. Don't forget it. And in the running form they also cause chronic lesions and severe illness, affect the organs. Even with small symptoms of poisoning or leakage in the body of the inflammatory process should seek medical help.