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INR blood test — What is the blood test for INR and decrypting

The most common and necessary analysis is a blood test, it is able to show the slightest deviation from the norm and the results will inform physicians about the diagnosis of disease, covering the human body.

The blood analysis allows to characterize the internal organs, brain, and General health of the person. The indicators will provide an opportunity to understand not only the disease, but also to show whether the norm in the testimony and whether the benefit or harm of certain drugs taken by the patient.

An equally important concept in medicine is the analysis of the INR of the blood, the person is not having proper education, can know nothing about this concept.

What is INR and how this analysis is to understand?

There are patients who are informed about the presence in your body any chronic disease that requires constant maintenance and making preparations.

In order to know whether the drug has a positive impact or has a negative function, you have to take anlis blood.

INR and its essence

International normalized blood work done not only in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment, but also to change the required dose of medication and synchronize all the results and changes in the body. This analysis is done regularly at the same time and in the same patient.

In order that the indications of the results were false. The doctor can protect the human body from absorbing extra doses of medication, thus reduce toxicity in the body. After receiving the results of the INR, the doctor does not see the end result, he needs to resort to mathematical calculations and only then the numbers become due importance.

INR the rate of correct treatment of particularly complex diseases, because the drugs to treat them particularly potent, toxic and expensive. This is determined by the clotting of blood, its composition and normal parameters.

Standards of blood collection

Intake technology to do a blood test in almost all labs are the same and require any of the features. Blood samples for INR, this is the same norm and standard procedure of drawing blood from the vein.

To take the analysis preferably in the morning and on an empty stomach, in order to avoid wrong changes to some indicators. This analysis is carried out for patients who are on constant medication, they should visit the hospital every 2-3 weeks, never missing, and referring to the appointment very seriously, because this depends on their health and internal state.

There are times when more frequent visits to clinics, complications, if you changed the rate of performance. The analysis is performed in the clinic by place of residence or any other medical institution at the request of the patient.

The therapist is able to produce blood, this process is not particularly difficult. Modern unique is that the patient is even able to make their own analysis at home, with a machine, but its cost is not available to everyone, however the patient can do this analysis regularly and be calm about your health.

The erythrocyte is the main indicator in the blood

Blood is the most essential component of the human body and the norm of its content is considerably high in every body. The composition of the blood is unusually rich and every indicator plays an important role and bears should function.

We consider each of them:

  • Red blood cell — what is it? The red blood corpuscle, which occupies the bulk composition of the blood. The overwhelming number and erythrocytes are related to each of the other supply. The erythrocyte is in close interaction with hemoglobin and involved in oxygen supply to all internal organs. Its deficiency causes anemia, anemia, and decreasing rate during pregnancy or menstruation.
  • Hemoglobin — is an important component of the erythrocyte and has a close relationship with atoms of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Hemoglobin delivers oxygen throughout the body and is extracted from organs and tissues carbon dioxide, and then excretes it from the body. The rate of hemoglobin is very important in the body, because it depends on the degree of oxygen enrichment. The norm in men 130-160 , and women 120-140.
  • The reticulocytes is the precursors of erythrocytes and always ready to start development and act to replace the red blood cells. The high rate of these substances indicates a lack of red blood cells in the body.

The composition of the blood variety

There are many substances in the blood and performing some important functions:

  1. Platelets are small blood platelet having the ability to socialise and form density or in other words a blood clot. The function of this indicator is that when the wound, incision or injuryvessel, was organized by the blockage of the wound and blood, with no way out, remains in the body, losing end. This is an indicator that is responsible for blood clotting and rejection in one direction or another are not welcome, as the blood becomes too liquid or thickened. This figure should definitely be monitored and if necessary adjusted.
  2. A leukocyte is a white blood little body, carrying a protective function in the human body, represent the scheme of immunity. Changes in its rate also is not a positive results. Their increase indicates the presence of diseases of immune system activation and control, and the reduced rate may lead to disease.
  3. ESR — deciphering this abbreviation means the erythrocyte, this figure is important and shows the level of activity of the blood. The obtained blood is left in the test tube and observe the rate of its decay into two layers: light and dark. Light is a plasma, that is, its total molecular composition, and the dark is the proportion of red blood cells.

Tests and their meanings

To make the INR of human blood is not the most difficult process, interesting and complicated its interpretation. Studying the results of the analysis of doctors, competent in this matter, because the transcript and gives purpose to the use of certain drugs, their dosage and volumes.

The rate of indicators for each sex and age of the person different, the same differences exist during pregnancy in women. The children, all the indicators are changing very quickly.

Standards and norms in the analysis of MNO should be strictly observed in all countries, because variations in analyses should not be even the slightest error. It is important to remember that the performance of the MNO react with many drugs and their application should be careful.

If the results of the analysis of the INR of a healthy person exceed the value of 1.25 should be a detailed survey, this may indicate the development of diseases such as : myocardial infarction, malignant tumors, liver disease, and problems with clotting.

With the figure of 6.0 and above is necessary to make urgent hospitalization to start treatment.

Analysis of the obtained indicators can be produced independently from home, using the Internet, these programs are created with the help of therapists and can even give a list of probable diseases. But to trust such results cannot be and access to a doctor is necessary to avoid false diagnosis pseudo treatment.

Tests must pass regularly, 1-2 times a year and not only blood, and even urine and feces. All these indicators are extremely important and each performed its special function. After receiving the results and noticing deviations from the norm, it is possible to prevent start disease.

And if people are not feeling any symptoms, it does not mean that his body is healthy.