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Worms in humans — signs of the presence of worms in the body

Parasites – a very common phenomenon that is easily detected by most people when passing a routine medical examination.

Experts know a variety of ways and techniques how to identify and diagnose worms in the body of a child and an adult. At the present stage of development of medicine is quite easy. In addition, many helminths can find yourself, getting out into the environment. This process usually occurs during the reproduction and the laying female eggs.

Further definition of the type, quantity and duration of life cycle of intestinal worms in humans must be conducted in special clinics during the full survey.

Types of worms in humans

Recognition of representatives of the worms takes place on the basis of typical symptoms and behaviors, life cycle and characteristics of the development. Also taken into consideration, as manifested in humans, the worms, how many live in the body and what diseases provoke.

To doctors can identify the presence of worms in the body of the following types:

  • nematode, a round worm. The duration of the life cycle is not more than 40 years, parasites in the intestines. Can affect the respiratory system, stomach. Representatives: pinworm, roundworm, whipworm,
  • band parasites. Can live in the intestine and migrate throughout the body for about 20 years. Large size can reach 8-10 meters. Species bovine, pork tapeworm, tapeworms,
  • flukes, trematodes. Manifested in internal organs and under the skin. Moves to all organs and can become life-threatening.

Each of the above groups have representatives that are most commonly found in humans.

And each of them carries a huge threat to the health and proper functioning of the body:

  • ascaride. Causes: appendicitis, jaundice, inflammation of the bile ducts,
  • pinworm. Complications: gastritis, allergic reactions, nervous disorders,
  • whipworm. There is a dysentery, prolapse of the rectum,
  • Toxocara. Decreased vision, bronchitis, necrosis of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, a malfunction in the brain,
  • Echinococcus. Dangerous parasite anaphylactic shock, urticaria, enlargement of the liver, the appearance of cysts, fatal,
  • trichinella. Causes the formation of infiltration affects the heart, brain,
  • lamblias. Effects: anaemia, gastritis, angioedema, pancreatitis,
  • hookworms. Cause bowel dysfunction,
  • tapeworm wide. Contributes to anemia, rickets, necrosis of the intestinal tissue, the damage to the spinal cord,
  • filarias. Disease: conjunctivitis, lymphadenitis, asthma, abscesses,
    pulmonary flukes. Provoke enteritis, bronchitis, fever, meningitis, tachycardia.

It is only few specimens, the presence of which can be heard quite often. Have worms are less harmful, but still dangerous. Therefore, there is a need for studies within the laboratory.

Infection of worms

To penetrate into the human body for the parasites is not difficult. To recognize or identify them in the external environment, it is impossible, as they often are in the stage of young larvae or microscopic eggs.

There are certain methods and ways of infection:

  • reservoirs. The majority of the larvae spend an intermediate stage of its life cycle in freshwater, and in salt water. Sometimes an intermediate host. They can be fish, shellfish,
  • wet sand or soil. With faeces, mostly eggs, are brought out for further development or search of the temporary carrier,
  • dirty, raw vegetables, berries, fruits, herbs. From the soil, future worms penetrate the surface of the products,
  • raw, poorly processed meat. Many animals are carriers,
    insects. Flies, beetles, ants legs are carrying eggs,
  • dusty areas. The infection occurs through the respiratory system,
    contact with the patient. To determine that a person has worms in the early stage impossible. Therefore, even an ordinary handshake or the use of one thing can cause the penetration of the worms in Your body,
  • animals and homeless Pets. Temporary carriers.

Even an ordinary hike with the baby for a walk or shopping at the store, call the Elevator or dirty handrails can cause worms. To prevent this, you must follow the basic simple rules of personal hygiene, regularly at home wet cleaning and airing the room where the workplace.

Worms in an adult, their signs and symptoms

One only symptom will not help to identify exactly whether a person has a parasitic infestation.

And how to check that you really have worms?

Forthat there are common human symptoms of worms and how to identify them:

  • reduction or increased appetite,
  • nervousness, fear, excitement. Possible fatigue, weakness,
  • snoring, shortness of breath during sleep,
  • diarrhea or constipation,
  • flatulence,
  • migraines, dizziness,
  • swelling of the limbs,
  • itching in the anal hole,
  • rise in temperature,
  • jumps in blood pressure,
  • skin rash, redness,
  • vomiting, nausea,
  • pain in the stomach,
  • brittle hair, nails.

And it's only a few ways to find out whether there are worms in the adult. These symptoms are characteristic of other diseases. Therefore, only a properly conducted survey would give an accurate result.

Signs of worms in children

If the worms came from the kids, to identify their need immediately, in order to start urgent treatment. Much harder and more dangerous worms their symptoms manifest in young children and newborns.

Not having sufficient immunity and protective protein cells, kids often subject to more complicated consequences of finding parasites in the body:

  • disorder of the intestine, dysbacteriosis,
  • bloating, flatulence,
  • dermatitis, urticaria,
  • involuntary urination or urinary incontinence,
  • respiratory disease. Bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma,
  • girls have observed inflammation of the external genital and internal organs
  • vomiting, nausea,
  • itching and burning near the anus,
  • strong aching pain in the abdomen and colic,
  • lack of sleep,
  • nervousness,
  • newborns may lead to death or developmental delays.

It is difficult to determine independently the worms, and how to learn about them, many parents do not think. Self-medicate their children, they encourage the spread of parasites throughout the body kids. The consequences in such cases are unpredictable.

Tests for different worms

How to understand that the person developing the helminthiasis?

To accurately determine the presence of intestinal worms in adults and children will help only specially designed methods.

Prescribed by the doctor depending on the symptoms and signs of parasites:

  • scraping. The most traditional and simple way. Is a smear of the anus for the presence of worm eggs,
  • a stool sample. Tested but ineffective. Not all worms found in the secretions,
  • total chemical analysis of blood. Only detects inflammation on indicators of low hemoglobin levels. Account is also taken of leukocytes,
  • Polymerase chain reaction diagnosis. Found in the blood of the DNA material of the parasite is studied in comparison with the available samples. The exact kind of research. Shows the class of helminths, the number of individuals,
  • immunoenzyme analysis. We also analyze a patient's blood. Identified the sample IgM antibodies, IgG, gives an indication that the worms caused a protective response from the immune system.

Additionally prescribe an ultrasound, x-rays and a CT scan. The necessity of their passage is associated with the migration of parasites to organs and frequent changes in their localization. Using the method of biopsy or sensing for a sampling of material from diseased bodies. Diagnosis depends on the class of helminths, the impact on the organs.

Worms: treatment adult and children

People need to understand that, in most cases, the treatment of diseases caused by helminths, is a difficult process. Larvae and eggs not all parasites can get in a single course of treatment. Often patients are required to be at the dispensary and regular blood tests.

What to do in this case?

Need to listen to the advice and recommendations of a physician.

Mainly prescribers of broad spectrum:

  • «Pyrantelum»,
  • "Nematol»,
  • "Mebendazole»,
  • "Worm»,
  • «Akrikhin»,
  • "Mepacrine»,
  • "Fenasala»,
  • "Biltricid»,
  • «Perchloroethylene»,
  • «Albendazol»,
  • "Sentel»,
  • "Madamin".

Extreme caution is necessary to take drugs to younger children and newborns. The strong composition of the medicinal Anthelmintics are not always suitable for weak immunity.

Only an experienced doctor can appoint the appropriate age of the patient and the degree of complications of the disease drugs.

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