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Cough worms — intestinal worms Can cause a cough?

Cough in a child is a signal that there is a problem of the respiratory tract. Medicine determines the cough, innate reflex, it is equivalent to breathing and heartbeat.

The main mission of this reflex is the cleansing of the respiratory tract, removing unwanted elements and harmful substances. This implies that the reflex has useful properties. However, sometimes the cough can continue for too long and be excruciating.

Sometimes coughing in a dry form occurs for no apparent reason. In this case, the parents start to treat children with medicines, tablets or other medicines.

You should pay attention to the following aspects: cough therapy without identifying its causes is not only useless, but also can harm the baby. From the first glance of causeless cough can hide the presence in the body of worms.

There are many signs of settlement of the baby's body with worms, it is necessary to highlight some of them:

  • unexplained fatigue, sleep disturbance,
  • itching in the anus,
  • abdominal pain, mostly in the upper part,
  • a sharp increase in temperature (up to 38 degrees),
  • the identification of helminths in the study of the contents of the pot (pinworms),
  • frequent diarrhea or constipation,
  • vomiting and nausea,
  • headache on a regular basis,
  • the child can cough several times a night.

All these signs indicate the appearance in the body "uninvited guests" in the form of worms. They should not be ignored, upon detection of the baby at least 2 – 3 symptoms, you should immediately use the services of specialists.

Types of parasites that trigger cough

Often, in protracted cough, is produced the treatment of bronchitis or colds. Question: "what are the worms often causes the cough?"there have parents in the least.

Cough, which is caused by worms — a very common pattern of young children. Especially on the manifestation of cough is affected by this type of parasitic organism like Giardia.

The root cause of this cough is extremely simple: the worms are spread in the respiratory tract and organs and obstruct duct air. In the course of such coughing out a large number of larvae and parasites. Provoking cough parasites-worms make their way into the body of the baby mainly through dirty hands and spread there very fast.

If you do not make timely treatment, Giardia may cause serious complications. Their fault the child can be developed up to 20 kinds of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Inhabit causing cough parasites - worms not only the intestines, they can also damage the liver, lungs, and other organs.

Another pathogen of dry cough are malicious worms–ascarids. Cough in young children at worms of this type is so strong that it can cause a gag reflex. Symptoms of helminth often disappear for 3 to 5 days, even without therapy.

Cough caused not adults, the moving larvae. Settled in intestine roundworm in the night period will need to leave his dwelling place in order to lay eggs. When the baby is asleep, parasitic worms lay eggs in the folds of the anus. The larvae move on to linen, and then into the air, then inhaled by the baby and provoke coughing.

How to eliminate worms from the body

To consider parasitic species are harmless – it is the greatest delusion.

Provoking cough parasites - intestinal worms can cause many different complications and serious illnesses. In order to remove cough from worms, should be at the primary sign of the worms to see a specialist.

The doctor will prescribe all necessary research, the results of which will be able to determine the prevalence of helminths. Then will be assigned to the complex therapy taking into account the characteristics of the body of the baby.

The main negative aspect is the similarity of the impact of helminths on the body from other diseases. Often the therapy does not bring results, as originally structured properly.

Therapy is prescribed by a specialist or parasitologist pediatrician. The choice of medications from worms is based on the type of parasites, the age category of the child's body weight and the degree of destruction of the body. Among the main means of worms can distinguish Vermoxum, Pyrantel, Zentel and Pramoxine.

Note that all antiparasitic products contain certain amount of toxic substances, they can be harmful to your baby, so to self-medicate and risk the child's health not worth it.

In the breeding of parasites is folk medicine. You should obtain the advice of a specialist before applying any technique. The traditional recipes can distinguish the milk and garlic. A couple of cloves of garlic, pour a glass of milk and give the child to use, you can also do an enema of this mixture. It should not be unchecked to give the childlaxatives as they can aggravate the condition of the little patient.

Another effective means is defined pumpkin seeds. A small member of the family must grind the peeled seeds, you can add a spoonful of honey (if not allergic) to give 100 g per day.

Infection with helminths susceptible to every child, regardless of social status of his family and conditions of life.

Preventive measures

In order to permanently eliminate cough in children caused by parasitic worms, you should get in the habit of a few simple techniques that can be very useful:

  • the child at an early age must be able to comply with the rules of hygiene,
  • hand washing should as often as possible, using antibacterial soap,
  • vegetables, herbs and fruit should be intensively cleaned, the best option is to douse them with boiling water,
  • all the products (especially meat) must undergo sufficient heat treatment,
  • all fish (particularly roach) should be intensively treated,
  • in the presence of Pets, we should not forget about eliminating them worms, and scheduled vet visits.

Don't panic, after hearing a positive opinion about the presence of worms in the body of the baby. Cough caused by the worms can be treated.

Need as early as possible to start therapy and comply with all the prescribed measures for the speedy elimination of parasites and the avoidance of recurrence in the future.