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Roundworm — treatment of ascariasis in adults, folk remedies

You first need to know what it is and what the designation is in the terminology.
The disease is contagious, has the second name of the bot. Is caused by the helminth worm, Ascaris. Ubiquitous in adults, and children. Occurs more often in people living in the tropics and countries with a subtropical climate, at least in latitudes with permafrost. The sources of nematodes are bacteria that penetrate the human body with contaminated food or water. At risk are people whose profession is associated with frequent contact with earth, for example, farmers, agriculture. The children picked up the cosmopolitan from the low level of hygiene, eating with dirty hands.

Askaridy — Metody lecheniya askaridoza u vzroslyh, narodnymi sredstvami

As there is illness, there is an infection?

The parasite is in the human body. Here he finds all the necessary food. We can distinguish several degrees of development. When Mature, the female begins to lay eggs in the intestine, they measure out ripen already in the soil. At a temperature of 20 degrees and the desired moisture content. In the egg, the larva Matures and if it enters the stomach, the egg begins to develop. The infection occurs with the initial development cycle. Subsequently occurs the appearance of the larval period. The egg comes out individual, it gnaws the wall of the abdominal cavity and travels through the bloodstream, the parasite migrates to all organs, settling in the pulmonary tissues of the liver. Here he dies, because his life has no necessary conditions. Making active actions of the worms moving to the upper respiratory tract and throat. There is the re-ingestion of saliva with food. Duration of a stage about two weeks. Individual can defer up to 200 thousand eggs per day. Further individuals cause intoxication and development of pathology, to cure the disease in this case is more complicated. The entire life cycle is approximately one year.

Askaridy — Metody lecheniya askaridoza u vzroslyh, narodnymi sredstvami

Ascariasis. How to proceed the symptoms and treatment in adults

You should know that the signs of Ascaris in adults, depending on the stage of the disease. Usually, since the bot is enough time to infected could feel the first signs. About three weeks pass without symptoms.

During this time the eggs turn into Mature individuals. At the initial stage or the so-called migration phase, when a worm actively replicates in the body, symptoms of ascariasis in adults appear with:

  • dry cough, worse at night,
  • shortness of breath, even without movement,
  • pain in the chest,
  • occurs temperature up to 37,2-37,5 degrees,
  • appearance of weakness, malaise, body aches and muscles,
  • an increase in lymph nodes,
  • appear skin rashes,
  • itching in the anus and feeling the heat,

The initial stage is due to the release of eggs into the lumen of the epigastrium and further into the blood and vessels. When injected into the liver cosmopolitan makes its way through the vessels grassroots Vena cava to the lungs, the alveoli of the lungs, harming the latter. For the existence they need atmospheric gas.

At all stages of the migration phase of the larvae feed with bio-plasma, blood, erythrocyte cells. So the investigation of the collapse of harmful substances by developing allergies and toxic poisoning.

Askaridy — Metody lecheniya askaridoza u vzroslyh, narodnymi sredstvami

Able intestinal worms period, the patient has:

  • the constant complaints of cramps in the abdomen,
  • pain of the head character,
  • lethargy,
  • diarrhea or upset stomach,
  • reduction of body weight,
  • the deterioration in food intake or absolute unwillingness of food,

Worsening, which can lead larvae, diseases such as obstructive jaundice, with its development of the bile ceases to flow into the stomach. May develop pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas. Cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder and the appendicitis, the Appendix becomes inflamed due to nematodes.


The easiest way to the presence of roundworm in adults is scatological check or easier analysis of feces for the presence of eggs of nematodes. The disadvantage of this method is a slight development of the intestinal stage of infection. While macroparasite walk in lungs, liver, heart and other organs, traces of eggs in feces will not be noticeable. How to make a fence information. The study refers to the collection of materialdoctor. Depending on the results will be picked up medicines for its cure.

Askaridy — Metody lecheniya askaridoza u vzroslyh, narodnymi sredstvami

In the initial phase of helminth eggs can be seen in the sputum of the patient. On the chest x-ray foci of infiltration are visible. Mature individuals are found when other operations other anomalies.
In the clinical analysis of blood, ascariasis in adults will proceed with an increased number of leukocytes the appearance of eosinophils.
When the blood, in the presence of worms in humans marks the excess rate of leucocytes as well as the phenomenon of increase in the number of eosinophils.

Way that allows us to identify hotspots of parasites even at the initial stage, it is serological. In its implementation the technique of direct hemagglutination, latex specimens, the response acceleration of erythrocyte sedimentation. Although this method has positive aspects, but in practice almost never used.

So, in the article we learned what Ascaris and its symptoms. Below we will consider ways of therapy.

Methods of disposal

Proper treatment of ascariasis in adults and children is administered in combination therapy, it contains medication and adherence to a certain diet. To the desensitizing drugs include, for example, Tavegil or Suprastin. Anthelmintic, effective Pyrantel, Levamisole, Mebendazole. From this line Pyrantel does not eliminate larvae in the first stage, and can also create obstruction of the epigastrium during the last stage of the flow of invasion. A large number of nematodes causes extra strain on the stomach.

One of the best options for treatment is Albendazole, but pregnant women and children up to 2 years, the medication cannot be taken. Tiabendazol usually prescribed, coupled with Piperazine to prevent the migration of worms in the esophagus. Plus assigned additional complexes multivitamins, products containing iron, antiemetics.

Patients are shown a special diet with a high protein content. If there is such a thing as a strong toxic poisoning, the doctor appoints to spend detoxication therapy, in the presence of damaged internal organs requiring surgery.

Askaridy — Metody lecheniya askaridoza u vzroslyh, narodnymi sredstvami

One of the most effective ways to treat ascariasis oxygen exposure. This technique is that the patient with a probe in the cavity of the stomach is introduced a certain amount of oxygen. Before the procedure you cannot eat, its multiplicity 3 times. After 3 weeks, the test material will show whether the patient's roundworm.

When dieting you need to limit fat intake, eliminate from the diet alcohol. You must carefully observe the rules of food hygiene. Fruits, vegetables are processed from bacteria. It is enough to thoroughly wash them under running water. You can't drink the tap water, before eating food every time you need to wash your hands.

Folk remedies for eliminating bacteria

We learned how the treatment of ascariasis drugs. Now consider how to treat helminthiasis in the home. Be appointed strictly physician.

Enema with garlic

In the fight against worms is garlic good washing. Garlic has antibacterial properties. For solution preparation it is necessary to make a decoction. It is based on garlic and milk. One head divided into cloves, pre-clearing and immerse in milk, it should be 200 ml. Boil until tender. Protsedit. To do the washing before going to bed. Pour the contents into the rectum, not less than 120 ml. to Carry out the procedure one week. The alternative may be the consumption of product consumption.

Askaridy — Metody lecheniya askaridoza u vzroslyh, narodnymi sredstvami

Pumpkin seeds

To cope with worms will help pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin contains a substance which kills worms. A pound of clean seeds and add to boiled water to obtain a homogeneous mass. Take the mixture before eating inside at one time. To drink after 3 hours of magnesia, 30 grams per 200 ml of water. Wait 30 minutes and do the washing


From the article we learned what is the infection, symptoms and treatment in adults, but it is always better to follow the rules of prevention than to treat complications.

To prevent the development of worms will help:

  • a mandatory habit to wash hands before every meal,
  • wash fruits, vegetables before making them into food,
  • you should stop drinking not boiled fluid,
  • the habit of nail biting should also be abandoned,
  • stop using their own excrement as feed for the soil and fertilizer for plants,
  • not to constantly touch your mouth unnecessarily.
Askaridy — Metody lecheniya askaridoza u vzroslyh, narodnymi sredstvami

However, a high level of hygiene and sanitation in the community shows,that sick that everyone can. Worldwide recorded more than one billion cases. If You find yourself all of the above symptoms, if any suspicion is timely to consult a doctor infectious disease. He will take all of the tests and in case of finding bacteria will appoint a proper therapy. The physician narrow specialty dealing with the cases Parasitology. If Your city does not have such professionals turn for advice to the GP or family doctor.