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Worms in humans — From what a person has worms, symptoms and treatment

Getting started

All life on our planet finds its habitat. From the simplest single-celled organisms to large mammals – all have the right to take their place under the sun. Every endeavor to develop and leave offspring. Some are food for others, for third and so on up the chain. In the end everything returned to the beginning, the story starts again.

Some organisms, plants, bacteria coexist with each other, forming a symbiosis. But there is a "neighborhood", which for some comfortable, and for the second highly undesirable. Here's to a bad cohabitation, and applies a pair – the man and worms, a scientific name which helminths.

Studies worldwide have shown that twenty-five percent of the people on the planet are infected one of the forms of worms.

How much?

Now science has discovered more than ten thousand parasitic organisms, of which about two hundred are able to live in our body. The bulk of these creatures is a hermaphrodite.

Good fitness of the majority to abnormal environmental conditions are the results of millions of years. Geographically they can be assigned to different climatic zones. In the humid subtropical climate of their lives the most. The Russian region of give preference to about twenty of them, three classes which are: flukes, tapeworms and roundworms.

Where did they come from?

According to scientific theory, this form of organisms is the founder of evolution on our planet. The emergence of the diversity of subspecies is difficult to describe and many are still not fully understood. Let's have more details of our potential "friends."

Get acquainted closer

The worm of the Fluke develops in aquatic environment, all adults are suckers. The larva grows and develops it mainly in shellfish, but this is only an intermediate stage, then they are looking for a new host, floating in the water.

In length of Mature individuals reach tens of centimeters. Some of them are: Chinese liver Fluke, pictoris and schistosomiasis.

Round worms look like ordinary earthworms. Larvae appear in urine or feces of infected individuals. Transferred by blood-sucking insects, to be in the raw water, meat on the ground. Grow from twenty to several tens of centimeters.

Main villains: Trichinella, roundworm and pinworms.

Tape worms affect its size. In some species, adult length grows about twenty meters. People find this class the most dangerous. Infection occurs through meat products of poultry, animals and fish.

Classifies them: pork and beef tapeworm, tapeworm, broad tapeworm.

As they come

Appear worm infestation can in a wide range of occasions. This occurs most often through the mouth. We consumed the most diverse amount of food of plant and animal origin, drinking water and contact with Pets. Here lies the reason what and why there hated the worms. Though all kinds of sanitary service shall take the necessary measures to detect contamination on meat and poultry, all food preparation must give a special role.

Not roasted and not cooked pork, beef, fish, seafood can produce the body's unwanted changes from what any person appear worms. For cooking should be approached with due care. Fans of salted meat and fish, it is better good to proselyte this thing for a while, and then macerate favorite products.

Raw water can equally lead to undesirable consequences. Eggs of parasitic organisms abundantly found in the earth, the leaves. Unwashed vegetables and fruits from the garden or from the store can also play a cruel joke.

Unwashed hands are added to the same list. Communication with animals, which we love to stroke and touch, potential carriers and in the area of attention to our problem.

Really sick

Signs of helminthiasis are manifested in the average after two or three weeks after infection. It all depends on trapped in the body of the subject.

The manifestation of the disease is replete with a variety:

  1. itching at the area of the anus,
  2. allergic rash on the skin,
  3. bloating, abdominal pain,
  4. the swelling of the lymph nodes,
  5. enlargement of the liver,
  6. jaundice and fever,
  7. pain in muscles and joints,
  8. violation of the chair.

Like the symptoms of various diseases easily confused with anything, but the spoilers are different. Stage of development we have divided the individual periods.

Often, a single adult worm lives for a very long time, not posing. Most forhabitat choose different departments and areas of the intestine in the early stage before the development of the adult form, easily circulate in blood, cause of chronic diseases. In addition to the digestive system, settle in the lungs and liver, some can develop in the brain – do not be afraid, this is a very rare instances.

We treat

Worms in adults and children are identified quite often. For the first to be aware of this particularly disgusting, still, within you lives something. For accurate identification it is customary to pass a comprehensive test.

Blood doctors find certain antibodies and to the General analysis of blood, feces, urine add, in some cases, ultrasound and x-ray diagnostics, endoscopy and computed tomography.

Drugs for disposal now a lot are assigned a single techniques and a comprehensive approach, depends on the individual case. Look at some of them.

Ascariasis and enterobiasis stop mebendazole, Pyrantel, carbendazime. Output tapeworms with praziquantel.

Helminthiasis treatment subjected the whole family. The complex administered to all known anti-allergic drugs.

It is not necessary to delve far, each case details the doctor examines and prescribes the treatment. Strict hygiene during treatment must.

Natural defenders

At the people's medicine cooked their recipes in this case. The most "delicious" of them is pumpkin seeds in pure form they are more prevention than treatment and do not allow them to appear. Ginger, tarragon, onion, herbal teas are only a small part of the blanks in nature. Do not entertain the hope that the expense of alcohol.

Alcohol does not kill the worms, the experiments were carried out, the result is negative.

I want to mention just one recipe, which is popular.

We need: color of wormwood and tansy, oak bark, and buckthorn bark. Mix all in equal proportions. One glass incomplete chinou take a spoonful of mixture and fill with boiling water, close and leave until morning. Half a glass before Breakfast and strictly on an empty stomach. Tincture weak a little, but is struggling with a number of parasites.

Fighting the world

Parasitic organisms feed at the expense of the owners, absorbing waste products, discharge their toxic and they poison they settled organisms. Living in the tissues destroying the environment, causing irreparable damage, leading to tumors and other complications. Worse overall emotional state, neurosis, and nervous breakdowns can be caused by infection and intoxication.

The problem is serious and requires in some cases surgical intervention. Timely detection will help to avoid disastrous results, if you entered a dangerous roommate. About the "harmless" we don't know for many years, but the good they bring us.

In our time humanity is fighting the good fight with all types of helminthiasis. Medicine does not stand still in this matter. New scientific studies reveal hitherto unknown species and help to understand them better, to identify new methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Do it right

It would not have been wonderful evolutionary processes, but what they pour out, even nauseated, by the way also one of the signs of helminthiasis. Need to go get tested.

But if without jokes, each person needs to adhere strictly to the rules of personal hygiene. According to statistics, in third world countries, the percentage of parasitic diseases is higher than in developed countries – the answer lies in the previous sentence.

Proper cooking of protein dishes, clean fruits and vegetables, vaccinated Pets – all is the key to health and longevity, improve the quality of life. No one is immune from the "wrong" cake or a light snack on the road, but this is a philosophical question.