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Beef tapeworm — features of the structure and characterization of the bovine tapeworm

Experts find more and more varieties of worms, ready to live in other organisms and parasite in them. One of the most dangerous isolated bovine tapeworm. He dwells in the human intestine, despite the fact that its larvae are born and develop in the bodies of representatives of cattle, hence its name. In General, such habitat bovine tapeworm custom for the representatives of parasitic organisms. They usually live and develop in the body of the host. The structural features of the bovine tapeworm is a very interesting topic for discussion. More about this written below.

What is this parasite?

We must start with the fact that he is a representative of the tapeworms, though fairly large sizes. In length this specimen grows from 4 to 10 meters. The external structure is quite simple: head, neck, body. All of his body consists of approximately 1,000 segments, though it grows throughout its life. New body parts are formed in the area of the cervix. Scolex — head rounded, not more than 2 mm, are equipped with powerful suction cups. But the hooks, inherent parasites, bovine tapeworm is not observed, why it is called "unprotected". Structure of the bovine tapeworm allows him to exist for about 20 years in a living organism. It's a pretty decent period for the parasite.

The food is slightly non-standard way. The worm attaches to the intestine to its walls with the suction cups on the scolex and uses already digested human food with the whole surface of his long torso. This is justified by the absence of the digestive system and the inability to process food on their own. In addition to the above there are several points on which it can be described as a parasitic organism.

  1. Sturdy body cover, saving the bovine tapeworm from gastric juice.
  2. Undeveloped nervous system.
  3. The senses are weak, virtually absent.
  4. A high level of fertility.

The process of reproduction and distribution

Because beef tapeworm is a representative flat worms, he is a hermaphrodite, like most of them, therefore, reproduction takes place without the participation of the second individual. Eggs are formed in the segments that comprise the entire body of the parasite. In one segment there is one ovary and a large number of the testes. The only exceptions are those segments that were recently played. But not everywhere can Mature eggs. They appear in the farthest, most old sites, and having a good time, going outside in the process of bowel movements.

Domestic animals can eat grass, which is already located eggs of bullish tapeworm. Being in the body, further hit in the stomach from swallowed eggs hatch invisible eye parasite larvae. It is noteworthy that they, unlike adults, have the hooks to attach to the walls of the intestines and stomach. From there they go into the blood, spreading throughout the body of cattle and eventually penetrate into muscle. In the process of growth of the larva are converted into the so-called Finn — a small vial, no larger than a pea, where is the head of the parasite have not yet grown up to the neck.
If the meat of an infected animal, by eating not passed sufficient heat treatment, i.e., it was undercooked or cooked, the worms retain their life and their development process at a certain point occurs in the human body. That's what is so dangerous favorite of many a steak with blood.

What are the risks of getting the bovine tapeworm in the human body?

This helminth, penetrating in the intestine, can cause such diseases as the beef tapeworm infection. Characteristics that help to determine the presence of this parasite in the body, is a little different from the symptoms of the presence of other parasites. So in any case you must consult a doctor.

  1. General weakness in the body.
  2. Frequent headache.
  3. Fast fatigability.
  4. Nausea and subsequent vomiting.
  5. Bulimia, in the most serious forms.
  6. Abdominal pain.
  7. The most obvious symptom of a self — detection in the feces of the worm eggs.

The disease itself represents quite a threat to human life consequences. The worst of them is, necrosis or perforation of the pancreas. They can happen when running the development of the disease. Frequent allergic reactions to allocation produced a bullish tapeworm. Severe obstruction in the intestines, colic, and gall. The acute form of cholecystitis. In addition, prolonged delay in treatment can lead to appendicitis, abscesses and inflammation of various organs.

Diagnosis of the disease is very time — consuming process if there are parasites in the larval stage. Detailed features, able unequivocally to determine the presence of worms does not exist. Necessary special tests, starting with the perianal scrape, and ending, ironically, with blood work. Alsoit is necessary to check the gastric juice. At reduced level of acidity analysis for parasites should be considered positive. Also, the doctor prescribes a specific diet with dominant products do not form a slag. Plus, the power is split into several meals per day. A minimum of 5 times.