Pneumonia: symptoms in children with fever and without signs of which, how long does

Infant mortality from pneumonia in 2015 amounted to 920 136 cases, and the disease took one of the first among infectious causes. While statistics show that among children under 5 years pneumonia accounts for 15% of deaths. In most cases, the real reason is a hidden course of the disease and unacceptable delays in treatment.

Pnevmoniya: simptomy u detej s temperaturoj i bez, priznaki, kakaya, skolko derzhitsya

Definition of the disease

The main respiratory organ – the lungs, where oxygen is absorbed into the blood and where carbon dioxide is removed. This happens in the alveoli – tiny sacs at the ends of bronchioles, the branching of the bronchi. The alveoli is penetrated by numerous capillaries supplying the lungs with blood. It is the blood that irreplaceable freight forwarder, which is responsible for the normal nutrition of all tissues and organs.

However, lung function is not only gas exchange. Through the lungs can be excreted toxins, decomposition products produced when the body inflammatory processes or infectious diseases. In case of any injuries, surgical procedures, food poisoning, a cold light along with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, skin, get additional stress, which invariably leads to a decrease in immunity.

As a result, the alveoli begin to accumulate fluid, or even pus, which leads to disruption of gas exchange and spread of inflammation to neighboring areas.

In most cases, pneumonia in children starts on the background of incorrect or interrupted treatment of SARS and ARI. As a primary disease pneumonia occurs rarely and is associated usually with severe hypothermia, which most parents never occurs.


Pneumonia – an acute infectious disease that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi. There are cases of mixed infections, when bacteria fungi or join against a viral infection developing bacterial defeat.

In the last decade, the aggressiveness of viral infections has increased largely, which may be associated with the increased resistance of microorganisms and their resistance to antiviral and antibacterial means. As a result, the treatment is quick and stable effect, which is fraught with complications.

The development of pneumonia in the implementation of the pathogen is accompanied by the following factors:

  • Previous acute respiratory illness or acute respiratory disease,
  • Hypothermia General nature,
  • Getting into the lungs of a foreign body (vomit, breast milk, food etc. ),
  • Rickets, congenital heart disease,
  • A decreased level of immunity,
  • Constant stress.

Pneumonia can be of an innate nature (cytomegalovirus, Mycoplasma) and transmitted at birth (chlamydia, E. coli, Klebsiella), as well as be the result of hospital infection. In this case, the disease begins to appear on day 6 or 14 days after birth.


After treatment, the child from a cold or virus infection (or disease) may have condition when for several days there is no improvement. In this case, the parents may suspect the development of pneumonia by the following symptoms:

  • After the disease there is a jump in temperature and increased cough,
  • The child is in a lethargic condition and had a poor appetite and sleep – within a week after treatment,
  • Coughing and shortness of breath. In a relaxed state a healthy child makes 25-30 breaths at the age of 1-3 years and 25 in 4-6 years. In pneumonia the breathing of the baby quickens,
  • The inflammatory process in the lungs disrupts gas exchange, so be sure to sign – pallor,
  • The child is unable to take a deep breath – all attempts end with the coughing,
  • The inability to bring the temperature down even a strong antipyretic agents.

A small child (under years old) in the development of inflammatory process becomes apathetic and lethargic or very cranky. The temperature at these kids is not a stable indicator, but even the pallor and cyanosis of nasolabial triangle, especially at feeding time – a sure sign of pneumonia. The pallor of the skin may spread to the whole body.

With the progression of the process, there may be retraction of skin under the ribs, on the part of the affected lung or on both sides with bilateral inflammation.

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As for older children, an important indicator is the breathing frequency: up to 2 months – rate of 50 breaths, from 2 to 12 months, 25-40. When exceeding these indicators and the presence of severe coughing, with marked other symptoms the child needed urgent medical care.

Possible complication

In childhood, pneumonia is hard to recognize because it exceeded the severity of symptoms of intoxication on pathological changes in the lungs. So independently, without special studies to determine the onset of the disease is problematic.

As a result of incorrect or delayed treatment can cause complications such as pulmonary, and General character:

  • Pleural effusion – accumulation of inflammatory exudate between the pleural leaves. Treatment – carrying out pleural puncture,
  • Adhesive pleurisy thickening of the pleural layers, which can be a violation of the ventilation lung function. For therapeutic purposes, is carried out abdominal surgery,
  • Empyema – a purulent inflammation of the pleural sheets, characterized by the strongest signs of intoxication, until he lost consciousness. To correct an abnormal condition is antibiotic therapy,
  • Sepsis – a blood infection that spread infection throughout the body. In childhood is incurable, mortality 100%,
  • Asthenic syndrome – a condition of sluggishness, apathy, characterized by reduced appetite and physical activity. As a rule, pass without consequences,
  • Delayed urine output – disruption of normal urination, which can be treated medical drugs.

Pleural empyema

In the treatment of pneumonia is very important to bring the treatment process to the end, in order to avoid serious consequences. In any case it is impossible to interrupt the treatment even if the symptoms completely disappeared. Only accurate implementation of all recommendations of the doctor can prevent the recurrence of the disease or development of complications.


The detection of symptoms consistent with pneumonia, it is urgent to call a doctor or ambulance, and then required to undertake a chest x-ray.

As measures of diagnosis can be assigned:

  • Bacteriological examination of mucus from the nose and throat,
  • Bacteriological culture of sputum,
  • Biochemical blood test,
  • ELISA and PCR methods of detection of intracellular pathogens,
  • Pulse oximetry.

In the case of uncertainty in diagnosis in difficult cases, a further consultation of pulmonologist, TB specialist, appointed by computed tomography, fiber-optic bronchoscopy and other necessary research.

Drug therapy

Treatment of pneumonia in children at home is possible only with absolute safeguards for parents of all doctor's recommendations and proper sanitation level. If the child is already three years old, in the case of mild illness, the absence of signs of severe intoxication and respiratory failure, the doctor may refuse hospitalization of the baby.

However, with the development of severe symptoms with complicated course of the disease required treatment in hospital under the supervision of doctors. Hospitalization of children up to 3 years in any case.

The main treatment for bacterial pneumonia is antibiotic therapy, which allows the use of the following drugs:

  • Penicillins: Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Oxacillin. Effective in detecting pneumococcal and gram-negative microflora,
  • Cephalosporins: Ceftriaxone, Cefixime, Cefazolin. Used in the initial stages of the disease,
  • Macrolides: Sumamed, Azithromycin. Apply in the complex treatment,
  • Aminoglycosides: Gentamicin sulfate. Used in case of dead pneumococci to Ampicillin,
  • Fluoroquinolones used in the treatment of children older than 12 years old, and derivatives of metronidazole – in severe course of the disease.

In addition to the basic treatment is the appointment of symptomatic drugs (antipyretics, mucolytics, analgesics, antihistamines), offers physiotherapy treatments electrophoresis.

Must be made by the General meeting:

  • Bed rest for a period of fever,
  • Regular airing and wet cleaning,
  • Providing enhanced drinking regime to eliminate the effects of intoxication,
  • Lightweight, but full, and fortified food.

In the recovery period are conducted recreational activities: walking in fresh air, oxygen cocktails, massage chest physiotherapy. For years after the disease the child is under special control of the district pediatrician, regular blood tests, inspections immunologist, pulmonologist, allergist, otolaryngologist.

In case of relapse are assigned to research on the subject of anomalies of the respiratory system, immunodeficiency States, hereditary diseases.

Folk remedies

Of course, to cure pneumonia medication popular recipes is impossible, but as additional symptomatic treatment you can use one of "grandma's»recipe:

  • Fresh cabbage juice mixed with honey give a spoonful 3-4 times a day as an expectorant,
  • The same property has the juice black radish and onions – they should only give 1 tsp with a strong dry cough,
  • A poultice of fresh plantain leaves put the baby at night, pre-warmed them to room temperature and wrap with a warm towel,
  • Pine buds (1 tsp ), pour a glass of boiled water, add 1 teaspoon of honey and give the baby to drink during the day,
  • A mixture of Cup of honey and crushed leaves of the aloe boiled in water bath for 2.5 hours, then filtered and give the baby 1 teaspoon three times a day.

If You want to treat the baby with home remedies, consult a doctor – even at the stage of recovery any medicine for the people's prescription can produce unexpected effect, and with pneumonia, any surprises are unacceptable.


Prevention of this disease largely depends on the timeliness of preventive measures:

  • Vaccination against measles, pertussis, pneumococcus, etc. ,
  • Breastfeeding and good nutrition in subsequent periods,
  • A permanent control of the level of immunity of the child and the implementation of measures for its strengthening: hardening, exercise, vitamin therapy,
  • Treatment of catarrhal and viral diseases in the very early stages, the elimination in the body of a baby any foci of inflammation,
  • Protection of the child from infectious diseases, the compulsory observance of rules of personal hygiene.


Pneumonia is an infectious disease, and like any infection, it can be limited in distribution. Do not forget about the ways of its penetration and trigger factors.

However, upon the slightest suspicion of pneumonia do not forget that sometimes the shortest delay seeking medical attention can have serious consequences for the baby's health. Closely monitor the condition of the child and pay full attention to strengthening his immune system – this way You will be able to protect it from most diseases, and infectious.

Tonsillitis in children can also provoke the development of inflammation of the lungs. So, do not forget about the fact that children's angina responds well to treatment with folk remedies. But in this case it acts as an auxiliary therapy. There are a number of drugs aimed at combating child tonsillitis.