Hidden pneumonia: symptoms in adults, signs of reduced forms, and methods of treatment

One of the most dangerous diseases of the respiratory tract in adults is a hidden form of pneumonia. This disease gives only a General mild symptoms, however, poses a significant threat to humans and in some cases can even lead to death. So you can deal with this disease, let's look at the reasons why it occurs, what symptoms it has, and what medical treatment can provide.

Skrytaya pnevmoniya: simptomy u vzroslyh, priznaki formy ponizhennogo, metody lecheniya

Definition of the disease

Latent or silent form of pneumonia — an inflammation of the lung tissue, usually the individual segment, which does not give pronounced symptoms, including pain in the area of the chest, temperature, severe coughing, typical of ordinary pneumonia. This disease in recent years increasingly diagnosed in adults, although they can also appear in children.

Because this form of pneumonia occurs without symptoms, it has the highest mortality rate. It is because people are so important to pay attention to indirect signs of this disease and when they occur to immediately contact the experts.


Latent pneumonia may have a viral and bacterial or fungal in nature. Currently there are several dozen pathogens, can cause the development of this disease. The same factors that contribute to the appearance of the disease in this form are:

  • low immunity of the person,
  • suffering a serious respiratory disease,
  • reception antitussive drugs, completely suppress the cough reflex,
  • improper use of antibiotics, which over time, bacteria have developed resistance to the drug.

Often, the patient pneumonia in a latent form calls several listed causes. Determine just what factor caused the emergence of this disease, the patient usually is not possible. This can only be done by a doctor and only after complete medical history.


Hidden form of pneumonia is poorly expressed symptoms, therefore often determine the disease is possible only on a number of indirect signs. This is necessary to include:

  • the tachycardia and shortness of breath, especially during physical activity,
  • pain with a sharp breath,
  • unhealthy complexion, a blush formation in the form of spots,
  • whistling on the inhale and exhale,
  • the General decrease of working capacity, fatigue.

Pneumonia in a latent form may be accompanied by sleep disturbance, loss of appetite and increased irritability of the patient. The temperature of the patient at the same time greatly increases, in some cases, its increase in the evening up to 37 degrees, rarely higher.

Presented symptoms are common to a number of diseases, because self-install the pneumonia in a latent form almost impossible. Upon detection of such symptoms should consult a doctor who will be able to set up inflammation of the lungs by a blood test (for a given ailment will be present leukocytosis) as well as x-ray and General examination.

Possible complication

The disease if untreated or with improper treatment can lead to various complications. To those should include the reduction of lung capacity, hardening of some of their land, heart disorder, sepsis. Also, it is a hidden form of pneumonia and often is fatal.

Skrytaya pnevmoniya: simptomy u vzroslyh, priznaki formy ponizhennogo, metody lecheniya

The consequences of this disease for the body are often irreversible. Precisely because it is so important to consult a doctor at the first signs of such illness, so as not to miss his transition into severe stage.


When a latent form of pneumonia, the treatment can be performed in a hospital (especially if the disease runs hard and is accompanied by complications), and ambulatory. Usually with her doing drugs, rarely and only in severe forms of the disease, doctors may resort to surgery, allowingto drain the pus in his lungs and removed the affected areas. Drug therapy in this disease is assigned to the patient based on the number of tests, including x-ray, General blood analysis, sputum analysis, in some cases, the Mantoux test. These analyses provide an opportunity to establish the cause of the disease and to choose the most appropriate medicines for its treatment.

Medically way

Drug therapy in this disease is complex and provides a number of different means. Among those:

  • Drugs aimed at eliminating the causes of disease. This can be antibiotics, if the place had a bacterial infection, antiviral or antifungal medications.
  • Means of facilitating the expectoration, and to restore the functions of the bronchi. In this category need to take special syrups, oils for grinding and other preparations to facilitate the separation of mucus.
  • Symptomatic medications. This category includes antipyretics and analgesics.
  • Medicines to enhance immunity. It can be Immunostimulants or vitamin complexes.

Type of drugs, as well as the scheme of their application in pneumonia latent form, the doctor selects for each patient individually. Violation of the established physician dosages or regimens of medication can reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

Additionally, the patient in the treatment of this disease will be assigned to diet, the observance of a day regimen, drink plenty of liquids. Also, he may be prescribed a variety of thisprocedure, massages, physiotherapy.

Drug therapy in the latent form of pneumonia can last several weeks or months. With proper diagnosis, and when patient's compliance with all of the appointments, the prognosis of this disease is usually favorable.

Folk remedies

Pneumonia in closed form cannot be cured with folk remedies. They should be used only to improve the General condition of the patient, to apply them preferably in combination with classical medication therapy. Effective in this case are the following folk recipes:

Skrytaya pnevmoniya: simptomy u vzroslyh, priznaki formy ponizhennogo, metody lecheniya
  • Compresses with warm cheese. For preparation such, you will need to take 100 grams of cottage cheese, add a tablespoon of honey, mix it all until smooth and heat on the battery. Put the resulting need to compress the patient's chest, beating only the region of the heart. Up to 2 hours.
  • The infusion of thyme. You need to take two tablespoons of dried thyme, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse in a dark place for 4 hours. The resulting infusion is recommended to be taken up to 3 times a day.
  • A decoction of raisins. To prepare this remedy as follows: 100 grams of raisins scrolled through a meat grinder, then pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and boil 10 minutes. After that, the broth remove from heat, infuse, Express and take three times a day.
  • Breast collection. Take 2 tablespoons of finished pharmaceutical collection, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours. After that, the resulting broth will need to strain and can be taken up to 3 times a day.

If the funds do not give any improvements, do not even bring relief of the patient's condition, you should stop using them and go to full drug therapy. Otherwise, you may face severe irreversible consequences of pneumonia in a latent form.


Latent pneumonia is a disease, the appearance of which can be avoided by following simple preventive measures. Among them especially noteworthy are:

Skrytaya pnevmoniya: simptomy u vzroslyh, priznaki formy ponizhennogo, metody lecheniya
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The observance of a day regimen, proper diet, cessation of Smoking and other harmful habits.
  • The prevention of colds. Vitamins, low immunity, limiting contact with sick people in the office as well as in transport.
  • Passing regular yearly check-UPS from doctors, fluoroscopy. It is especially important to observe this measure for people with low immunity and the elderly.
  • Appeal to the doctors when you see any signs of sickness. Even if you are sure that the disease you have, not be amiss to consult the doctors — they will give you important recommendations for improving health.
  • Ensuring a healthy microclimate in the house. Regular wet cleaning, ventilation in the rooms, and also control humidity.
  • Timely and proper treatment of respiratory diseases. The rejection of uncontrolled receiving antibiotics or cough medicines that stimulate the development of pneumonia in a latent form.

People with poor health can also be shown a special measure of prevention: vaccination. It will make the body more resistant to pneumococcus that most commonly cause pneumonia in a latent form. Such a vaccine can be done inthe clinic at the place of residence after prior consultation with your doctor.


As you can see, a hidden form of pneumonia can be pretty dangerous disease that can give serious complications to human health and even death. However, with proper medical therapy it can be treated and cured almost every patient. To deal with him, extremely patient, it is crucial to pay attention to the deterioration of his General condition, to be examined by a doctor and continue to follow all of the recommendations for treatment.