Inhalation pneumonia in the home unloveablesteve, steam, adults and children

Pneumonia is one of the most common diseases in the world. If untreated, this disease poses a direct threat to the life of the patient. Effective method of therapy of pneumonia are pulmonary to ensure the delivery of medication directly into the lungs. To apply these procedures need to be competent combined with medicines prescribed by your doctor. In some cases, refer to the inhalations in this disease, therefore, it is not recommended to be taken for the treatment.

Ingalyacii pri pnevmonii v domashnih usloviyahnebulajzerom, parovye, vzroslym i detyam

How to use inhalation for the treatment of pneumonia?

Definition of the disease

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is an acute infectious disease that affects the respiratory parts of the lungs. For this disease characterized by the accumulation in the alveoli of the inflammatory exudate. Pneumonia is the most common bacterial disease. The main causative organisms are pneumococcus, Staphylococcus, Haemophilus wand.

The impetus for the development of the disease can be a viral infection. The virus causes inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, this creates favorable conditions for bacterial pathogens.

There are risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing pneumonia. Among them:

  • Oncological disease,
  • Immunodeficiency,
  • Pathology of the Central nervous system,
  • Heart disease, kidney, lung decompensation,
  • Mechanical ventilation,
  • General anesthesia,
  • Age older than 60 years.

The appearance of the following symptoms, indicating the possible presence of pneumonia, should immediately consult a doctor.

Among the characteristic features of this disease:

  • Intoxication syndrome: chills, fever, severe night sweats, loss of appetite, nausea, headaches, General weakness.
  • Chest pain and shortness of breath.
  • Cough (initially dry, then with mucopurulent sputum).

The use of inhalation

Inhalation pneumonia allow us to deliver drugs in the form of fine particles directly in the pathological focus (lower Airways, alveoli). It accelerates the absorption and therapeutic effect of the medication can be felt faster. Bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, the drugs reach the destination and thus do not have negative side effects.

In addition, the drug can not be destructive effects of digestive enzymes and maximally preserve the useful properties that allows to use much smaller doses of drugs, in contrast to other methods of drug administration.

A big plus is also the fact that the procedure of inhalation is painless, does not violate the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. This advantage makes it possible to widely apply this procedure for children.

Inhalation pneumonia achieve the following effects:

  • The termination of the development of inflammation.
  • Moisturizing and regeneration of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
  • Removing the swelling and spasmodic phenomena.
  • Liquefaction of sputum and improvement of its release.
  • Improve blood supply and nutrition of the mucosa.


Modern medicine recommends to perform inhalations in pneumonia the use of special devices inhalers. Depending on the principle of operation they are divided into compressor, ultrasonic and steam.

Features of application of modern inhalers

Steam inhalers have appeared before all others. For them to use the water with added essential oils. When water is heated the particles of the therapeutic oils pass into vapor, which the patient inhales. Steam inhaler also allows the use of decoctions and infusions of treatment of the herbs (chamomile, sage, etc.).

The use of steam inhaler has two large "minus»:

  • Most other pharmaceutical solutions collapses under the influence of high temperature.
  • During the procedure the particles are formed a pair of fairly large size. They are deposited on the walls of the larger bronchi, not getting deep into the respiratory tract.

Ultrasonic andcompressor machines called nebulizers. They create an aerosol with small particles, so the inhalation nebulizer for pneumonia given the opportunity to deliver drugs to the farthest branching (bronchioles and alveoli).

In ultrasonic nebulizers is best to use a saline mineral water. But the oil and water suspension can damage the device or deteriorate under the influence of ultrasound.

The most widely compressor nebulizers that have almost no restrictions on the type of used drugs.

Home remedies

Inhalation at home require the patient's correct respiration, whereby the medicinal solution enters the mucous membrane or inflammation. During such inhalation is necessary to ensure the unimpeded entry of drugs to the site of inflammation, therefore, the neck and throat must not be compressed by a collar or a scarf.

For home procedure, you will need a kettle or pot. In the first case, you need to inhale drugs through the nose. If the patient uses a pot, in this case on top of it to install the paper funnel.

Health care workers with pneumonia recommend the use of nebulizers. Such devices allow to carry out the spraying treatment component.


For conducting inhalation it is possible to use pharmacological and non-pharmacological means. Medicinal drugs are prescribed by a doctor. For example, in order to eliminate the inflammatory process, widely used drug Fluimucil-it, which is both an antibiotic and expectorant.

An effective anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity also have:

  • Ready Bioparox aerosol (the active ingredient is fusafungine),
  • Special solutions: Rotokan, Dioxidine, Gentamicin.

Great liquefies phlegm, improves the functioning of the ciliated epithelium of such a stimulator motor function of the respiratory tract, as Mucosolvan. This medication is also known under another name – Ambroxol.

In pneumonia independently assign itself an inhalation using a nebulizer is unacceptable. Medications should be picked up solely by the pulmonologist, which will determine the duration of the procedures and the frequency of their conduct. Prior to the use of the drug should also ensure no allergies to it.

Essential oils

Essential oils are very effective for the treatment of pneumonia by inhalation. It is very helpful to inhale the aromas of Basil and coriander. Such oils are effective in the fight against various pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

A good result given the essential oils lavender and mint. They are also used for body massage and rubdown. If you use inhalation using aromatic oils, these treatments will strengthen the immune system and creates protection against pneumonia.

In order to significantly speed up the recovery, you can use the following recipe:

In 250 ml of very hot tap water dissolve 10 drops essential oil of juniper and pine, 5 drops of essential oil of spruce and fir. Spend inhalations under a towel for 10 minutes 3 times a day. The treatment takes 2 weeks.

For the procedure with oils of Basil and coriander in a large bowl, pour 300 ml of boiling water and add 20 drops of essential oils data. Inhalation is carried out without the use of towels. The patient's face should be on an inhalation composition at a distance not higher than 50 centimeters. The duration is 10 minutes.

Effective inhalation with garlic and essential oil. To obtain a medicinal composition grind to a pulp 3 major prong of garlic and pour 2 cups of hot water. Then, as part pour 10 drops of Basil essential oil. Inhalation spend, densely covered with a towel for 10 minutes. A day needs 3 procedures. The full course of therapy is 14 days.

In the preventive purposes include such plants as:

  • Ficus,
  • Geranium,
  • Oleander,
  • Homemade lemon,
  • Begonia,
  • Primrose.

Indoor plants contribute to the activation of the immune system and improve the functioning of the body.

People prone to allergies should exercise caution with respect to the conduct of inhalation with herbal ingredients and essential oils.

Herbal teas and other folk remedies

Folk remedies for inhalation can be very effective for the treatment of pneumonia, if allowed by the attending physician. In this case, it is recommended to apply 2-4 times a day.

Honey – an excellent remedy for relieving inflammatory process. To conduct honey inhalation should be 1 tablespoon of Linden honey is dissolved in 300 ml boiling water and cool the composition for 5 minutes, to breathe over the steam. Duration – 10 minutes. During the procedure, the patient should be densely covered with a towel. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Calendula flowers can be successfully used for carrying out of inhalation pneumonia. With the goal of getting medicines you need to take 1 tbsp. spoonful of dried flowers and pour a glass of water. Then the broth is put on fire and bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes under the lid. Then leavefor 5 minutes to cool, lid on. Inhalation spend for 5-7 minutes, well covered with a towel. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Inhalation with baking soda and sea salt can clear the lungs from phlegm and stop the development of inflammation. To do this, take 1 tbsp. spoon of baking soda and sea salt, dissolve them in a glass of boiling water. After that, pour the solution into a wide bowl and spend inhalation for 10 minutes. It should not be very tight to cover with a towel. This procedure is carried out morning and evening for 10 days.

Don't forget about the onion passive inhalation, which is carried out throughout the night. From large bulbs press the juice and pour it into a small bowl. A container of juice, place the battery in the room where the patient sleeps. Evaporating, the juice will fill the air with phytoncides. Breathing in it throughout the night, the patient will receive the maximum antiseptic treatment lungs and bronchi, which will greatly speed up the recovery. To inhalation this method is needed for 5 nights.

Useful in inhalations with alkaline mineral water. To do this, a glass of water, heat in a water bath to a temperature of 50 ºc and inhale the vapor for 10 minutes, covered with a towel. Repeat this treatment at least 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is 14 days. It is possible to carry out this procedure with a nebulizer.


The efficiency of inhalation is largely dependent on the correct procedure. In this case, the drug immediately enters the mucous membrane or inflammatory place, without affecting the digestive system. This is the main advantage of this method of treatment. During inhalation it is important to inhale the medicine by mouth. The neck and throat should not be muffled by the collar or scarf.

You need to use for the procedure? Steam inhaler, nebulizer or a pan (kettle).

Inhalation pneumonia have an effective therapeutic effect, but the procedure has its contraindications.

High temperature, purulent discharge, respiratory distress, allergic to medicines or medicinal plants are a contraindication for carrying out of inhalation pneumonia. In order to avoid the negative consequences you should consult with your doctor.


Inhalation pneumonia requiring adherence to certain rules:

  • Between the meal and should sustain an interval of 1-2 hours.
  • The duration of the inhalation is from 6 to 10 minutes (in children reduced to 1-3 minutes).
  • During the procedure, it is impossible to engage in foreign Affairs (speaking, reading).
  • Clothing should be loose, do not squeeze the throat and chest.
  • Inhale and exhale vapor need mouth for a few seconds holding the breath.
  • After the procedure, 30-60 minutes should refrain from eating, drinking, loud conversation, singing, one should not go out or smoke.

To the main part of the medicine reached the lungs, during inhalation when the inflammation is recommended to use a mouthpiece. If the mask is applied, a large amount of aerosol remains on the face.


Inhalation pneumonia is both soft and strong remedy against pneumonia. The procedure can be used for both adults and children. The main condition is to consult a qualified physician. In the absence of contraindications inhalation can and should be conducted throughout the period of treatment of the disease.

Even people interested about the conduct of inhalation during tracheitis and subject to bouts of severe coughing in children.