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Contagious whether pneumonia to others: how is that airborne transmission of pneumonia, infectious disease, viral

More recently, this question would cause confusion among doctors and patients – pneumonia was considered to be a purely respiratory disease, and its appearance is directly linked to hypothermia, and strength of immunity. However, the environment is rapidly changing, and with new diseases appear and new varieties of old diseases.

Zarazno li vospalenie legkih dlya okruzhaushih: kak peredaetsya, vozdushno-kapelnyj put peredachi pnevmonii, infekcionnoe zabolevanie, virusnoe

Definition of the disease

Pneumonia – the name speaks for itself and is one of the most dangerous lung diseases. The mechanism of inflammation is largely determined by the number formed in the lung of mucus and the quality of the functioning of the ciliated epithelium of the lower respiratory tract.

All the pathogens that enter with the air into the lungs, produced enveloped in mucus, which contains antimicrobial substances (immunoglobulins, lysozyme) in high concentrations. When all the characteristics of the mucus (viscosity, elasticity, density) normally, the process of removing pathogenic microorganisms occurs without delay.

If for any reason rheology (quality) of sputum is broken, is not only the activation of microbes in the lungs, but also the stagnation of mucus. As a result of impaired ventilation of separate areas of the lungs, and causes inflammation.

The quality of sputum depends on a number of factors:

  • The loss of body fluid, resulting in impaired blood rheology,
  • Dry air with a high content of dust particles.

Another important element in the mechanism of getting rid of pathogenic organisms is a cough. As a natural reflex of the body, it contributes to the timely withdrawal of mucus from the respiratory tract. However, onset is always accompanied by a dry cough – it shows lack of rheology produced by the body of mucus, and he needs to help.


Pneumonia, as a rule, a secondary disease arising in the background of the incorrect treatment of SARS and ARI. When bacteria and viruses enter the body, there begins immediately the inflammation – maybe just very broken people.

Because light is the lower division of the respiratory tract, and the pathogen must first overcome the nasopharynx, throat, trachea, and bronchi. All the way waiting for him all the same cells of the immune system, are part of the mucosa. So to get right into your lungs the germ can only when not cured until the end of the disease, either with very weak immunity.

As activators there may be a variety of microorganisms:

  • Viruses,
  • Bacteria,
  • Mushrooms,
  • Chlamydia and Mycoplasma (intracellular parasites),
  • Simple.

The incubation period after exposure lasts from several days to several weeks, and all this time the patient emit into the environment the pathogens. Even after complete disappearance of symptoms in the patient's body is a certain amount of microbes that are potentially dangerous.

The question of the infectiousness of pneumonia to the end not clear, even the official medicine and is largely dependent on the type of pathogen and form of the disease:

  • Bacterial pneumonia. In most cases, is a complication of infection with influenza viruses and other SARS, rhinovirus. Not ranked among the infectious forms, and the danger may be only initially as a source of virus. How do you get SARS read here and also about the methods of preventing infection of epidemic diseases,
  • SARS. With this form of disease are the causative agent of chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Klebsiella, etc. the Disease is easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one, especially if the latter has a weak immune system,
  • Hospital of pneumonia. The most dangerous form of pneumonia caused next to pathogenic microorganisms that have acquired resistance to medical agents: Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, gram-negative bacteria and anaerobes, chlamydia. As a rule, the infection occurs in hospitals, the incidence in hospital staff is 35%, and the mortality rate from this type of pneumonia is 70%.

Regardless of the form of disease is a potentialthreat to others, so you must try as much as possible to protect yourself and your family in case of infection one of the family members.


Each year more than 17 million people suffer from pneumonia, while men are 30% more than women. Mortality from pneumonia is 8-9%, the disease takes the 4th place in her level after cancer, heart attacks and strokes. Such prevalence is due to the insidiousness of the disease, which can occur in a latent form, and the existence of multiple pathways of infection.


The most common way for any infections, especially in the warm time of the year. Standing close to people when you cough or sneeze, emit into the environment of pathogenic microbes within a radius of 3 m. If people are in an enclosed space, germs can survive there for a long time even in the cold season.

Quite often at risk are children who, because of age characteristics have a weak immune system. When visiting kindergartens, they communicate very closely with peers, which contributes to the spread of infection.

Alimentary (fecal-oral)

Through food, water or dirty hands to get sick from only the initial infection with virus or bacteria. And now they are hitting in the body of a healthy person, with a number of favourable factors may become the cause of the disease.

Read about how subject to the laryngitis.


Samsarajade occurs on the background of a weakened immune system after suffering colds in cases where the patient prematurely discontinue the treatment, or his body is too weak (e.g., after surgery) and unable to fight inflammation.

A typical form of such infection is aspiration pneumonia, caused by the accidental ingress lower respiratory tract contents of rathausglockel or stomach. Often, this syndrome occurs during sleep even in healthy people. However, for the occurrence of pneumonia this causes a little should be a number of additional factors: immune status, amount of content and concentration in it of pathogenic organisms.

Read about the spread of tonsillitis, incubation period and methods of infection.

Hematogenous and lymphogenous

The most rare path of infection, though is the most dangerous because often the cause of sepsis – blood poisoning. Pathogens can get into the blood and lymph of the body the source of infection and spread to all organs.

Other factors the occurrence of disease

In every human body there is a certain amount of microorganisms which, for the most part, are in a depressed condition – and then the person is healthy. However, under certain favourable circumstances of conditionally pathogenic microflora aktiviziruyutsya – and the person starts to hurt.

In the case of pneumonia, such factors are:

  • Period after diseases colds and viral nature,
  • The presence of chronic somatic diseases,
  • The state of pregnancy and hormonal drugs,
  • Postoperative period,
  • Susceptibility to alcoholism and drug addiction.

Any state that is associated with a reduction in overall immunity, can become the trigger for inflammation in the lungs.

Preventive method

Increased risk of the disease is the reason for increased attention to preventive measures can greatly reduce the risk of pneumonia:

  • Regular ventilate living and working spaces, wet cleaning, humidification of air,
  • Compliance with prevention measures in periods of viral epidemics: if necessary, wearing gauze bandages, the use of antiseptic agents (oxolinic ointment, garlic, lemon), avoid crowded places, regular hand washing,
  • Prevention of hypothermia of local and General nature,
  • Timely removal of foci of infection in the body possible treatment of chronic diseases,
  • Preventive measures in the presence of patients with pneumonia in the home: private room, private household items, regular wet cleaning, disinfection of tableware of the patient,
  • Ongoing concern about the level of the immune system: balanced diet, tempering procedures, playing sports, walks in the fresh air, breathing exercises, Smoking cessation.

All preventive measures are useless if the immunity levels will remain low. We are what we eat. And if you have problems with your health, reassess your diet. Many famous people have preached abstinence in food. A majority of modern products are harmful in themselves, not to mention their group membership.


Pneumonia is undoubtedly contagious. But how and in what conditions, depends on many different factors. Try to protect yourself and your child to be preventive measures – they, unlike drugs, can be used without limitations.