How to treat cough in pneumonia in adults and children

Pneumonia – a disease which is sometimes very difficult to identify. Symptoms include cough, fever, body aches, and more.

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What can cause a cough with pneumonia?

Cough is a defensive reaction that occurs when irritant effect of some aspects. Irritants are dust, foreign objects, mucus. For this reason coughing should not be mistaken for an independent disease, it is only a symptom of a certain disease, and pneumonia in adults and children. Symptoms are manifested in different ways.

But all agree that the cough is one of the very nasty feelings:

  1. Cough in pneumonia in children, adults, in most cases, very painful.
  2. He does not allow man to live his accustomed life: a long, tight literally exhausting, especially at night.
  3. He discomfort psychologically.

Many faced with a situation where an unexpected attack in a public place draws people's attention. At such moments, people feel very uncomfortable. So people are very concerned about the cough, willing to buy any drug, if only to eliminate this nightmare.

Inflammation of the lungs cough attack undeniable companion. To suspect the disease is pneumonia, you need to know what cough and pneumonia. Usually causes pneumonia dry cough, constant, quite strong. With the development of inflammation, the cough turns into a wet, stands out phlegm, which contains mucus, pus, pieces of blood. It is called productive. Despite the fact that it is unpleasant, but much better than dry, because it removes the phlegm from the lungs, bronchi, which they accumulate. With phlegm comes out and all that in them is accumulated. This process is much speeds recovery. Moreover, if the phlegm goes well, it reduces the risk of complications. For this reason, to eliminate such a process. If the body can't cope with the goal, it is the turn of the medicines that the doctor prescribes. They dissolve phlegm and accelerate its separation.

All symptoms of inflammation are unpleasant, but dry cough especially. Due to the fact that the phlegm is still not coming off, there is no relief. Cough is repeated many times, even more irritating, and provoking new, more powerful attacks. Goes a vicious circle, for this reason coughing should be taken under control. Usually, after a few days it goes in the wet. But, in that case, if dry cough attacks cause the person great discomfort, so it requires a good bronchiodialator drugs like Pektusin, Dr. MOMA, Bromhexine.

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How to treat cough with inflammation of the tell the doctor, but it is possible and traditional methods: radish with honey, nettle broth – wonderful.

Despite the fact that a wet cough is considered productive, and helps bring the phlegm, it also should be treated:

  1. The phlegm is quite viscous, especially in children, so it needs to liquefy.
  2. With the constant presence of mucus in the lungs may develop bacteria. To stimulate the expectoration is prescribed expectorant drugs.

Feature of pneumonia is the fact that after recovery from the cough does not disappear completely as other symptoms. It can disturb you for a long time. In adults, the cough lasts much longer than in children.

This is due to the fact that the lungs are cleared of mucus to the end. To quickly cure it, you need to do breathing exercises, massage of the breast, do not swallow the phlegm waste, to inflate the balloon. Thanks to these methods, the body will be much easier to recover after a long illness.

If the cough does not disappear after a long time, you need to visit a doctor is likely to need re-treatment.

If the symptom remains, it is basically prescribed not medications, and physical therapy, traditional methods. In order to quickly get rid of the cough after an illness, it is necessary to drink vitamin C, walks in the fresh air, to observe the exercises for the respiratory system, drink plenty of warm water, to include in the diet more vegetables and fruits to strengthen the immune system. Any, even a slight flu after pneumonia, could trigger a repeat of the disease. After suffering inflammation need not be supercooled to overheat, you must monitor the temperature balance, often walk in the fresh air.

The treatment of cough

Unfortunately, the number of causative agents of pneumonia is increasing every year, and this complicates treatment and prevention efforts. Pneumonia is still among the most frequent pediatric, adult and elderly deaths especially in public institutions like orphanages, prisons.

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Most of the drugs that are used to treat pneumonia,aimed at lowering discomfort and getting rid of cough, chest pain, but it also happens that coughing there during inflammation. This is due to lobar actions in tissues of the lung.

An integral part of patient care is following the necessary steps, but now it's irrelevant due to the use of antibiotic drugs. The patient must comply with bed rest, his diet should consist of quickly digestible meal should be to drink plenty of liquids as water, juice, warm broth.

With a strong cough adult is prescribed an expectorant, codeine, but their use is very often unfounded, because these medications during normal sputum is not prescribed.

A great expectorant and mucus solvent has the effect of a solution of potassium iodide, mukaltin, plantain, warm milk with honey.

Among the medicines advised to take antibiotics synthetic penicillins (amoxicillin), cephalosporins and rifampicin.

To soften the pain in your chest will help and folk ways: warmed cranberry juice (1 Cup) you need to drink in small SIPS, half an hour and gargle with the same juice or drink 2 cups of whey every day.

Physical therapy is an integral part of the full course of treatment and prevention (in addition to the use of medicines), used all known UHF-therapy, ultraviolet irradiation.

Typically pneumonia can be treated in a hospital, especially if a child is sick, but sometimes at home. Auxiliary treatment with traditional methods helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment of a choking patient cough and chest pain – pulmonary. They significantly relieve spasms, cough and helps remove phlegm.

Kak lechit kashel pri pnevmonii u vzroslyh i detej

If you experience strong, painful or ongoing attacks after the disease should consult a doctor, and more to describe all the symptoms. Then the doctor will be easier to find effective drugs to improve the health and relief of cough attacks. The main thing is not to self-medicate especially when it concerns a child.