For pneumonia back pain

To pneumonia can absolutely everyone, regardless of age. Most often this disease occurs due to the penetration of viruses and bacteria in the body. But even the most high-quality and competent treatment cannot protect the patient from further problems and complications of different degrees. So some complain of back pain and pneumonia. Why does it occur and what does it mean?

Pri pnevmonii bolit spina

The localization of pain

Of the several agents of pneumonia: bacteria, viruses, fungi.

The disease can be mild, moderate, and severe. Much depends on the state of the immune system of the body. Therefore, these factors greatly affect the effects during the illness and after it. It is not desirable to appoint a preparations treat your own children or the elderly.

Sometimes patients notice that inflammation of the lungs, they begin to feel unpleasant soreness. It occurs in different places and always brings discomfort. It normally occurs in the back, chest or sides. Sometimes pain can be felt in different places at the same time.

Causes of

Pain with pneumonia may appear with a too prolonged course of the disease, severe inflammation, or if additional problems. The reasons can be several:

  • a back injury prior to the onset of the disease;
  • the damaged muscle or nerve endings;
  • complications in the form of lesions of the intervertebral discs;
  • residual inflammation;
  • protracted pneumonia;
  • too intense cough.

While soreness may occur not only in the back but in the chest or side. Usually it is believed that back pain is one of the signs of pneumonia. It is closely connected with respiration and occurs when too deep breath or coughing.

Patients trying to find such position of the body when the pain dulled. They don't want to move a lot, try not to make deep and rapid breaths that make the pain worse. It is therefore necessary to seek the cause and eliminate it.

Why is the pain

Cough is the most frequent symptom of pneumonia. With it, the body gets rid of harmful elements in the form of germs and mucus in the lungs. So it can be called a good defense mechanism. But it does not always work to clear the lungs with a cough. In this case, the infection lingers in the body and spreading further. It captures the pleura, rich in nerve endings. That is why starting pain zapolnaya the back or chest.

Too intense cough will also cause chest pain in pneumonia. Sometimes it is in this case felt in the back and sides. Coughing, the muscles are constantly tense and "work". Therefore, there is an accumulation of lactic acid that causes bad discomfort.

Also too frequent coughing may lead to a change of pressure in the chest cavity. It will cause stress on the muscles. For a long period of time, this constant tension leads to stretching or damage to the nerve fibers. All of this leads to pain in the back or the sternum.

The reason for the presence of these sensations can be an old injury of the spine or muscles, low back pain, untreated pneumonia or pathogenic processes.

The meaning of pain

When inflammation of the lower lobes of the lungs, there is a painful pulling sensation in that side. It also appears in lesions of the pleural layers. Involved in inflammation of are pain in the chest, slightly giving in Boca. This is due to the huge number of nerve plexuses in these shells.

Some patients compare the pain with sensations that appear at heart attacks or sciatica. To see whether this is associated with pneumonia, you need to follow whenever there is a sensation. Usually it is directly connected with the respiratory process and respiratory movements of the chest.

If in the region of the pleura is fluid, it will give pain in the chest and side. While there is a heaviness and shortness of breath. Sick all the time trying to find a comfortable semi-sitting position it becomes easier. So you can see that some even try to sleep in this condition.

In dry pleurisy fibrin threads simply fall into the space of the pleural layers. Then they are glued together and this leads to painful sensations. Sometimes the pain is so strong that the person starts to breathe more often and his breaths more shallow.

Additional causes of pain

Some patients notice that they have to be a phantomsoreness. It happens in patients with too long time form of the disease. It is hard, can affect almost all light. If to it to attach the appeared complications, the patient during the illness may not be too active and for the most part is in a horizontal position, exacerbating pain. In the future, with the improvement and addition of physical therapy, pain disappear.

An additional cause may be a heart problem. So it will be a pain, giving in the side or sternum. The occurrence of adhesions, abscesses and pulmonary edema also cause.

Some patients notice a partial loss of coordination, dizziness, poor sleep and problems with concentration. There is a headache, pain in the eyes and a little pressure on them. All this is due to the insufficient amount of oxygen due to poor lung function. Sharp and hysterical cough generally leads to a bursting of small vessels along with phlegm will come out particles of blood.

What to do when the pain in the back

If pneumonia back pain be sure to inform your doctor. He finds out the cause of this pain and help to get rid of it. You may have to consult a therapist or a neurologist. You will need to do some tests:

  • roentgen;
  • MRI;
  • computer tomography;
  • fluorography.

Perhaps the doctor will prescribe additional research. Only then will designate the solution of the causes of pain. For each patient is an individual assignment. To try to get rid of pain is not necessary. This can aggravate the situation and complicate the disease if it has nothing to do with pneumonia.

Help with pain management

Only after receiving all the results of the research will be administered to eliminate pain. Normally, when not too severe pain due to cough, prescribe drugs to liquefy the phlegm and is a good expectorant. It is recommended to drink more fluids and keep bed rest. Can also prescribe massage and gymnastics. All this contributes to a better separation and yield of mucus that prevents the lungs from functioning normally.

If back pain is strong and associated with nerve fibers then appointed painkillers and anti-inflammatory. These drugs can be in the form of tablets or ointments. They will help not just alleviate the condition and improve muscle circulation. It helps you to cope and reduce inflammation.

We should not forget the continued treatment of the underlying disease. With the improvement and progress of recovery will improve the condition of the patient and to fade the pain in the back of if the sternum. Yet some, after recovery, there is slight pain, which soon passes.

Why not get rid yourself from the pain

Not all back pain pneumonia can be caused by this disease. Sometimes this symptom is a cause of other reasons completely unrelated to inflammation. Therefore it is not necessary to try to be treated. Timely treatment to the doctor will help you understand whether aching back because of pneumonia or it is a symptom of a different disease. Diagnostics will help to identify the cause and to start treatment.

Especially for those who have problems with cardiovascular system or spine. Often, pneumonia and weakening of the body attract the other diseases or cause symptoms of chronic problems. And self can start the process, complicating the condition of the body. It is therefore very important to conduct a survey, because the background of pneumonia the pain from stomach ulcers or intercostal neuralgia will be hard to guess. And to get sick in addition to pneumonia, another disease that is fraught with unpleasant consequences.