Cure for pneumonia in adults: antibiotics - names, drugs, injections, treatment regimen, which is better

Pneumonia is a deadly danger to humans. Therefore, we cannot treat it lightly.

Lekarstva ot pnevmonii u vzroslyh: antibiotiki - nazvaniya, preparaty, ukoly, shema lecheniya, kakie luchshe

Adults can get sick with pneumonia weakening of the immune system or when infected by such organisms as pneumococci, streptococci, Mycoplasma, or chlamydia. The peak incidence of pneumonia on the background of colds accounts for autumn-winter or spring-summer period.

Determination of the incidence and causes of

Pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs is called the inflammatory process occurring in the tissues of the lung.

There are several types of diseases, which have several subtypes:

  1. Home or community-acquired pneumonia. It is:
    • Typical. Occurs without disruption of the immune system.
    • Atypical. There are serious violations of the immune system (immunodeficiency).
    • Suction. Occurs when it enters the lungs of foreign objects or substances.
    • Caused by Mycoplasma, chlamydia and Legionella. Present for atypical pneumonia the symptoms are: vomiting, nausea, impaired chair and so on.
  2. Hospital or nosocomial pneumonia. Subspecies:
    • Pneumonia that develops after a hospital stay of more than two days in a row.
    • Pneumonia occurring in patients with mechanical ventilation.
    • Pneumonia, which is diagnosed when the immune system disorders – for example, after organ transplantation.
  3. Pneumonia related to first aid the following groups of people:
    • Residing in nursing homes.
    • Undergoing long-term dialysis.
    • Having a wound surface.

Depending on the severity of the pneumonia can be mild, moderate and severe. But the severity of pneumonia can be defined only by the doctor based on the severity of symptoms and degree of lung disease.

Inflammation in pneumonia may develop due to the ingestion of the pathogen. But in order that he intensified in his lungs and needs special conditions:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Reception of alcohol.
  • Long-term bed rest.
  • Viral infection.
  • Recent surgery.
  • Chronic foci of inflammation in adjacent organs.
  • Old age.

The causative agents of pneumonia are:

  • Viruses.
  • Colon bacillus.
  • Pneumococcus.
  • Haemophilus influenzae.
  • Blue pus bacillus.
  • Chlamydia and Mycoplasma.
  • Enterobacteria.
  • Pnevmotsisty.

How to diagnose

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults begin to manifest themselves immediately, so to diagnose the disease at early stages is seldom possible.

Pneumonia always starts with a sharp rise in temperature and chills. There are very pronounced symptoms of intoxication:

  1. General weakness.
  2. The decreased performance.
  3. Loss of appetite, refusal to eat.
  4. Excessive sweating at night.
  5. Aching muscles and joints.
  6. Strong and constant headache.

The direct symptoms by which to diagnose pneumonia include:

  1. Severe cough (at first dry, then becomes wet).
  2. Shortness of breath (in the initial stages, when physical work, and then even at rest).
  3. Chest pains (pain does not always happen, it often occurs during the transition of inflammation to the pleura).

Of inflammation of the lungs may indicate a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, pain (pneumonia, caused by E. coli), as well as the herpes on the affected side (viral pneumonia).

Based only on symptoms to diagnose pneumonia is almost impossible, because these signs may indicate other respiratory diseases. The doctor should carry out inspection and survey of the patient, and then may assign the following diagnostic events:

  • General and biochemical blood analysis.
  • Sputum analysis.
  • Chest x-ray.
  • Fiber-optic bronchoscopy.
  • Computed tomography of the chest.
  • The blood culture to determine the causative agent.

When it is necessaryseek medical attention

Not lightly to pneumonia, as well as yourself can diagnose it and prescribe a drug. This disease is dangerous for its consequences, so the delay is unacceptable.

The sooner you get the necessary treatment, the faster recovery will be after pneumonia.

The ambulance must be called in the following cases:

  1. The occurrence of severe chest pain that worsens or occurs with any other symptoms of a heart attack.
  2. There is a lack of energy, difficulty breathing.
  3. Expectorated large quantities of blood.
  4. Light-headedness.

To consult a doctor if necessary:

  1. There is cough with expectoration of bloody mucus from the lungs.
  2. There is fever with chills.
  3. Respiration is shallow and rapid, accompanied by shortness of breath, wheezing.
  4. Cough accompanied by expectoration of yellow or green sputum and lasts longer than two days.
  5. Cough accompanied by high fever and coughing up yellow or green mucus from the lungs.
  6. Due to coughing vomiting occurs.
  7. The cough lasts longer than a month.

Method of treatment

Treatment of pneumonia should be comprehensive. Are appointed not only medicines, but also physiotherapy, as well as folk remedies.

Antibacterial therapy

Antibiotics are mandatory to the appointment, but the selection is made individually and depends on what kind of pathogen caused the development of pneumonia.

After the detection of pneumonia is assigned broad-spectrum antibiotics (Suprax, Ceftriaxone).

To identify the causative agent need this dose of medication to in the blood has always been the effective concentration of the active substance.

If symptoms similar to SARS, the special antibacterial agents (Sumamed, Clarithromycin). But to abandon the broad-spectrum antibiotics should not be.

The most frequent combination of antibiotics is Ceftriaxon (Suprax) and Sumamed (Clarithromycin).

Also symptomatic treatment involves the use along with antibiotics drugs to expand the bronchi, liquefy the phlegm, resolve alveolar inflammation.


Antiviral drugs are prescribed if the pneumonia is caused by influenza viruses type A and type b (Ingavirin, Tamiflu, relenza).

But it should be remembered that these drugs have a therapeutic effect only if made not later than forty-eight hours after the first symptoms of the disease.

To reduce the temperature used antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Nurofen) that need to be taken if the temperature is above thirty-eight degrees.

Cough medicines are usually prescribed only in the first days of the disease when the cough is unproductive and painful. Taking these drugs should stop when you start to move away mucus.

How to remove phlegm

For the removal of sputum should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Drink more fluids which will liquefy the viscous sputum. The drink should be warm, alkaline.
  • Good to do postural drainage. These are special exercises that promote the release of mucus.
  • Take expectorant drugs. They liquefy phlegm and accelerate its excretion from the respiratory tract.

Folk medicine

  • Honey and birch buds. You need to take seven hundred and fifty grams of buckwheat honey and one hundred grams of birch buds, mix everything and boil for ten minutes in a water bath. Strain and take a teaspoon three times a day twenty minutes before meals.
  • Inhalation of a decoction of eucalyptus leaves, birch buds.
  • Wrap with honey and vodka. Lubricate the skin from the affected side with honey, then dampen the cloth with vodka and apply to honey, insulate and leave for the night. These packs can only be done in the case of ordinary inflammation of the lung tissue when there is no accumulation of pus.
  • A decoction in milk with oats.
  • Instead of mustard you can use grated horseradish.

Rehabilitation of the patient

There are two stages of rehabilitation:

  1. Easing the acute stage of pneumonia.
  2. Preventive measures to eliminate and prevent the development of complications.

If no, then the specified recovery period usually lasts a few weeks.

Timely and proper rehabilitation can prevent the development of postpneumonic fibrosis and cirrhosis of the lungs.

Have a beneficial effect, methods of physiotherapy and physical procedures. They should be used in conjunction with drug therapy and compliance with special diets.

The rehabilitation must include medical gymnastics, physical therapy, massage, strengthening the immune system.


Contracting pneumonia can be very easy, but to cure it can be very difficult. Pneumonia can lead to the development of many complications in the lung: lung abscess, pneumothorax, empyema and so on. But the most serious complication is the development of respiratory failure.

To prevent the development of serious complications, you need time to begin treatment. And for this you need to go to the doctor, through tests andto identify the causative agent.