Signs of pneumonia in a child without fever

Pneumonia in child

Flowing without fever pneumonia is a dangerous disease, especially for children. Flowing asymptomatic inflammation localizes the infection process in one of the lobes of the lung or in its individual segment. The temperature does not bother the child may not experience a cough. All compounded by the fact that the child cannot explain his feelings. And the further process is delayed, the worse it gets. If you do not start timely treatment, it can lead to death.

Priznaki pnevmonii u rebenka bez temperatury

Pneumonia without fever

When the disease occurs without fever in children, it seems easier. But actually all completely wrong. Though every symptom is mild and not so evident, but this form of inflammation without changing heavy, what with all the obvious symptoms.

Often a pneumonia cause:

  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydias;
  • legionella;
  • flu;
  • adenovirus;
  • fungus.

If everything has chronic lung disease or weakened immunity, it becomes even more dangerous. This can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cause of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Also can appear lesions of the brain or nervous system due to an infection in the body.

Causes pneumonia without fever

Usually pneumonia without fever in a child occurs when the decrease in the protective forces of the body. It can be not only with antibiotics. May have violated physiological expectoration independently or under the influence of drugs. The reasons for this asymptomatic process can be:

  • treatment of antitussive drugs;
  • uncontrolled reception of antibiotics;
  • immunity is reduced.

That is because it is not their own to begin to treat colds and bronchitis in children, and even with the antibiotics. If you know the signs of pneumonia in a child without fever, may be in time to help him begin treatment.

Very carefully we should treat self-treatment with antibiotics. In viral infection, they will not be able to help the body, only loosening it and the disease will progress. That is why, be sure to go to the hospital and do all the necessary tests.

If a child has a cough, do not rush to give him antitussive drugs. They suppress the reflex, so all the sputum ceases to exit, remaining and deteriorating condition of the alveoli and bronchi. This mucus becomes a breeding ground for pathogens. Often because of thick mucus and a painful cough parents begin to give the child drugs that suppress reflex that only weigh down the inflammation.

Symptoms without temperature

Too obvious signs of pneumonia without fever no, but carefully looking at the child to notice them. Among these nonspecific symptoms:

  • pale skin;
  • general weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain in the chest.

If the inflammation is in only one lung, it can be seen in the respiratory movement of the chest on this side. More visible light will move from this side because the volume of air in them less and need more and more to move to fill the lung.

In very young children it is difficult to ask about symptoms that concerned him. Children can be confused in the description or you will not be able to accurately tell you about your health. So you need to look at the child. If he gets tired very quickly even without apparent reason, it certainly should be alerted.

When the baby is usually very active, used to some physical activity, but parents began to notice that he can no longer withstand such loads, it may be a manifestation of the disease.


To make a correct diagnosis, only one history taking and examination of the child is not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to do x-rays. It will get to detect inflammation and possible complications.

This will allow your doctor to see a limited darkening on the radiograph and understand about the presence of airway inflammation. Due to this diagnosis the diagnosis is made accurately and on time will prescribe the right treatment. To start treatment urgently required in order not to worsen the child's condition.


Making sputum smear the patient, you get to learn a lot about the disease. Such an analysis turns out to know:

  • the nature of the process;
  • etiology the causative agent;
  • the basic properties of the pathogen;
  • to determine the correct treatment.

Sputum includes determination of the nature, quantity, transparency, consistency. Macroscopic examination helps to determine the presence of cells or other elements in the sputum, also in detail to study the microflora. A microbiological study will help to identify the causative agent. Such an analysis will most accurately pick up the drugs that can quickly and accurately deliver the child from inflammation.

Collected sputum in the morning. You must rinse the throat, if the child is very small and can't do enough to collect sputum on an empty stomach. Phlegm clears his throat and placed in sterile dishes with a lid. You should try to get along with sputum not exposed to saliva. This may change the results of the study. The lab send fresh sputum, which helps better identify its properties.

Treatment of pneumonia without fever

Even finding a manifestation of pneumonia, should not be treated independently. All must be under the supervision of a physician and drugs are only accepted with permission. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medication relieves symptoms and helps the lungs to get rid of the inflammation. This can be antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and other drugs.

For children usually need inpatient treatment, there is always an opportunity to perform all procedures. Necessarily in the appointment of treatment takes into account the age of the child that helps to determine which medicinal substances it is possible to take and in what dosage. Self-medication in this case is very dangerous and can threaten the baby's life.

Additional treatment

Helps in the treatment of physical therapeutic exercise. Thanks to her turns out to improve the circulation to the lungs, to speed up expectoration. Therefore, children are often prescribed in addition to all the therapeutic treatments physical therapy.

If kids are very small and to independently perform physical therapy can't, then they prescribe a massage. He will also act as an aid in the speedy disposal of sputum and alleviate the condition.

Can also assign different inhalation. This will be used as mineral water and add inhaler medication. This helps them to quickly and light to penetrate into the lungs and start fighting for their cleansing and the removal of inflammation.


Put the prognosis of the disease can be quite difficult. It all depends on early detection of inflammation and timely start of treatment. The longer the absence of the treatment process, the heavier the consequences will be.

If treatment begins in time, full recovery occurs around the end of the 3rd week. All depends on the condition of the child and the expansion of inflammation. If you do not identify the disease in time and confuse it with the flu, the prognosis worsens. In some cases, everything may end in death.