Breathing exercises for pneumonia exercise

Why you need breathing exercises

Breathing exercises for pneumonia is important. It is part of the therapy and helps the body recover faster, reduce damage in the lungs and improve gas exchange. And it is important for the oxygenation of all organs and tissues. Many pulmonologists noticed that daily exercise has a positive impact on the patient's condition. Therefore, breathing exercises for pneumonia is required for all categories of patients, including children and the elderly. Often continues breathing exercises after pneumonia that assists in the regeneration of walls of the bronchi and increases the gas exchange in the lungs.

In some cases, quite difficult to make all necessary exercises. This is especially true of very young children. In this case, they appoint a special massage. Adults can pay for physical therapy enough attention, because they engage easier and the patient's condition is improving steadily. But you have to understand that such exercises cannot substitute for the full treatment and it is only its complement.

How dangerous is pneumonia

As in pneumonia there is a loss of alveoli and bronchial tubes, thus comes into respiratory failure. When inflammation of the functional tissue remains not so much that it breaks the flow of oxygen in the blood. This affects all organs. The person feels tired, has no appetite, often with sharp movements dizziness occurs.

It is not surprising that chronic diseases in this period can worsen, occur congestive changes. Because of lack of oxygen, breathing becomes faster, and the blood increases its circulation in the body. When too much lack of oxygen can cause brain pathology.

The purpose of breathing exercises

Physiotherapy for pneumonia helps to get rid of some of the problems due to the increase in gas exchange. With it activated lymph and blood circulation. Blood moves faster through the lungs is saturated with oxygen and carries it throughout the body.

Thanks to the gymnastics of the drainage function in the inflammation improves, which is faster and easier removes it from the inflammatory process. Normal pulmonary ventilation and air flow. This has a positive effect on the General condition of the patient. He feels the emergence of energy, vigor and disappear dizziness and headaches.

Also exercises will prevent congestive changes in the body, and restored breathing to ensure the normal excursion of the diaphragm.

Apply exercises as possible during illness and afterwards. To be even more effective you can combine it with massage. Doctors recommend to start classes after the increase in temperature. As soon as it drops to normal condition, you can begin exercises.

Beginning of classes

At the beginning of the breathing exercises definitely important to consider the condition of the patient and to calculate the load. In order not to hurt it all starts with a slow minimal load. This will help the body faster to understand the process and do not strain in excess.

In the future, the load will gradually increase, reaching its maximum at the end of the recovery. Initially, therefore, can be limited by short exercises. At the same time, showing some of the breathing exercises, it is possible to advise the patient to do them during the day several times. Of course a combination of breathing exercises combined with physical therapy will be more interesting and useful. But in the beginning you can do simple breathing exercises, by doing for 3 minutes.

Initially, the patient with pneumonia can be engaged for 2-3 minutes every couple of hours. But no need to strain beyond measure. Better the exercise will be lighter and shorter in duration, than the person will fall down from fatigue and stress. If observed re-increase in temperature or the patient feels worse, then you want to immediately stop execution of breathing exercises.

If it is difficult to do exercises sitting or standing, you can do it in the beginning of the process lying in bed. It often happens with limited excursion of the chest or in the presence of pain. The patient has to lie on the diseased side, allowing for healthy lung to fully participate in the exercises.

Load increase

When clinical dynamics will be positive, you can gradually increase the load. So patients from the prone position moving in sitting or standing. Under increasing loads can be combined respiratoryexercises with physical therapy. They include the muscles. The emphasis is on the shoulder girdle through exercises for your torso and legs.

It is recommended to perform for each exercise for the muscles two breathing exercises. The charging time will be not less than 10 minutes.

For a more comfortable increasing the load use a special fixture. For small weights, balls, gymnastic stick. Exercises can be performed on a bench or gym wall. They are complemented by walk, but it must be metered and calculated for each patient individually.

Breathing exercises in complicated form of pneumonia

If the patient in the presence of complications, he can also do physical therapy and breathing exercises. But in this case it is to identify improvements placed on one of the sides and encloses a roller. This facilitates the execution of tasks and helps to more positively influence the body during their execution.

Exercise is actually very simple and aimed to improve lung function.

Draining exercises

These exercises are used to improve sputum and its expulsion. They can be used for children and adults. This improves the blood supply to the foci of damage. Mucus is not stagnant and easily comes out. Methods with these exercises several. Used vibratory and percussion massage, also postural and cough.

Postural drainage helps the patient to get rid of phlegm. For this, he takes the body, where the sputum becomes quickly move through the bronchi to the output. Usually the person is lying on his back or stomach, his pelvis is significantly above the head.

When percussion massage is tapping on the chest. This facilitates the escape of mucus from the bronchi. The palm is put in the form of a boat and gently clap on the back in the lung area. While the kinetic energy of this cotton is transmitted to the parenchyma and sputum discharge.

Vibrating massage virtually identical in their functionality. But do not Pat, and a quick vibratory movements. The frequency should be maximized. This improves the performance of sputum and is an effective way to combat it.

Antitussive exercise used for patients with a cough. If the patient still does not feel the need for it, they lay. For exercise, you need to ask the person to breathe and spend vibrating massage. Then ask him to cough. In most cases, it helps to expel phlegm separated.

Is it possible to carry out breathing exercises

At the beginning of the disease to carry out the exercises preferably under the supervision of a physician. It will help to correct the irregularity and to determine the optimal time for execution. In the future, patients begin to perform simple exercises.

Further, when joining the physical therapy also requires the presence of a specialist. It helps, directs and monitors the patient's condition. But after treatment the person can do the exercises yourself. But overdo it undesirable. Better to spend all high quality, though slowly.