Pneumonia in the elderly clinical diagnosis treatment

Even in times of effective antibiotics pneumonia is a serious disease. It affects the tissue that is responsible for oxygenation of the blood – the alveoli. Previously, pneumonia was a fatal disease, may represent a danger to immunocompromised individuals (chronic patients, persons who take medicines that suppress the immune system, for example, after transplantation of people during cancer treatment, AIDS patients, elderly and long-term immobile persons, etc.).

Pneumonia is an infectious lung disease

Today, most of all, we are talking about pneumonia, a kind of continuation of the bronchitis to lung tissue – in other words, "the predecessor of" true pneumonia that affects a large portion of the lungs, and sometimes all light.


Cough – irritable, tiresome, initially dry. Sensitive individuals and children may be accompanied by vomiting. There is a high temperature, sometimes to extreme levels. During severe pneumonia is added shortness of breath, fatigue, apathy.

Symptoms of pneumonia vary, depending on the causative agent of this disease.

Bacterial pneumonia typically characterized by a more severe course and is accompanied by the following signs:

  • high temperature,
  • chill,
  • chest pain (especially when coughing),
  • cough (initially dry, later with expectoration, may contain mucus or blood).

Pneumonia of viral origin has an easier course. Its symptoms include:

  • a more moderate rise in temperature,
  • dry cough,
  • symptoms of viral infection (fatigue, headaches and joint pain).

A special form of inflammation is tuberculosis. Manifestations of the disease is characterized by the following phenomena:

  • sweating,
  • fatigue,
  • weight loss,
  • moderate fever,
  • later – expectoration of mucus, often with blood.

Pneumonia in the elderly can characteristic atypical confusion or imbalance. In children the disease may be manifested by drowsiness and loss of appetite with no other significant symptoms.

Pneumonia and the elderly population

Pneumonia is a medical term for inflammation of the lungs. We are talking about inflammatory lung disease caused by different pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites). In the respiratory tract microbes get infected after inhaling droplets from another person.

In people with a weakened immune system pneumonia can lead and pathogens, which for a healthy person is harmless.

If a person becomes ill with a disease of a bacterial nature, he usually appears high fever, sometimes accompanied by fever and chills, fatigue and weakness. In the first days of illness is added to a dry cough, later developing into productive. In addition, there may be shortness of breath, which increases during exercise.

Viral pneumonia may take place similar to those of bacterial. The temperature, however, generally quite low, a cough without sputum. Quite often compounded typical viral infection – headache, muscle and joint pain. For the diagnosis of important x-ray examination of the lungs and typical symptoms.

Highest risk for the development of the disease represented by children and elderly. Pneumonia in older people, often is typical for the age group from 50 years.

In addition, pneumonia in the elderly is often accompanied by other chronic diseases (diseases of the heart and lungs), which is also one of the risk factors for the development of the disease.

The increased risk implies the stay in social institutions, which, for this age category typically. Elderly people are also hospitalized more often, thus increasing the risk of so-called nosocomial pneumonia. Nosocomial infection is a disease that infected people in the hospital because of the presence of resistance pathogens.

Often pneumonia in bedridden patients, the so-called stagnant.

The risk of nosocomial pneumonia increases with the increase in the number of people hospitalized and the duration of hospitalization.

In the case of bacterial disease, patients prescribed antibiotics, which, in more severe cases, injecting intravenously.

In uncomplicated course of treatment of pneumonia in the elderly possible at home taking the antibiotic pills. Patients should comply with bed rest and a lotdrink.

In the case of high temperature, is assigned to the reception of fever-reducing medicines.

With viral pneumonia, antibiotics are ineffective. Antiviral drugs are recommended for the treatment of some viral infections, not all. They are made with heavy course or people at risk. In otherwise healthy people, the body is usually able to defend themselves.

During the period of increased incidence of infectious respiratory diseases, as a preventive measure it is possible to recommend the limitation of stay among people who travel in public transport, theatres, etc. the world health organization recommends older people to the polysaccharide vaccine and the flu vaccine.

The main treatment

A major role in the treatment are antibiotics, and sometimes a combination of several types. Pneumonia can be caused by viruses (e.g., influenza), in this case, the appropriate antiviral drugs that prevent the spread of viruses in human cells. In severe dyspnea the course of assigned inhalation of air enriched with oxygen.

Other therapeutic foundations include bed rest, relief of dry cough, expectoration support, care of the airway, a large amount of fluid and light, but enough nutritious food. In the absence of appetite, it is advisable to consider the inclusion of special drinks that contain enough calories, protein, vitamins and other substances that are crucial for regenerative processes in the body. It has been shown that inadequate nutrition in case of serious disease significantly worsens the prognosis and prolongs convalescence.

Natural and complementary therapy

Must always be under the supervision of a physician! Natural methods of treatment is able to speed up recovery. People should stay at home and be on bed rest.

Herbal treatment:

  • Lobelia, thyme, thyme facilitates expectoration and cough.
  • Echinacea – supports the immune system and is a natural antibiotic.
  • Ginger is an effective antimicrobial agent, to facilitate the fever.
  • Yarrow – helps to reduce prolonged fever.
  • Vironal herbal syrup for strengthening the immune system with antibacterial and antiviral agent for energy strengthening your lungs.
  • Aromatherapy:

  • Rubbing the chest: essential oils of thyme, tea tree, myrrh.
  • Inhalation: eucalyptus or pine oil.
  • Back massage: mix a few drops of camphor, eucalyptus, pine, lavender, lemon oil and tea tree oil with your massage oil (e.g. jojoba or almond).
  • Food

    Should be excluded from the diet:

    • Dairy products, sweets, white bread, coffee, tea (except herbal) – these foods increase mucus production.

    Suitable food:

  • Garlic, onion, horseradish, hot pepper, chicken broth, foods rich in vitamin C – fruits, vegetables.
  • You need enough to drink – fruit juice (dilute allocation of the lung tissue), fresh lemon juice, boiled water, herbal teas.
  • Food additive:

  • Beta-carotene – 50,000 IU daily – it supports immunity and regeneration of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and lung tissue.
  • Vitamin C With bioflavonoids – 5,000 mg per day – is very important for the immune system and reduces inflammation.
  • Lactobacteria acidophilus (Lactobacilus acidophilus) – if you are taking antibiotics lactobacilli are a very important addition, capable of preventing the spread of pathogenic microflora in the intestine (fungus). Don't take this Supplement along with antibiotics.
  • Homeopathy:

    Homeopathic therapy is recommended during and after recovery, because the protection system is restored and protects the body from other infections. In the course of the disease homeopathy does not replace conventional treatment!

    Psychosomatic treatment

    Psychosomatic therapy includes:

    • openness to new actions,
    • elimination of communication barriers,
    • the stimulation of activity in the field of communication,
    • the ability to cope with stressful situations.

    Pneumonia is especially dangerous for the elderly!

    Annually pneumonia in our country affects more than half a million people. Unfortunately, many people also die. In the age group over 65 years the disease ends fatally for every fifth patient. This group is characterized not only by significantly higher risk of developing the disease, but the severity of the course.

    The ideal prevention of pneumonia doctors believe proper diet, quitting Smoking, in children, breastfeeding, and protection from the flu.

    The elderly have the weakest protection against the disease

    Pneumonia even today when modern medicine remains a risky disease. Many studies also report that 75-80% of sick people are treated on an outpatient basis, approximately 20% of hospitalized, 2%, ultimately, be in intensive therapy.

    Worldwide, pneumonia takes the third place among all causes of death from infectious diseases.

    In our country, the prevention of this disease mainly in children and the elderlythe population, which is in relation to pneumonia, ironically, much more vulnerable, it is not enough. That is why the doctors indicate the need to focus also on the elderly, to teach them how to take care of your health and how important it is not to underestimate him.