Hidden pneumonia in children and in adults symptoms

"Walking" pneumonia... Sounds like a name created for the character from a horror movie. What is a hidden form of pneumonia? What signs has hidden pneumonia in children and adults?

It is an infectious disease, pneumonia, which is also known as "dry" of pneumonia. It is one of the less scary but no less dangerous types of the disease.

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Professionally, the disease is called atypical pneumonia – not only due to the fact that, as adults, hidden pneumonia in children symptoms almost does not show, how it differs from "typical" pneumonia, and due to the variety of causative agent.

Why "walking" pneumonia?

The name is based on the English "walking pneumonia". In this case there are no symptoms of acute pneumonia occurring during the "classic" inflammation, which the man tied to the bed. In some severe cases of latent pneumonia, the child or adult requires hospitalization in the hospital.

However, this type of the disease a person can buy without even realizing it, and considers that this condition can go. Dry pneumonia can manifest in the form of the common cold with a cough and usually the presence of a disease can "uncover" some diagnostic methods.

This condition is impractical to neglect, particularly in younger children and the elderly, as the disease can have fatal consequences!

"Cold" and "dry" pneumonia

These attributes are derived from manifestations of the disease. There is often no fever (hence "cold"), the physical signs are poor – there is no expectoration of phlegm (hence "dry").


The most common causative agent in this type of disease is the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae, rarely – Chlamydophila pneumoniae. The disease is transmitted by droplets through the air (usually by sneezing or coughing of the sick person).

From the moment of infection until such time as there are the first signs of light, it may take up to 3 weeks.

Who are most susceptible to the disease?

As in the case of most infectious diseases, the most at risk are those persons who are regularly present in the places of the big congestion of people – in schools, homes for pensioners, orphanages or on open jobs. Also vulnerable are smokers and people with weakened immune systems.

Most often, tend to suffer from this disease are children and young people (under 40 years).

Manifestations often are nonspecific and resemble the common cold:

  • headache, fatigue and weakness,
  • sore throat and cough is dry, nonproductive, with no sputum.

Increased temperature (especially fever) may not occur at all. This fact makes the disease dangerous, because the person whose body is not limited by temperature (or fever) may feel that his condition is not serious, despite the fact that non-specific symptoms persist in the long term.

In these seemingly "harmless" symptoms required a visit to the doctor.

Possible complication

Hidden pneumonia often manifests itself in a milder form, but in rare cases can cause serious complications:

  • the development of severe pneumonia,
  • the reduction of red blood cells, and the subsequent lack of oxygen in the tissues (anemia),
  • cerebral infection – encephalitis, meningitis,
  • kidney problems,
  • skin redness or rash.

How to determine the presence of hidden pneumonia?

Based on history and specific symptoms the doctor decides on the method and type of survey. In addition to classical studies may need blood sampling – to detect the presence of specific antibodies, or the selection of mucus, which can be isolated microorganisms.

In the case of suspected latent pneumonia, the doctor may refer the patient to a chest x-ray, which infectious disease is the most effective method of diagnosis. Despite the poor physical manifestations (fever, cough, chest pain), radiographic findings – significant.


Latent pneumonia is treated with antibiotics. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is not typical of the bacterium and, thus, it is resistant to many types of antibiotics(e.g., Penicillins and Cephalosporins). Accordingly, use Macrolides (Erythromycin, Azithromycin) or Tetracyclines (Doxycycline).

The healing process usually lasts from 10 to 14 days. Antibiotics must be supplemented with probiotics (for normalization of the intestinal microflora), but, nevertheless, between doses of medication must be observed 2 hours interval.

Dry cough you can take medicines for his relief in the form of syrups, drops or tablets. It is important to ensure consumption of sufficient amounts of fluid, the ideal is pure water and unsweetened tea. And, last but not least, remember about the rest.

Is it possible to avoid this disease?

From a hidden pneumonia while there is no vaccination, i.e., the most effective prevention. But, it is possible to minimize the probability that it is contagious not to spread among other people.


  • when you cough or sneeze cover your mouth and nose sanitary napkins,
  • handkerchiefs after use dispose of in the trash,
  • wash your hands often (with soap), if there is no water and soap, use antibacterial gel.

(the above-mentioned preventive measures overall, they prevent the spread of any infectious diseases of the respiratory system and not only of pneumonia, including hidden).


Autumn and winter – the seasons, famous for the rapid spread of infectious respiratory diseases such as colds, flu, tonsillitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Especially, in this period, the person needs more intensive protection from infections:

  • healthy lifestyle,
  • the consumption of vitamins and minerals,
  • properly selected (warm) clothes.

If (despite the prevention) you have headaches, muscle fatigue or a cough, don't underestimate these signs. Ie, the sooner you consult a doctor, the more likely the most easily to cope with the insidious disease.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the fact that the latent inflammation of the lungs, like any other infectious disease that requires medical intervention. Do not self-medicate! It is fraught with a number of complications whose treatment will be much more difficult.

Only a doctor can determine the presence of the disease and prescribe the appropriate antibiotic treatment and the duration of the course, which you can not cut yourself!