Can you die from pneumonia

Dangerous disease

Some people believe that pneumonia is an easy disease no more serious than a cold. Thus treat it superficially and try to be treated, refusing medical aid. But is it possible to die from pneumonia and who is at risk? In fact, when neglect of the disease, there is a big risk to get severe and end in death. Mortality from pneumonia is approximately 15-20% of all cases. This means that every 5th patient death from pneumonia.

Mozhno li umeret ot pnevmonii

The most dangerous is the disease for people with weakened immune systems and for children under one year. Even an adult who eats defective for a long time tired and not paying attention to the state your body falls into a risk group. Much depends on the course of the disease, because it can be mild or Vice versa. So do not risk your health and life. Better to go to the hospital and undergo appropriate treatment.

Risk group

Not all people can die from pneumonia. But there are groups who are at increased risk. In these cases it is necessary to go urgently to the hospital and not try to treat the disease. Among risk groups people who have:

  • cardiovascular disease;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • kidney disease;
  • the presence of harmful habits.

If a person has a congenital or acquired problem with the respiratory or cardiovascular systems are unable to cope with the disease. They need special treatment which takes into consideration existing problems. Pneumonia dangerous for the ardent lovers of tobacco and alcohol, especially when abused.

A special place in the risk group is children under one year. In their case even the common cold and the common cold can lead to pneumonia. Also the risk of a fatal outcome occurs in the elderly. Their organism is weakened, not so fast regeneration and the immune system is not so clearly responds to pathogens and disease. Therefore to treat them independently it is impossible in any case.

Why is it fatal

Even people without chronic diseases and not included in the risk group may die from pneumonia. This often happens with self-treatment or even no treatment. Such people do not feel that this is the beginning of pneumonia and likely confuse it with the flu or the common cold. Indeed, there is a fever and cough, which are symptoms of all these diseases.

But they do not take measures to bring the phlegm from the lungs. It becomes thick and stops normally come out when you cough. Phlegm remains and becomes a favorable environment for microbial growth, compromising ventilation. This worsens the situation, but some even continue to go to work.

If you do not pay attention to the disease, the possible appearance of infectious-toxic shock. In this case, in the blood are waste products of microorganisms. They are quite toxic, leading to unpleasant consequences. If their number is not too large, then symptoms will be poorly expressed. But with a large release of toxins into the bloodstream, problems begin with many systems and organs. Is vasospasm, the blood circulates worse in the body, it may be acute adrenal insufficiency. This leads to a sharp decrease in pressure down to zero, which will lead to death.

Another problem that can lead to death is Staphylococcus aureus. It often causes a purulent state of the lungs, leading to tissue death. All this greatly complicates the treatment that sometimes makes you resort to surgery and cut off the festering part of the lung.

In some cases there may be pulmonary acute respiratory syndromes, which can lead to swelling of the tissues of the lung. It is a violation of the microcirculation and the patient should perform artificial respiration. Only this will help them to survive and take a deadly risk.

The danger of pneumonia for children

For young children, the pneumonia is a terrible and dangerous disease. It concerns children of preschool age. But the most dangerous pneumonia for kids. Because of the peculiarities of the respiratory system, even a common cold can lead to pneumonia. The airway is already shorter than adults, and their mucous membrane is very friable and delicate. Therefore, the spread of inflammation is quick. Also it gets worse with a weak movement of the chest during breathing. This impairs the ventilation of the lungs and leads to stagnation of blood in the lower divisions.

If to all thisadd adverse living conditions, presence of other diseases and inadequate nutrient feeding, the situation is only getting worse. In these cases it can give pneumonia with a lethal outcome.

All is exacerbated by independent and properly treated, in the presence of chronic diseases and late treatment to the doctor. These factors significantly increase the risk and can lead to death.

Hazards for adults

In some cases, the pneumonia becomes really dangerous. Especially in cases where the disease takes its severe form or burdened by some factors. Among them:

  • abscess;
  • fibrosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cardiac or respiratory failure.

Abscess terrible rotting of the lung tissue. However, he may not be the only, and multiple all easy. With proper treatment it goes away. If you do not treat it, it can be fatal. Fibrosis does not allow the lungs to work at full power. They receive the fibrous tissue that replaces normal tissue of the lungs. Difficult breathing becomes frequent and superficial, with pain in the chest. Treatment should be necessary, because it is necessary to reduce the development of fibrosis and facilitate the patient's condition.

When cardiac and respiratory failure, the disease becomes complicated. Worsens ventilation, worse affects the General condition of the patient. In the blood gets less oxygen and this affects other organs. If the disease is chronic, that they, together with pneumonia lead to severe. So to try to be treated it is impossible.

How to protect yourself from a fatal outcome

First, you need to remember about the prevention of disease and try to avoid them in the epidemic period. But in the case of disease, it is important to consult a doctor. No need to try on their own and folk ways to cure bronchitis and other respiratory diseases in children and the elderly. Especially it is impossible to do under normal cough no warming and she wiped compresses alcohol. This will only increase the blood flow in the lungs can lead to stagnation of blood and "lower" the pathogen of the disease from the bronchi into the lungs.

Pay special attention to infants. They generally cannot be treated independently due to the special structure of the respiratory system. This will complicate the disease and can even lead to neurotoxicity. And it will cause respiratory failure and respiratory arrest, leading to death.

Improper treatment and neglect of inflammation of the lungs may not always lead to death. But if a person with a weakened immune system, even a simple stage can develop into the complex, pulling a lot of problems and ended with the death of the patient.