Home / Respiratory tract infections – etiology, pathogenesis, clinical characteristics and treatment options / Pneumonia (inflammation of lung): types, causes, symptoms and treatment / Community-acquired pneumonia: Code to ICD 10, clinical practice guidelines, in children and adults, history of disease, right-sided, left-sided, symptoms and treatment

Community-acquired pneumonia: Code to ICD 10, clinical practice guidelines, in children and adults, history of disease, right-sided, left-sided, symptoms and treatment

And the temperature is initially too high, but some weakness, fatigue. Breathing quickens, and there is pain in the chest. And still coughing. Dry, irritating, exhausting. Trying to be treated with improvised means, but the improvement does not occur. At the hospital, the doctor after examination and passing a series of tests makes the diagnosis of "community-acquired pneumonia code to ICD -10".

Vnebolnichnaya pnevmoniya: Kod po MKB 10, klinicheskie rekomendacii, u detej i vzroslyh, istoriya bolezni, pravostoronnyaya, levostoronnyaya, simptomy i lechenie

That there is such a disease, they know everything. But that means the other words of diagnosis? How to understand and how to get rid of pneumonia?

Definition of the disease

Pneumonia, or as it is more commonly referred to as pneumonia is an infectious disease that can occur as an independent disease and as a complication of other diseases. The disease affects the lower respiratory tract. It klassificeret forms, as well as time domain (international classification of disease or ICD -10). The abbreviation is understandable, but the number ten means the class, which includes all diseases of the respiratory system. Indicators MBK-10 the disease is divided into:

  1. Out-of-hospital. If a person is sick at home, or picked up pneumonia in the first two days after went for treatment in hospital.
  2. Hospital. After staying more than two nights in-patient treatment, the patient displayed symptoms of pneumonia.
  3. Suction. This category includes patients who have a variety of reasons, the broken reflex of swallowing and cough reflex is weakened. This can happen to a person in the stage of extreme intoxication, and may be the result of epilepsy or stroke.
  4. Immunodeficient. Pneumonia develops on the background of loss of immunity or attenuation.

In addition to these indicators of disease klassificeret on the pathogen, severity and localization. Thus, the main pathogens of pneumonia can be:

  • Bacteria,
  • Viruses,
  • Fungi,
  • Helminths.

Severity of disease: from mild to severe.

There are units on patients according to the international classification of diseases.

It all depends on the severity of the disease and related diseases, as well as the patient's age:

  1. The first category includes people whose disease viral or bacterial origin, without any pathologies. They can easily withstand disease, and there are no complications in the other organs.
  2. The second category includes patients in whom the disease is too mild. But this group includes people suffering from chronic diseases of the respiratory system or having violations of the cardiovascular system. And small children up to two years and the elderly.
  3. The third category of patients should be treated from the disease stationary. As the disease could be caused by two pathogens. For example, bacteria and viruses and is in average shape for gravity.
  4. The fourth category of patients – people with a severe form of the disease. They need intensive therapy and therefore treatment should only take place under medical supervision in a hospital.


Pneumonia can get sick at any age and in any season of the year. While the reasons for the diseases can be:

  • Gram-positive organisms,
  • Gram negative bacteria,
  • Viruses,
  • Fungi,
  • Worms,
  • The inhalation of foreign bodies,
  • Poisoning toxins,
  • Chest injuries,
  • Allergy,
  • Alcohol abuse,
  • Smoking.

At risk includes people who:

  • Constantly nervous,
  • Bad or unbalanced eating,
  • Lead a sedentary way of life,
  • Can't get rid of unhealthy habits such as Smoking and alcohol consumption,
  • Suffer from frequent colds,
  • Have a low level of immunity,
  • The elderly.


Most often, pneumonia begins with cold, so it is characterized by almost the same signs, but then there's the color pink sputum when you cough, sharp chest pain that increaseswhen you inhale.

The appearance of these symptoms is preceded by such:

  • Increasing the temperature even up to 39 or above degree,
  • Headache,
  • Dyspnea,
  • Sleep disturbance,
  • Lethargy,
  • Fast breathing,
  • In some cases, nasolabial triangle becomes bluish color.

Possible complication

Not so terrible as pneumonia its complications. Because in severe form may develop pulmonary edema and acute respiratory failure. Among other possible complications:

  1. Pleurisy – inflammation of the lining surrounding the lungs. Chest pain when breathing, accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity.
  2. Pericarditis – inflammation of pericardium.
  3. Hepatitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Can be caused by the fact that taking in a large number of antibiotics, the patient kills the beneficial microflora.
  4. Chronic bronchitis — the defeat of the walls of the bronchi.
  5. Asthma is an allergic disease, the main symptoms are attacks of breathlessness. However difficult the exhale.

But with community-acquired pneumonia never have such complications, as the disease occurs in mild and moderate form.

Need only time to take the recommended medication, without disturbing the scheme, which is specified in the regulations or prescribed by a doctor. Here only thanks to our efforts we will be able to get rid of the disease in the shortest time.


Currently, the majority of specialists believe that patients with community-acquired pneumonia can be treated at home, i.e. in the outpatient setting, but under the supervision of a physician who will prescribe a treatment regimen of medication.

Medically way

The mainstay of treatment of patients with community-acquired pneumonia – antibiotics. For the first category of patients is used for treatment of Amoxicillin or Azithromycin, which are quite effective tools in the fight against almost all pathogens of the respiratory system.

If the first-line antibiotics are ineffective, prescribe a drug of this group the highest order:

  • Macrolides (Azithromycin, Hemomitsin and other),
  • Cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Suprax and other),
  • Aminoglycosides,
  • Tetracyclines.

Children up to six months is prescribed mainly macrolides. From the age of six, used penicillins, and in the case of atypical forms — macrolides.

If there is no improvement in two or three days, the doctor prescribes another antibiotic. A course of antibiotic treatment should be not less than ten days.

In addition to antibiotics, treatment includes the use of such drugs:

  • Antipyretic. Paracetamol in this case is not recommended. It has no anti-inflammatory effect. And although there are many who recommend that if the temperature is below 38 degrees it down is not necessary, but in some cases, need to rely when taking antipyretics on the condition of the particular patient. Well lower the temperature Ibuprofen and Aspirin in combination with Analgin, Nimesulide,
  • Antiviral drug. Used only in case if it is proved that the disease is caused by viruses. Remantadinum, interferons, Cytotect,
  • Mucolytics. Well liquefy phlegm ACC, Mucosolvan, Ambrobene,
  • Expectorants. Mukaltin, Thermopsis and others promote the evacuation of mucus from the body,

Banned for pneumonia taking medications that inhibit the cough reflex. Sputum must be removed from the body.

  • Vitamins.

In addition to the use of drugs, connect such forms of treatment:

  • Mechanical ventilation,
  • Inhalation using a nebulizer,
  • Electrophoresis,
  • Massage.

Due to the fact that there are enough folk tested recipes in the fight against the disease, they can be used quite effectively and in parallel with the use of official drugs.

Folk remedies

Undoubtedly, will greatly facilitate the state of patients pneumonia, and recipes given to us by nature and preserved by many generations of our ancestors. Among the most popular:

  1. If you take two hundred grams of oats, beans, thoroughly washed, and then fill over it 1 liter of milk and boil for at least an hour, and then, a little cool, add a teaspoon of honey and may the same amount of natural butter, this will help with the cough to improve its expectoration. You can drink all day instead of tea. But not to store, as a "cure" rather quickly go sour.
  2. As always, diseases of the respiratory system will help aloe. To prepare the medication you need to take in equal amounts by volume of finely chopped leaves of the agave, lime honey (a glass) and pour a bottle of wine "Cahors". Let a few days to insist. Take a tablespoon three times a day.
  3. To cut the large lower leaf of the aloe Bush, and, wiping the dust and finely chop. Add a Cup of lime or of may honey, and no more than a glass of water. Let languishing on the fire for twenty minutes. When cooled you can apply a tablespoon at least three times a day.
  4. Good medicine for adults work if 1 l of beer to boil two tablespoons of bees. The volume should decrease by half. Before use, add to the mixture a tablespoon of honey. The norm of the reception facilities – tablespoonthree times a day.
  5. Pretty effective tool, used in people for treatment of pneumonia — badger fat. Eat a tablespoon before eating. To force myself to swallow pure fat, you can dilute it with honey or drink warm milk with a teaspoon per Cup of liquid. Pure fat is rubbed into the chest for warming. Then the patient need to wrap up. The procedure is done for the night.
  6. Constantly and drink a lot of fluids. Especially in this time fit the juice of rose hips. Linden tea, chamomile, mint.


  • Over grated horseradish. The root of the horseradish wash, grind in a meat grinder and slurry was put on folded in several layers of cheesecloth. Bring to the nose and inhale before the appearance of watery eyes,
  • Over the potatoes. Boil few potatoes, drain the water and breathe for a few minutes over hot steam.


  • Spread honey on the chest or back in the lower lobes of the lungs, then soak in vodka at room temperature the gauze and put on the specified place. Top cover with polythene, cotton wool and fasten this wrap a long scarf or shawl,
  • Alcohol compress. Pure alcohol diluted with half water, wet gauze. Squeeze and put in place design easy on the back. Continue in layers and each layer was a little more previous: polyethylene, cotton, bandage. Or cloth, which should be fixed by the patch.

Compresses to do only in case if the patient has a low temperature.


To prevent the occurrence of pneumonia, including community acquired forms you need:

  1. Not to visit places of a congestion of people in the period of acute colds and viral diseases.
  2. Constantly worry about the state of their immune system.
  3. To avoid hypothermia and drafts.
  4. Not to move up colds and infectious diseases.
  5. To develop light-weight simple exercises. For example, every morning, doing the obligatory fifteen-minute charging to inflate a balloon.
  6. To eliminate foci of infection in the mouth. For example, just to treat carious teeth.
  7. More walk in the fresh air, using every free minute.


Now there is an international classification of diseases. At the gradation of pneumonia is in the tenth grade with all diseases of the respiratory system. It can be caused by different pathogens and to proceed in different forms. And treat it like you can on the hospital and on an outpatient basis. Everything is decided by the doctor after analyzing the vital signs of the patient, test results and identifying the causative agent. He also appoints the treatment regimen certain medications. As a complementary, but not alternative means of treatment of this disease can be and tested folk remedies.