Is it possible for pneumonia to do inhalation nebulizer at home, cure for pneumonia

There is probably no completely healthy people who never get sick. Still, regardless of status immunity, can catch the common cold. But to leak it will do each one differently. The man who leads healthy lifestyle and has a good genetic basis will almost not feel the symptoms of the disease. But for others it can cause complications such as pneumonia. Therefore, for people who are at risk still need to know how quickly and without harm to their health to cure this disease. Medicines and methods abound. Among them not last inhalation, which, undoubtedly, will speed up the recovery. But is it possible for pneumonia to make them, what drugs to use and the solutions is not known to everyone.

Mozhno li pri pnevmonii delat ingalyacii nebulajzerom i v domashnih usloviyah, lekarstva ot vospaleniya legkih

Definition of the disease

Pneumonia – inflammation in the lungs in most cases of an infectious nature. It may occur as an independent disease and as a complication of other diseases. To stop the inflammatory process after identification of the pathogen prescribe antibiotics, because in most cases, this bacterial disease. Viscous sputum is needed to liquefy and remove. So the doctor prescribes mucolytics and expectorants.

The fever that often accompanies the disease, relieve antipyretic. And that's when the acute phase passes, you can go to parallel inhalation.

The use of inhalation

The benefits of inhaled no one now do not need convincing because they:

  1. Eliminate inflammatory and edematous processes.
  2. Effect on liquefaction of sputum.
  3. Stimulates the epithelium of the ciliated type.
  4. Restore drainage and ventilation function of not only the bronchi, but lung.
  5. Minimize the number of drugs needed to cure disease. And it's not just decrease the ingestion of foreign chemicals, which are pharmacological agents, but also to reduce the load on the wallet, since high-quality drugs are not cheap.
  6. And what's more important is the fact that drugs get to the sore areas.


Once passed the acute period, and well-being improved slightly, the temperature exceeds the limit, the doctor will recommend along with other physiotherapeutic procedures, inhalations. You can of course do it the old way of inhalation in the home and they will bring undeniable benefits in recovery, but patients who have tried modern inhalers see how convenient and efficient to use them. Moreover, applying for the treatment of young children.

Modern inhalers

Among the most popular devices for inhalation – nebulizers. They are capable of the drug to turn into tiny particles and delivered directly to the diseased areas.

Due to the aerosol pairs penetrating into the mucosa, the recovery comes faster. In addition, the patient breathes cold vapor.

The most popular of them is the ultrasonic, spraying the drug with ultrasound, and the compressor forming the aerosol microparticles by air pressure. In devices it is recommended to use special solutions for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system.

Home remedies

If no nebulizer or equivalent, you can use the tested methods. Among them inhalation over a pot or kettle in which is prepared the treatment solution, heated to a boil. Over hot vapors at temperatures not higher than sixty degrees should lean over, cover your head with a blanket or towel and inhale the hot air.

Can be dangerous to the skin and eyes of the patient. This method is not recommended for small children.


To get rid of pneumonia should approach treatment comprehensively and consistently. And you also need to remember that drugs are not used in pure form for inhalation. They definitely diluted with sterile saline solution. For the treatment of diseasesof the respiratory system are recommended to take such drugs:

  • Antibacterial — Fluimucil, Gentamicin,
  • Immunomodulators — Interferon, Derinat,
  • Antiseptic. Miramistin, Dioxidine — destroy almost all known types of pathogens,
  • Mucolytics. Ambroxol, Mucosolvan, Mudalvan, Mukaltin liquefy and eliminate mucus,
  • Bronchodilator. Astalin, Ventolin, Flomax, berotek help to relieve spasms,
  • Anti — inflammatory drugs- Pulmicort, Gentamicin Dioksidin.

For pneumonia, experts recommend to use for inhalation the drug Bioparox. But in order for the procedure to be effective, it should be at least three times a day, lasting each five to ten minutes.

For children it is best to use lazolvan or Ambrobene.

Essential oils

Essential oils are well liquefy phlegm, and some of them have excellent bactericidal action. For inhalation it is recommended to use such:

  • Pine oil. Has pronounced antibacterial, antiviral properties,
  • Oil fir. Decongestant, expectorant, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory agent,
  • Oil of coriander. The strongest antibacterial essential oil,
  • The Basil oil. Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, disinfectant,
  • The eucalyptus oil. Antiviral, expectorant, antispasmodic,
  • Oil of juniper. Antiseptic, tonic.

Popular herbal teas

Drawing inhalation at home you can use the decoction of herbs possessing anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antiseptic, expectorant. Could not be better suited thyme, mother-and-stepmother, sage, Linden flowers and chamomile. For this, you can cook them tea. Four tablespoons of any of these herbs or prepared mixture pour 1 liter of boiled water and insist, wrapped, for a few minutes. Then over the steam to breathe. In addition to these medicinal herbs can be used:

  1. Elder flowers and grass knotweed. Take in equal proportion, mix, and then two tablespoons of the prepared mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let him stand up. At least to a temperature of sixty degrees, and then you can carry out steam inhalation.
  2. Pine buds, sage leaves, thyme, mother and stepmother, the roots of the marshmallow mix in equal parts. And as usual brew of grass, i.e. one tablespoon of mixture per Cup of boiling water. As for the steam inhalation of Cup of tea is not enough for one simple reason that so many quickly cooled down, we all need to increase four times. It would be good to add here before inhalation teaspoon of baking soda. It will facilitate the exit of phlegm.
  3. A spoonful of chamomile and spoon a tablespoon of Linden honey, pour a glass of boiling water and set the kettle on a slow fire for not longer than one minute. Kettle off and wait ten minutes until the broth has cooled slightly. Roll a tube of paper, insert in nose and deeply breathe in the steam.
  4. The same procedure can be done if you pour boiling water over 10 grams of pine buds.
  5. Quite good results can be obtained if you take two tablespoons of high quality propolis, and put to it a piece of wax not more than forty grams. Put in a water bath and inhale the vapors, saturated with phytoncides. To apply such inhalation is necessary for a long time. They have not only medical but also a good preventive action.
  6. Pansy, St. John's wort and cumin pour half a liter of boiling water. Will need two tablespoons of the mixture. Wait until cool down to 60-70 degrees, and breathe in the healing vapors.


To efficiently conduct the process of inhalation and there was a rapid recovery, you should observe some simple rules:

  • Read the instructions use of the device,
  • Not to exceed the dose recommended by your doctor,
  • Only an hour after eating can be inhalation,
  • Clothing should be loose, do not squeeze thorax,
  • The procedure usually lasts up to ten minutes.

In children enough from minutes to three.

  • Inhalation carried out in a sitting position,
  • You need to inhale by mouth. After a breath for a few seconds to hold your breath and then exhale,
  • If you want to cough, then the mask should be removed, and after the cough reflex again to continue the procedure,
  • After inhalation it is better to lie, but don't go outside,
  • If antibiotics were used you need to rinse your mouth with water,
  • You can eat one hour after the procedure. During this time, it is advisable not to smoke,
  • The procedure: broncholitic – mucolytic – antibiotics – immunomodulator (after treatment),
  • The nebulizer not to use products on oily basis, Papaverine, Diphenhydramine. Solutions for inhalation must be sterile.

Nebula or ampoules, manufactured for use in a nebulizer is a must before use, diluted with sterile saline solution.


Of course, using inhalation as the use of drugs, and, for example, mineral water or water with cooking soda, in medicinal decoctions possible to get rid of inflammation inthe body, but there are contraindications to the use of inhalation:

  1. Individual intolerance of individual components.
  2. Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. A high body temperature.
  4. The presence in the sputum of pus or blood.
  5. Tuberculosis.
  6. Malignant and benign tumors.

Therefore, in these cases, inhalation is not recommended.


Pneumonia is an insidious disease and to treat it is necessary in a complex. In addition to drugs, which appoints doctor, you can use inhalations. But this physiotherapy technique is not only his testimony, but also contraindications. The feasibility of application of inhalation is still better to ask the attending physician. He will be discharged and the required medicines for this procedure. A self to do the impossible, and especially in the period of acute illness. Inhalation pneumonia can be carried out only when the temperature is below 37, 5 degrees and no contraindications and limitations on their application.