The first signs of pneumonia in adults

Pneumonia in adults is a very insidious disease. It is rapidly evolving and at times difficult to recognize at an early stage. Because symptoms of pneumonia are very similar to the flu or a common cold. In ancient times, pneumonia was considered a very dangerous disease, and mortality from it were high. In modern medicine there are many effective medications which help to cope with this disease. Every year a large number of people sick with pneumonia, and it is considered one of the most common diseases of the respiratory organs. But to effectively and without consequences to fight inflammation of the lungs, it is necessary for the first symptoms to seek qualified help.

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Definition of the disease

Pneumonia is a group of diseases in which there is a loss of bronchioles and respiratory units, through which the exchange of oxygen between the lungs and blood – the alveoli. They going inflammatory fluid, whereby a certain portion of the respiratory system ceases to fulfill its primary function – gas exchange. This affected area becomes a source of poisoning of the whole organism.

How to diagnose: the main symptoms

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults is quite similar no matter which pathogen was the cause caused the disease. The main symptoms of pneumonia is:

  • Dry obsessive cough,
  • Dyspnea,
  • High temperature,
  • General weakness of the body,
  • Undue fatigability,
  • Fear from lack of air.

One of the main symptoms of pneumonia in adults is a constant dry cough. In the future, with the progression of the disease it becomes more humid and begins to move away mucus. Sometimes with a slight amount of blood. The cough is painful and causes pain in the chest.

The increase in temperature of the body depends on the immune system of the patient and therefore, how the pathogen was caused by pneumonia. Medicines that take the heat, and have no effect except to get him for a short time.

In some cases pneumonia occurs without fever. And the symptoms of the disease can manifest itself in this form:

  • When cornering the body the patient feels pain and discomfort in the chest,
  • When breathing is heard whistling,
  • Inhalation difficult,
  • General weakness, sweating,
  • Unhealthy, painful redness of the face.

Pneumonia without fever more difficult to heal. When the first symptoms should immediately consult the doctor.

At the initial stage, pneumonia can be easily confused with common cold, influenza, acute respiratory infections. Only with the appearance of shortness of breath and a significant increase in temperature, the doctor sends the patient for x-rays, after which is determined the final diagnosis.

When it is necessary to consult a doctor

Do not forget that the sooner you consult a doctor for qualified help, the sooner you will get rid of the ailment, faster will be the recovery of the body, and the risk of negative consequences will be minimal.

In what cases should immediately consult a doctor? If you experience the following symptoms:

  1. Strong dry cough.
  2. Cough with blood.
  3. If SARS is not treated more than a week.
  4. Painful breath or to breathe deeply does not work.
  5. With a deep breath it starts cough.
  6. Fear of suffocation and lack of air.
  7. Dyspnea, whereas before you didn't notice her.
  8. The inability to bring the temperature down a fever drugs (Paracetamol, Panadol, Efferalgan, etc.).
  9. Pain in the chest that give to the stomach.
  10. Pale skin, even the temperature.
  11. Unhealthy blush on the cheek side of the affected lung.


Cause pneumonia can get almost any harmful microorganisms. Chlamydia, microplasma Legionella and other bacteria. As well as the viruses of influenza, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses or mushrooms.

Pneumonia often appears as a result of penetration of bacteria or viruses through airborne droplets from the environment. Less penetration occurs through the blood or lymph. If a person normally working immune system, he is able to resist the attacks of harmful microorganisms. And more susceptible to the disease pneumonia children and elderly people with weakened immune systems. There are some factors that contribute to the developmentpneumonia in adults:

  • Weakened immune system,
  • Hypothermia,
  • Chronic disease of the lungs or bronchi (chronic bronchitis),
  • Heart disease,
  • Smoking,
  • Alcohol abuse,
  • Taking medications that inhibit the immune system,
  • Chronic nasal disease,
  • Senility,
  • Work in hazardous work,
  • Sometimes there is congenital pneumonia in infants. When the mother had previously had the disease.

Types and classification

Its etiology pneumonia is:

  • Viral. Is caused by various viruses (influenza, parainfluenza and other),
  • Bacterial. The lungs become infected with certain bacteria. Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococci,
  • Mycoplasmal. Refers to atypical form of pneumonia. The causative agent of this disease is the microorganism Mycoplasma pneumoniae,
  • Fungal. Pneumonia caused by different kinds of fungi,
  • Mixed. Pneumonia caused by the simultaneous influence of various microorganisms on human rights.

In the course of illness pneumonia klassificeret:

  • Acute. A disease in which lung leak in acute pathological processes,
  • Long. Acute inflammatory processes in the lungs, which lasted longer than a month,
  • Atypical. A complicated form of pneumonia, which was caused by "atypical" pathogens,
  • Chronic. Recurrent acute pneumonia, which affects the soft tissue of the lungs.

To prevent chronic pneumonia should not start respiratory infection.

For spreading inflammation pneumonia may be:

  • Unilateral. The disease affects one side of the lungs,
  • Bilateral. Affects the lung tissue of the right and left lobe,
  • Focal. In the inflammatory process involved separate regions of the lung. Is the most common type of pneumonia. Often occurs as a complication of another disease and usually begins with the defeat of the bronchi,
  • Total. Kind of illness when pneumonia affects the lung,
  • Lobar. The disease covers the whole share. The top, bottom or middle,
  • Radical. This type of pneumonia can be very long not manifest itself and be asymptomatic. Localized in the lung root,

Basal pneumonia often leads to serious consequences due to the fact that it is hard to identify in the early stages. It is necessary at the slightest ailments and symptoms to be screened.

  • Confluent. A few foci of inflammation merge into one.

Consequences of self-treatment

About the self-treatment of pneumonia, even speech can not go. Not only that, without qualified help, self-treatment will be ineffective, then you can lose precious time, when even the doctor to help. Thanks to modern medicine, equipment, correct diagnosis with adequate treatment of pneumonia can get rid of it for two to three weeks from the beginning of the incubation period. In some sad cases, patients themselves diagnosed begin to "effective" therapy and go to the doctor already with advanced forms of pneumonia. After the treatment for complicated pneumonia can cause problems with normal functioning of the respiratory tract, pulmonary fibrosis, obstructive bronchitis and other serious illness.


High fever, cough, weakness and pain when breathing – the main symptoms of pneumonia. You should pay attention to these signs of illness and do not postpone to go to the doctor. And the specialist after a series of tests will establish the diagnosis and determine the stage of disease. Pneumonia is a very insidious disease and it should begin to heal immediately, as soon as the first symptoms. It should be remembered that improper treatment may lead to severe complications and even fatal outcomes. If I start to treat pneumonia from the first days of the disease, you will not even have to go to the hospital. It will be enough outpatient treatment. Yes, and it will not last more than ten days. And incorrectly chosen antibiotics alone with incorrect treatment regimen can negatively affect the body and lower the immunity level.