After pneumonia how long restoring the body: rehabilitation after illness in adults and children

Recovery from pneumonia is a complex and lengthy process. The inflammatory process leads to destruction of lung tissue.

The more severe was the disease, the longer the recovery period of the body, and sometimes it takes more than two or three months.

In this article we will tell you about the features of pneumonia, as well as methods of rehabilitation of the patient and prevention of this disease.

Posle pnevmonii kak dolgo vosstanavlivaetsya organizm: reabilitaciya posle bolezni u vzroslyh i detej

Definition of the disease

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs. This condition occurs infectious inflammation of the tissues. Infectious agents penetrate through the respiratory tract or through the bloodstream.

The disease can be caused by bacteria such as pneumococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Legionella and so on, as well as influenza viruses and parainfluenza, adenoviruses, fungi and protozoa microorganisms.

The likelihood of pneumonia increases by inhalation of toxic substances, gases and other harmful chemical compounds.

Pneumonia often occurs in people with weakened immune systems. But it may be associated with hypothermia, viral infections, certain medications that inhibit the immune system.

The risk group includes:

  • The elderly.
  • People with chronic lung disease.
  • Diabetics.
  • Cores.
  • People who abuse alcohol.
  • Patients who have undergone surgery.
  • People with congenital disorders of the bronchi and lungs, with a weakened immune system.

The disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets. A sick person sneezes, bacteria and microorganisms contained in its discharge, into the lungs of a healthy person, causing there inflammation. Also read about how does the flu spread and how long is the incubation period.

In addition pneumonia may occur due to the activation of bacteria in the nose and throat. When reduced immunity, the body can not fight these viruses, and they immediately begin to multiply, enter the lungs and cause inflammation. This can happen due to cold or viral infections weaken the immune system.

The main symptoms of pneumonia are shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of oxygen, chills, fever, cough with sputum, pain in the chest. Other symptoms may be or may not be present: weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, muscle pain, etc.

According to severity of pneumonia can be mild, moderate, severe degree and in extent it is divided into acute, protracted, uncomplicated and complicated. The average course of the disease, which proceeds without complications on the background of properly selected treatment is three to four weeks.


There are four stages of pneumonia:

  1. Stage of the tide. It lasts from twelve hours to three days and is characterized by a sharp hyperemia of the vessels of the lungs and fibrinous exudation in the alveoli.
  2. Stage red obucheniya. This stage lasts from one to three days. Of lung tissue are condensed and in structure resemble the liver. In the alveolar exudate has a large number of red blood cells.
  3. Stage gray obucheniya. It lasts from two to six days and is characterized by the breakdown of red blood cells and a massive release of white blood cells into the alveoli.
  4. The stage of approval. There is a restoration of the normal structure of lung tissue.


Rehabilitation is a complex of inpatient and outpatient procedures, which are aimed at accelerating the recovery and need to return to good health and ability to work.

The sooner you start the rehabilitation of patients who recover from pneumonia, the shorter recovery time and less likelihood of complications.

Objectives of rehabilitation:

  • Elimination of acute inflammation and localization of the pathogen.
  • The restoration of the lung tissue and the body.
  • To prevent the development of complications.
  • Restoration of protective forces of an organism.


The first stage of rehabilitation should begin on the third day of the disease without the disturbance regime and lasts up to two weeks, but only in case of improvement of the patient's condition and reduce the temperature to subfebrile values.

The second period is fromthe appointment and observance of special diet, correction of electrolyte and microbial balance, physiotherapy, medical and respiratory gymnastics. All this the patient may go to a rehabilitation centre, a sanatorium or at home. This stage is needed to eliminate the consequences of disease and treatment prescription drugs (antibiotics).

Rehabilitation in hospital

Directions in rehabilitation:

  1. Physiotherapy (inhalations, electrophoresis, UHF irradiation areas of inflammation).
  2. Physical treatment methods (gymnastics).
  3. Drug therapy (probiotics with dysbiosis, potassium supplements with its deficit).
  4. Special diet (appointment food with lots of protein, increase of daily calories).

Health resort

Health resort rehabilitation is recommended to take place at local resorts, as well as in the coastal resorts of the Crimea, the Caucasus, in the Vladivostok area. It is held from may to October. There are assigned to the various treatment and rehabilitation measures (special diet, herbal medicine, massage).

To prevent stagnation in the lungs are assigned to treatments using a pulsed current, which improve the lymph circulation and blood circulation in the lungs and accelerate the healing process.

If with pneumonia pleurisy occurred, the sanatorium is recommended to undergo a course of electrical stimulation of the diaphragm. This procedure improves the resorption of the pathological process and is a good prevent the formation of adhesions. Also you can take a course of infrared radiation, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

In strong intoxications and allergies, used the autotransfusion of blood, irradiated with ultraviolet light. In spas there is a special mercury-quartz baths and equipment for intravenous laser irradiation of blood.

It is also possible to undergo paraffin and ozokerite applications on the area of the affected lobe of the lung. Very effective and balneological treatments. This rehabilitation involves performing physical therapy and psychotherapeutic care.


Physiotherapy is very much needed for recovery after pneumonia. First permitted only breathing exercises, followed by recovery of the added physical exercise.

Good result gives such a mode of gymnastics: two breathing sessions and two physical in the morning and in the evening just as well, but the exercises themselves are changing. Since different exercises have different effects on the bronchopulmonary system, this approach will allow you to evenly distribute the load.

If the normalization condition is recommended daily walk in the fresh air.

Consider the approximate range of physical gymnastics with pneumonia:

  1. Sitting on a chair, alternate deep breaths with shallow (eight-ten times). Then move hands to the sides, combined with calm inhales and exhales (five to six times). After walking on the spot (twelve-sixteen times), breathing arbitrary.
  2. Standing shoulders to relax. A slow walk for two to three minutes, breathing arbitrary. Then raise the arms up and pivoting to the side (four to six times) combined with deep breathing. Then, raising on tiptoe (seven to eight times), breathing free.
  3. Standing straight, hands freely omitted. To lean down while trying to get the right hand the left foot and Vice versa (seven to eight times). Depth of breathing arbitrary.
  4. Sitting on a chair, alternating raising arms, then push them down with relaxation (six to eight times) in combination with surface breathing. After jamming his hands into fists and simultaneously compress the toes (eight to ten times), it should gradually slow down your breathing.


Diet is recommended not only during pneumonia and after recovery. Before starting a diet, you need to clean the intestines of any laxative. Useful to drink hot or warm baked milk with ghee is very good for the lungs and filling of the surfactant in them.

You can't eat through the power, it's not very useful.

The diet should include soups and milk. For reducing the temperature is helpful to drink water with lemon or cranberry juice.

The diet should include:

  • Lean meat or fish broths.
  • Milk and milk products.
  • Vegetables, fruits, dried fruits.
  • Juices, fruit drinks, teas, broth hips.
  • Cereals, pasta.
  • Honey, jam.

A special meal for pneumonia is required to maintain immunity. In this diet several times reduced consumption of carbohydrates and fats. Salt consumption is reduced to six or seven grams.

It is recommended that smaller meals five to six times a day in small portions.

Best food to steamed or boiled vegetables and meat, foods is better to take in the finely chopped or mashed form. Any drink should be warm and plentiful.

Preventive method

Prevention of pneumonia is specific and non-specific.

Nonspecific measures:

  • Adherence to work and rest.
  • Regular airing.
  • Regular wet cleaning.
  • Isolation of patients with acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Good nutrition.
  • Hardening.
  • Protection of the body from hypothermia oroverheatings.
  • Respiratory and physical gymnastics.
  • Timely treatment of all diseases.

Specific prevention involves vaccination against some types of pathogens of pneumonia.

Prevention after pneumonia is to take vitamins, dietary supplements to restore the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.


Pneumonia is one of the most common diseases. Cause pneumonia can be any microorganism. Treatment of pneumonia can be carried out in a hospital or in a hospital. The choice of treatment is determined by the severity of the disease, its form, and so on. A very important period of rehabilitation. Compliance with all recommendations of the doctor combined with a carefully structured rehabilitation program to help heal from pneumonia and restore the body.