How to treat pneumonia at home

Pneumonia – characteristics of the disease

Pneumonia is a traditional name for a pretty broad spectrum of inflammation of the lung tissue. But, even people ignorant in medicine today is often used to describe the disease the technical term is "pneumonia".

Kak lechit pnevmoniu v domashnih usloviyah

Inflammation is a protective reaction of the organism to the presence of microbes (viruses or bacteria) or tissue damage caused by the adverse effects of chemical or physical influences. The same rule applies to the lungs, and, the number of infectious diseases (caused by bacteria) prevails.

The course and severity of disease as the answer to the question of how to choose a method and means to cure pneumonia, is determined, first and foremost, a specific type of bacteria (its ability to affect the body, penetrate it, forming a substance, adversely affecting the entire body causing a specific reaction of protecting the body, etc.). Another important factor when determining how to treat pneumonia is the patient's age, General physical condition, lifestyle, and the possible presence of other diseases.

The possibilities of developing pneumonia in adults

Infectious pneumonia usually is divided into three types. These types should be considered to have been carried out effective treatment of pneumonia.

Community acquired pneumonia is a disease that arose as a result of infection in the normal human environment. A potential causative agent in this case is, for example, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Mycoplasma pneumonia and chlamydia pneumonia, and various viruses (e.g. influenza virus). In light of the pathogens usually fall when you inhale a small amount of mucus from the upper respiratory tract. Note that is treated as pneumonia in the hospital and at home. But, treatment of pneumonia at home on their own, without consultation and specialist advice is strongly not recommended!

Kak lechit pnevmoniu v domashnih usloviyah

Nosocomial pneumonia is a disease acquired in the hospital. The hospital environment is inhabited by specific strains of bacteria that have adapted to local conditions, because they have developed specific resistance mechanisms (for example, disinfectants and antibiotics). Disposal of these organisms is very demanding and contrary to the principles of hygiene, remove them entirely from the hospital environment is not possible.

Statistics show that the frequency of these diseases in our country does not exceed 8 per 1000 patients. The disease is considered serious and always requires hospitalization. Not allowed treatment of pneumonia at home!

The third type is represented by the so-called pneumonia arising in immune suppressed individuals, i.e., people with compromised immunity. Immunosuppressive describe people who have or on the basis of the disease (e.g., cancer, congenital immune system disorders, AIDS) or treatment (administration of corticosteroids, postoperative conditions and, in particular, transplantation) have a reduced ability to self-defense of the organism. Pneumonia in these people, as a rule, runs hard, often has a lethal outcome. Unlike the two previous types, the disease causes fungi (Aspergillus, Candida) and protozoa (Pneumocystis Carini). Treat disease of this type in strictly stationary conditions, to treat pneumonia in the home is strongly desirable!

A special mechanism contributes to the appearance of congestive pneumonia. The disease can develop in patients with prolonged restriction of movement (bedridden) due to the accumulation of blood (and mucus) in the posterior parts of the lungs. Due to lack of exchange of blood, there is the creation of favourable conditions for exposure, for example, staphylococci.

Non-infectious pneumonitis may occur by inhalation of acidic stomach contents during vomiting. The contents of the stomach causes a disturbance of the acidity of the lung tissue and inflammation. In the same way, the disease can cause inhalation of corrosive chemicals. In these cases we are talking about aspiration pneumonia.

Inhalation pneumonia is characterized by the inhalation of toxic gases or vapours, which irritate all of the respiratory tract, causing inflammation.

The risk factors for the development of the disease

To a vulnerable group are the people who are in the infectious environments that can be represented, for example,work team, school class or family, where people suffer from pneumonia and various respiratory diseases.

Kak lechit pnevmoniu v domashnih usloviyah

Under significant threat there are people older than 60 years and neonates, whose lungs may be affected by the bacteria before birth, during birth (perinatal pneumonia) or shortly after birth in the neonatal ward (postnatal pneumonia). Elderly people, the negative impact can have long-term unbalanced composition of the diet (lack of vitamins, a vegetarian way of life), frequent alcohol consumption and Smoking.

As associated disease pneumonia can occur in people who have a reduced quality of consciousness and/or respiratory failure of protective reflexes (not to cough up the accumulated mucus).

In addition, the risk factor is a long-running operation, the introduction of the patient into a state of artificial sleep and intubation of the respiratory tract. Dangerous are all diseases in which the person is confined to bed (see above: congestive pneumonia), as well as those in which, owing to treatment or the disease itself leads to weakening of the immune system.


No less important action than to treat pneumonia, is the introduction of preventive measures. But, due to the large number of causes of pneumonia, mainly due to the uncontrolled number of interacting factors (age, other diseases) disease prevention is difficult. Mostly, it is associated with a healthy lifestyle, which should include a varied diet, moderation in alcohol consumption and maintaining physical fitness. It is important to treat even a seemingly trivial respiratory illness, with the main therapeutic element, which is a complete rest.

People over 60 years of age is recommended vaccination against influenza. In addition, it is possible to vaccinate against pneumococcus and, with 2 months of age of the child. In addition, it is possible to be vaccinated against Haemophilus influenzae. Opinions about the suitability of Haemophilus and pneumococcal vaccines are among those between individual experts vary, but the details are beyond the scope of this text.

Kak lechit pnevmoniu v domashnih usloviyah

As with other bacterial infections, the problem of increasing resistance of bacterial strains to conventional antibiotics. If the disease is caused by one of these resistant strains, the disease usually first does not respond to the recommended antibiotics and the duration of illness is prolonged.

In severe pneumonia, this resistance can be fatal complications. Given that the resistance of bacteria, mainly caused by excessive use of antibiotics in the population (their prescription for viral diseases is ineffective), there is a need for patients with milder disease did not insist on antibiotic therapy.

Expectant mothers can discuss with a gynecologist the opportunity to perform bacteriological examination of the vagina with emphasis on bacteria during childbirth can lead to neonatal pneumonia (especially Streptococcus agalactiae).

The symptoms and examination

Symptoms can vary depending on the diseases. Common symptoms include cough, perhaps, irritable and dry, then with phlegm, fever to heat.

In addition to breast is always a pain or tingling. In more severe pneumonia is present shortness of breath. In the case of viral disease can cause flu-like symptoms, such as headache, muscle and joint pain, nausea and vomiting.

How to treat pneumonia?

On the basis of the severity of the current condition, patient's age and presence of other diseases, the doctor decides on the need of hospitalization. Patients under the age of 60 years (sometimes older) can be treated at home (these patients are the majority), but in each case, the consultation of a specialist! Patients with severe pneumonia are admitted always!

In addition, if there are any signs of impaired consciousness, unstable blood circulation or respiratory distress, the person is treated in the intensive care unit.

In all cases, immediately (without defining "culprit" of the disease, only on the basis of the clinical picture) is introduced antibiotic therapy, the effectiveness of which can be assessed after about 3 days (if the person is being treated at home, please check with doctor). In the great majority of cases this treatment is successful. Only about 10% of cases, this therapy shows no effect. In this case, a significant effort directed towards the definition of a releaser of the disease, and therapy is modified in accordance with its sensitivity to antibiotics.

The next steps of treatment may include the use of drugs that dissolve phlegm, cough medicine and other medicines in that case, if the patient's condition requires it.

In non-infectious lung inflammation corticosteroids are introduced.

The duration of treatment usually ranges from 10 to 21 days to complete the stabilization (the return of physical well-being) comes,in about a month.

How can I help myself during treatment?

During the treatment you must remain calm, first recommended bed rest, it is advisable to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and Smoking. The importance of sufficient fluid intake (herbal teas to relieve respiratory illnesses, mineral water) and a varied diet. The beneficial effect of wrapping the chest. The patient should be in an environment with room temperature air that can be humidified with a humidifier or placing a wet towel on the battery.


In case of wrong treatment there is a possibility of lung abscess, exacerbation of underlying disease (obstructive lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis, etc.) or permanent damage of the lung tissue with a decrease in lung function.

Pneumonia is a serious disease, but for people with poor physical condition, and it is deadly (up to 35% of cases). As for people who initially received treatment on an outpatient basis, fatal complications are quite exceptional, but not impossible. Very serious illness is pneumonia in newborns younger than 5 days old.