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Viral load with hepatitis C decoding table

Hepatitis C is a rather dangerous viral disease that can lead to very serious consequences. Every year conducted methods of diagnosis and treatment improved, but the root problem isn't solved. Pretty important concept when considering a disease which is transmitted by infection is viral load in hepatitis C. what it is, What research is being conducted to obtain such information about this and other issues will be discussed later.

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What is viral load?

Viral load – the concentration in blood of a patient of viral ribonucleic sour or, in other words, the genetic material of the infection. For the determination of such rate is a special study, which is for identifying the cells RNA. The results obtained in the research allow to determine the stage of disease development, the rate of spread of the virus in the body and many other information. The analysis is quite complex, requires specialized equipment and sterile conditions. You should pay attention to the fact that the number of cells that have genetic material of the virus, measured in one milliliter of blood. Only after analyzing the viral load can get the result, which will be the basis for diagnosis. When considering what is the viral load can be noted – this indicator determines the degree of exposure to the virus on the body, allows to predict the course of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

What methods of diagnostics can be used?

There are several diagnostic methods that determine what is viral load in hepatitis C is on the body. The main can be attributed:

  1. Qualitative analysis carried out to identify the body's genetic material associated with the considered disease. Such a diagnosis is to confirm or refute the fact that the organism is a pathogen of this group. On the way out you can get an accurate answer to the question: is there a virus in the body or not.
  2. Quantitative – analysis aimed to determine the concentration of RNA in the blood, which allows to determine the condition of the patient. A similar study is carried out only at a late stage of the disease. The obtained results allow to adjust treatment of the patient, to prescribe new drugs. This test allows to determine the period of exacerbation, remission of hepatitis and many other things.
  3. Biochemical composition of the blood is carried out to determine the concentration of all elements in the blood. Some results may indicate the occurrence of serious health problems. For such studies was made a special table which indicates rate for each element.

To if you experience hepatitis C viral load was determined correctly, there should be a comprehensive study, which will allow accurate diagnosis and prescribe better treatment.


All tests relate to the blood tests. In the case when there were found a large number of viral cells, it is possible to consider that the infection begins to affect the body. Note the time that the normal content of RNA in the organism is observed in many in remission, but the virus needs to multiply. Reproduction is to lose healthy blood cells. Therefore, primary therapy aimed to reduce the number of viral cells in the body and stop them from spreading.

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Estimation of concentration of genetic material is only applied when the initial studies revealed the presence of antibodies. If the rate of concentration of antibodies was significantly exceeded, that is, the probability that the organism is infected with a virus. To determine the amount of RNA by using 3 main methods:

  1. PCR is a highly sensitive modern methods of study, which allows to determine the presence of even small amounts of the virus in the body. The popularity of this method is that it allows you to quickly and accurately make a diagnosis. In the case of infection With hepatitis C virus, rapid diagnosis allows to carry out urgent treatment, which does not develop significant complications. PCR method aimed at the detection of antibodies that produces the immune system of the body in contact with it the virusinfections. At the initial stage, the body may be insignificant amounts of antibodies, but even they are identified when conducting this study. Low concentration can be detected in this case. If antibodies were not found, it means that in the body there is no virus. However, despite the large number of advantages of this method, it is used infrequently. This is due to the high cost of this method, and incubation of sterility. To conduct the study can only specialized firms.
  2. The method of branched DNA is somewhat simpler than other methods of research. That is why it is used in almost all cases. This study allows us to determine whether virus RNA in the blood of several patients. However, there is a drawback, the sensitivity is significantly lower. In cases when PCR detects the presence of the virus, this method may not give results. The method of branched DNA is used only in the case when the presence of the virus in the body already know, but need to know the degree of development of the problem. In order to control the passage of treatment using this method.
  3. The method of TMA. Hepatitis C decryption means of this method of transcriptional amplification – this method is similar to the previous two. When you sample it check for RNA. This method is the most inexpensive and available with all available. Thus it allows to identify even a minor concentration of RNA. That is why TMA method is used in almost all cases, the diagnosis of hepatitis C.

Which diagnostic method to use to determine the concentration of virus in the body decides physician.

Chapels viral load

Viral load in hepatitis also determines how dangerous the infected to others. The result gives the answer to the question, what treatment to use when infected and how it will be effective. With minor concentrations of RNA can be concluded, that ill is on the mend.

A great danger to the health of the carry case, which is associated with high viral load. With the rapid development of the disease there is the chance of developing complications that will affect all the internal organs and not just liver as with the standard course of the disease. In the case of an active phase to reduce the concentration of the virus is possible only with the active complex treatment. At home treatment, the patient must constantly visit doctors to control viral load, as only in this case it is possible to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. Reduced rate after completion of one stage of therapy indicates that the measures have a high efficiency. If the concentration increases or no change, then therapy is adjusted.

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However, you should consider the point that these tests do not accurately diagnose. In each case, the doctor should conduct a medical history to determine the patient's status.

The timing of the tests

The minimum duration of studies not less than one week. The next examination when treatment should be at least a month, as the event did not immediately result. At a constant response to the virus research should be carried out every year. The result of all of the studies is an indication of the presence or absence of the virus and may be given more precise content of RNA in the blood.

In some cases the attending physician makes an entry, for example, RNA was detected in blood, but less of the set range. This result of research suggests that blood is RNA, but its percentage is very small, and the method of analysis precludes an accurate result. According to the decision of the physician may be assigned additional study.

Quantitative analyses are conducted quite often, as they allow to determine the concentration of virus in the blood to determine the most appropriate treatment. It is worth considering that hepatitis C refers to dangerous diseases that can be transmitted through blood. That is why it is important enough to spend time researching in order to protect others. The virus can be transmitted by standard methods, for example, through the blood.

Errors in conducting research

It is quite important to conduct research in proven laboratories. The result may vary due to the fact that the collection and storage of blood were admitted to significant errors. You should also consider the point that the same sample can give different results in different laboratories. It should be noted that moment, that the conduct of successful therapy the amount of RNA can significantly diminish after three days.

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Successful can be called treatment, when studies have shown the load reduction by no less than two units. If after a certain stage of treatment, the concentration of RNA corresponds to the previous result or increased, then we can say that useddrugs do not have desired effectiveness. With a significant increase in the concentration of RNA can talk about the relapse.