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How to get sick with SARS acute respiratory infections at home

There are many situations where people are puzzled how you can get sick, but the harm was minimal, and the symptoms of a cold or other disease was very real. In fact, it is much harder not to get sick, and keep your body in the condition that he successfully resisted the virus and infection.

Kak zabolet orvi orz v domashnih usloviyah

There are times when you really need sick leave, but as you know, it just don't give, you need to make the impression that the doctor believed and officially confirmed the presence of the disease. How to get sick so it looked natural, but the damage to the body was minimal.

The most common symptoms of diseases

Before going to the doctor, or to invite him to the house, everything should indicate that the patient in front of him, and he is seriously ill, and the availability of necessary symptoms just provide a need for the doctor's decision: a disease on the face, treatment is required. There are a number of symptoms, which the doctor identifies the presence of diseases no matter how provoked their appearance, most importantly, the presence of signs of a cold or other illness. The framework includes indicators that provide sick leave for three or four days:

  1. Nausea. The symptom indicates food poisoning. Along the way, the doctor may ask about General health: the presence of elevated temperature, diarrhea and other symptoms of food poisoning. The "danger" of such stimulirovanie is that instead of sick leave for treatment at home the doctor can write a referral to hospital.
  2. Red throat. This symptom indicates the presence of ODS, redness can be addressed in several ways, and often it is absolutely safe for health.
  3. High temperature. The symptom may be regarded as the presence of various diseases: influenza, bronchitis, colds.
  4. Runny nose, redness of the eyes. On the face of the infection of a cold, which if to reinforce the presence of even a small, but the fever, for the doctor it becomes clear: before him was a man who managed to get sick of SARS.

All the symptoms are easy to provoke, it is important not to overdo it in choosing the means that can be as safe according to the method of application, as unnecessarily risky, as they can bring significant harm.

Ways to get sick quick from the comfort of home

Ways how to get sick several, it is simple enough, it is important to choose the most safe of all that exist. Enumerating the ways, just specify those in any case do not need to use, because instead of getting sick for 1 day, you can acquire a serious disease:

  1. Not to go out into the cold with wet hair. It is possible to ache with almost a 100% guarantee, but not not one day, not diagnosed with colds, but at least meningitis.
  2. No running sweaty in the freezing air without a hat, is fraught with consequences, can be diagnosed not 1, but several, the same meningitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, or bronchitis, and in complex form.
  3. Drink or eat the stuff. Walking is an opinion, if you eat some spoiled food can cause symptoms of poisoning: nausea, diarrhea, and even temperature. That can provoke more serious disease than just to cause nausea, why do not all know or remember. 1 sick leave can affect health for many years in the future, because of the cheap nonsense to provoke a symptom of the poisoning of the stomach.
Kak zabolet orvi orz v domashnih usloviyah

In some cases, rash actions can have a negative impact on health for a long time, the consequences of pursuing life.

Which can cause for the disease at home

There are several situations that can trigger the disease at home colds and other infectious diseases.

  1. Method # 1 is to get Ari from a family member who was previously infected with the cold. Regardless of which one of the household brought home a cold, the important fact of the presence of infection in a confined space. Doubly increases the risk of infection of other family members if the patient does not use the individual means of protection, use the common utensils in contact without a protective face mask.
  2. Cold drinks, ice cream, draught, these factors are the main instigators of the common cold. No need to try to sleep in a draft, it will result not in a runny nose and fever and bilateral pneumonia.

    Kak zabolet orvi orz v domashnih usloviyah

  3. Deep breaths at the open window a chill in the air. Cough and redness of the throatprovided, if the thread that times 100, the acute respiratory disease will be delayed at least three or four days, but if lucky you can catch a sore throat and for serious probality week and a half.
  4. If the house has cold floors, walking barefoot for a long time can cause a decrease in temperature nerve receptors on the sole of the feet. It cold feet are the cause of many colds, including serious, so you need to carefully use the technique.

Ways how to cheat a doctor without the disease

Still, it is possible to ache in time always, and better if it's not going to happen, but when you want to impress a sick man, it is better to apply the options of a harmless nature, which cause symptoms of the disease.

  1. If you have the opportunity to distract the doctor at the time, it is best to heat the thermometer by the friction of a woollen cloth, the main thing is not to overdo it as the doctor may ask to do it again and already under surveillance.
  2. Before going to the doctor, or waiting for his house to drink a few cups of strong coffee. Again, if you have a suggestion for sudden hypertensive jumping, the technique can provoke an aggravation of diseases associated with blood pressure.
  3. If you eat a little stylus with a pencil you can raise body temperature at least 38 degrees. Method not safe to use.
  4. No fresh juice or eating fatty foods can cause nausea and diarrhea. Instead of sick leave you can actually go to jail for a hospital bed, and for a long period.
  5. Method is very common, but unsafe: 1 piece of refined sugar is treated with a few drops of iodine (3-4). The temperature in the literal word rolls over, but there is danger in the intensive care unit.
Kak zabolet orvi orz v domashnih usloviyah

It is important that people reading this article know that the health is given once and for all, to squander, or to jeopardize your body through questionable means, in order to relax, can lead to very disastrous results. Do not get sick yourself and take care of the health of others.