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Infection during pregnancy effects

Pregnancy always is a pleasant period in a woman's life. She is looking forward to her baby and tries to protect his health. So it was a really healthy baby, you need to know what kind of infection during pregnancy can harm him. After all, some of them quite dangerous and can cause malformations or miscarriage. And sexual diseases in pregnancy almost always harm the baby and mother. To protect yourself and unborn baby, it is important to know what infections in pregnant women are the most dangerous, than they threaten and how to avoid them. This will help to determine all the risks that arose during infection by certain diseases.

How is the infection

Since different infections have different ways of entering the body, then one way exists. One need to get into the blood, others are able to get airborne. Some infections may surround the woman, but she won't get sick due to the developed antibodies to them. Because there is infection gives lifelong immunity after a single case of the disease. These are rubella and varicella.

During this period you have to be very careful and if necessary for tests to detect certain diseases. Immune system in pregnant women weakened, the body spends more energy, consumes increased amounts of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the risk of infections increases, and some of them do should be avoided.

Is it possible to prevent infections in advance?

Ideally, you need to take care of your health during pregnancy planning. It significantly reduces the risk of further infection and suffer from it. At least to protect themselves from all infections is impossible, but there are those that can easily be avoided.

If a few months before pregnancy to vaccinate for some diseases, they are not afraid of the future mother and her baby. Also the doctor will prescribe tests to check for specific infections. And if identified, the woman will be a course of treatment that will protect her during pregnancy. To be vaccinated after conception is not desirable, is too risky.

What types of infections can appear during pregnancy

There are several types of infections. Some of them are dangerous, other are not harmful. But knowing what they expect, will do better to protect yourself and your child.

Bacterial infection

The bacteria surround people constantly, and even "live" in it. But in normal immune system they do no harm. With their active reproduction appears a bacterial infection. Not all bacteria are dangerous during pregnancy, and harm can be treated.

Viral infection

Viruses in the world a lot and some of them are more dangerous up until the miscarriage and abnormal development of the fetus. Therefore, special attention is paid to prevention of such viruses. It is easier to protect than to treat a woman and try to save the fetus.

Intestinal infection

With this type of infection often experienced in summer. But in the cold season, there are such cases. Eating spoiled food and the spread of rotavirus infection are bad for a pregnant body, but early treatment will eliminate the risk.


Every woman during pregnancy is faced with the need to be tested for TORCH and it is really needed. Thanks to him we can find out whether there is in the body of the infection and the time to take action. The study included:

  • Toxoplasmosis.
  • Rubella.
  • Cytomegalovirus.
  • Varicella.

All these infections are dangerous and can cause irreparable harm to the life of the fetus. Therefore it is better to consider them in more detail.


This disease is enough to recover only once in a lifetime, but it is so easy that it is often simply do not notice. Ordinary manit is absolutely harmless, but so dangerous for pregnant women. The source of infection are cats, because it can only multiply in their intestines.

If infection occurred in the first trimester, the infection penetrates in 15 cases out of a hundred. Most often, all ends well.

Any infection in the 2nd trimester more dangerous and is 20%. The causative agents of toxoplasmosis begin to multiply and affect the brain and Central nervous system of the child. And even the immune system to destroy the infection, but the impaired cells is not restored. Therefore, children born suffer from epilepsy, blindness, have high intracranial pressure and mental retardation.

The third trimester increases the risk to 50% and the fruit is virtually impossible infection. But at birth it is possible to obtain a latent toxoplasmosis, which is to occur some time.


This virus is transmitted by airborne droplets and is a danger during pregnancy, when the woman did not hurt him earlier. You can often get it from children, because it is basically tolerated in children.

When infection occurs in 1st week of pregnancy, the possibility of infection of the fetus increases to 80%. With each subsequent week, the risk gradually decreases and at the 12th week is already 10%. Doctors say that there's some danger even in 5 months.

This disease is dangerous because it is always inherited. This affects different internal organs. But most often fixed triad. This heart defect, the appearance of cataracts and deafness. Can also be effects such as hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and even pneumonia.

In a third of cases in women, miscarriage happens and 2 out of 10 babies are stillborn. Also, increased mortality of newborns. In connection with such difficult consequences, doctors recommend to abort the pregnancy, when infected in the 1st trimester.


This infection during pregnancy is quite rare. It's a disease many suffer in childhood, so are immune to it. But sometimes there are cases of infected pregnant women. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets or through the fluid of the vesicles of chickenpox. The incubation period of this disease is quite long and the patient is contagious before the symptoms characteristic blisters on the skin. So often pregnant infected without even knowing it.

In connection with the weakening of the immune system of a pregnant woman, this infection occurs in mild or severe form. Infection in the 1st trimester often infects the fetus, causing miscarriages in the future, or the abnormal development of internal organs. This often affects the Central nervous system, vision. May not develop or nedorazvitia limbs.

When infection in the second trimester is almost no risk and the fetus will continue to develop normally. In the 3rd trimester the risk is over up to 36 weeks. After this period it increases and threatens the formation of congenital chickenpox in the newborn. It affects the internal organs and has a very severe course of the disease. This is due to the fact that the immune system of a pregnant woman is not able in these few weeks to develop antibodies to protect the baby.


This disease is caused by a virus from the herpes family and it's found in a huge number of people. This is because immunity to it is not produced and the virus is constantly in the body. A source is a person with exacerbation of infection and the virus is transmitted through: sexual contact, airborne droplets, contact, in utero.

A dangerous virus for a pregnant in the acute course. If he is already in a woman's body, there is no need to fear, only to watch constantly, to avoid aggravation of the infection. But having caught the first time he is quite dangerous. As Unitel in the blood not, 50% of the cases it gets easily through the placenta to the fetus. Infection in early pregnancy leads to miscarriage and fetal abnormalities. If it happened in the later stages, disease development will not, but there is polyhydramnios or premature birth. The most dangerous is the birth of a child with congenital cytomegaly. He will be jaundice, anemia, can be CNS damage, hearing and vision. Also found enlarged liver and spleen.

Sexual infection

STDs in pregnancy also occur. Not necessarily a woman becomes infected during pregnancy. In most cases, it occurs before conception, but the infection was hidden and did not show any symptoms. As during pregnancy, the immune system fails, these hidden microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly, causing discomfort or threatening the child's health.

The most common genital infectious disease in pregnancy: chlamydia, mikepass, ureaplazmoz.

They can cause premature birth, the wrong attachment of the placenta or its aging, polyhydramnios. And during labor, when the fetus passes through the natural birth canal, he gets infection of the respiratory tract and eyes.

Much less can meet: trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV.

These diseases are dangerous for children, causing developmental abnormalities, CNS and immune system. If the conduct of the study prior to pregnancy, can give birth to a perfectly healthy baby.

Also very dangerous is the herpes can be genital. Its effects are very severe forpregnant for the first time have acquired the virus. Often it all ends in miscarriage, stillbirth, fetal abnormalities.

Intestinal infection

These types of infections manifest themselves immediately. They can occur due to:

  • food poisoning,
  • helminthic invasion,
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, or pancreas,
  • rotavirus infection.

Agents a lot and they all have a negative impact on the mother and fetus. Appears toxic, and the intestinal syndrome. They are fever, diarrhea, flatulence, colitis, gastritis.

Pregnant woman feels dizziness, weakness and discomfort in the intestines. When you see these problems, you need to take action. Otherwise the body is dehydrated, progressing intoxication. This is a dangerous thickening of the blood and reducing its volume. Because of this, increases oxytocin, which is dangerous because it affects the contractile function of the uterus. And it is fraught with miscarriage or premature birth. In severe intoxication and poisoning poisons, they penetrate the placenta and harm the baby.

Complications of intestinal infections

Complications occur, you should immediately go to the hospital. They are dangerous to the life of the pregnant woman and her fetus. Complications arise most often because of dehydration. The blood thickens, blood clots, blood pressure drops critically. In the body there is a large amount of toxins, which increases the temperature. Frequent occurrence of acute renal failure and even pneumonia.

So doctors must replenish the fluid in the body and try to flush out the toxins. Each case is individual attention, because the therapy in the future will depend on the type of pathogen, severity, and localization.

How to protect yourself from infections

Disease and pregnancy are totally incompatible. To avoid problems, enough before pregnancy planning to undergo all prescribed studies. This will help to know in advance which antibodies in the body is already there and what not to fear in the future. If a woman in childhood had chicken pox and chicken pox, it is possible to make vaccination. It is also important to check the presence or absence of genital infections not only yourself but for your partner.

If a woman is already pregnant, it is important to consult a doctor to get tested. If an infection is estimated the risk of the fetus and spontaneous abortion. Do ultrasound and some clarifying tests. If they are disappointing, the woman will recommend an abortion.

In the absence of infections pregnant should be protected from possible diseases. Therefore, it is desirable to avoid large gatherings of people, not to change sexual partners, eat high quality food. During the season of high incidence of influenza and to take precautions. These simple tips will help to maintain health. Because a woman is responsible not only for yourself but also your baby.