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Prevention of infectious disease General med. recommendations

Medicine shares the three ways in which klassificeret prevention of infectious diseases:

  1. Primary. The concept of primary prevention of infectious diseases includes the activities that support the appropriate level of personal and public hygiene, the observance of sanitary norms. We can also add the dissemination of information on the reasons for the emergence of infectious diseases, methods of protection and methods of prevention.
  2. Secondary. The concept of secondary prevention of infectious diseases includes the control and detection of diseases at an early stage, with the aim of protecting people that come into contact with sick individuals. It also included restrictions on communication and quarantine, to isolate the patient to prevent infection of others.
  3. Tertiary. This concept included a treatment based on a diagnosis to determine the causative agent.

Profilaktika infekcionnyh zabolevanij - obshie med. rekomendacii

How to reduce the risk of Contracting infectious diseases

The prevention of infectious diseases method of prevention measures is especially valuable when a period of cold weather and adverse weather conditions. It is very important that the immune system is not reduced their function because of vitamin deficiency, poor environment, poor diet and other factors that weaken the body, making it available for exposure to viruses. In order not to get infected by infectious diseases in the period when they are most spread and reach gigantic proportions, until the outbreak is necessary to conduct a range of activities to protect the body from infection.

How to organize preventive events to reduce the risk of infection during the peak of the distribution of these diseases, and what the main points should be allocated.

  1. In advance, beginning with the warm period of the year to begin work on the hardening of the body through sports and water treatments.
  2. Everyday cleaning with a wet method using antiseptic and disinfectants will warn and destroy the accumulation of harmful bacteria. It is also necessary to provide regular airing of the premises.
  3. The use of antiseptics, for the purpose of rinsing and washing of the respiratory tract, including the nasopharynx.
  4. Strict personal hygiene: wash face, neck and hands and parts of the body using soap and other detergents. It is important to exclude the use of other persons with personal hygiene items: towels, toothbrushes, handkerchiefs.

Follow also know that those who are already affected with a viral disease, are a direct threat to healthy people, because in most cases the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets way. It is necessary to ensure not only proper monitoring of patients, which consists in isolating it from the uninfected individuals, but also to organize it the correct treatment.

Mode of transmission

As an infectious disease vary, prevention, and her organization also has differences and is divided in several ways:

  1. Airborne. The transfer method is to move bacteria through the air during talking, sneezing, coughing, when a healthy person by inhaling enables the infection to get into the human body together with the atmospheric air. In this way there is a risk of acute respiratory infection and infectious diseases.
  2. Fecal-oral. A method of transmitting harmful bacteria occurs through affected food products and water, neglect of personal hygiene.
  3. Contact-household. The bacteria is transmitted during the use of items used, and continues to do an infected person.
  4. Transmissible. Transmission of infection by insects and animals by the method of the bite. Here you can add transmission from pregnant women to their infants hatched during pregnancy.

From the above it becomes clear that infectious diseases, prevention which is different depending on the modes of transmission of bacteria, collectively has a lot in common, as, in fact, pursued one goal: a warning from infection by the pathogen.

Prevention of airborne infectious diseases

In what may be the method of protection from infectious diseases transmitted by airborne dropletsway:

  1. Enhance immunity by hardening and consumption of products, which has the desired composition of vitamins and minerals.
  2. Measures aimed at the observance of cleanliness in the rooms by wet cleaning, using any means for disinfection of bacteria.
  3. Reduce to a minimum visits to places where a large number of people.

Experts advise for the period of the outbreak of infectious diseases use of drugs in the form of sprays, ointments, solutions, prophylactic administration which will strengthen the fight against bacteria.

Prevention of fecal-oral infectious diseases

Enumerating the major activities on preventive measures to reduce the risk of infectious diseases transmitted by the fecal-oral route experts identify the main:

  1. Mandatory hand washing on arrival from the street, places where a large number of people, toilet.
  2. Control of product quality, observance of rules of storage, and the dates.
  3. Exclusion from the diet of raw foods, which can have various harmful bacteria: meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms.
  4. Exception contact raw food heat food.

Add control during a vacation in places with poor environmental condition: residing near landfills, swimming in polluted water bodies.

Prevention of contact-household diseases of an infectious nature

In precautions against infection in public places came the next event, the observance of which will help significantly reduce the risk of catching an infectious disease:

  1. Permanent treatment of items disinfectants that can be used by other people.
  2. It is not possible to use public facilities: toilets, baths.
  3. Do not share personal hygiene things for other people and not to enjoy yourself.
  4. The maximum level of protection during casual sexual relations with contraceptives.

Medicine is not provided for the use of drugs to prevent diseases transmitted such way except with different way of action of vaccines.

Prevention of transmission of infectious diseases

In this case, the ways to protect themselves from infection infectious diseases transmitted by different insects and animals are purely preventive in nature:

  1. The use of protective equipment, for walking in the wild and in places of greenery in the form of clothing with long sleeves, hats.
  2. Visits to countries with an Equatorial climate.

As you can see from all of these areas in the most important factors include contact with patients and objects, which they use in times of illness. Excluding the possibility of direct contact with a sick person and things which he uses, a healthy person is half protects itself from infection. If you add other preventive methods, then there is a real opportunity to protect themselves and their loved ones from diseases of an infectious nature.