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Prevention and treatment of viral diseases

Ordinary human disease resulting from exposure to viral infections, constitute a large percentage of the total number of diseases. However, the virus is not always a trivial infection, it can endanger the person wearing it acute or even within a few years, could jeopardize his entourage, and even his, yet unborn, children.

Profilaktika i lechenie virusnyh zabolevanij

Colds, flu, virus…

Not so long ago the words "flu", "cold" and "virus" was a synonym of fear not only among the General public. A huge campaign regarding avian influenza has caused literally a panic among specialists. However, "only" the epidemic form of influenza is responsible for enormous economic losses annually falls ill about 15% of the world population. During a pandemic, people get sick much more (up to 50% of the population), in addition, the disease also claims millions of lives (for the period of the pandemic 1918-1919 gg died, according to some estimates, up to 100 million people were registered areas, which killed a quarter of the population!).

The causative agents of viral diseases

Virus, in the original sense, means any disease caused by a virus (i.e., for example, hepatitis, measles, rubella, varicella, mumps, HIV), but currently, from a practical point of view, virus is perceived as a disease that causes an acute catarrh of the respiratory tract or the gastrointestinal tract. In the long term for virosa used well-known terms: acute respiratory infections (acute respiratory diseases) – namely, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract with increased nasal secretion without significant increase in temperature. If symptoms are more closely related to influenza (i.e., in addition to the catarrh of the upper respiratory tract there is a rise in temperature above 38), uses the term ILI (influenza like illness), i.e. a flu-like illness. The most common causes of viral infections include:

Rhinoviruses – cause of acute infectious rhinitis, usually in early spring. Due to the large number of subtypes (more than 100), not specific cross-immunity, a person can be infected several times a season. Transmission occurs by direct contact with the secretions of the nasal mucosa.

Coxsackie viruses cause mainly the "summer flu" with rapid progression, without special fever, accompanied by dry cough.

ECHO-viruses – is a more "summer" virus, in which the catarrh of the upper respiratory tract are added the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders. The typical patient is a child under the age of 15. Distribution is easy because the infected person may excrete the virus for several days before the onset of symptoms.

The influenza viruses cause the flu. The source belongs to the family Orthomyxoviridae, is divided into three types – A, B, C. Only A and b viruses can cause epidemics or pandemics. For the proliferation and induce the pandemic it is important that the virus of type A were host – animal or human-type B – only person. All of the pandemic, therefore, is only a virus of type a, type b is only responsible for the local epidemic. Because the flu is the most serious disease not only from a medical, economic, but, in the end, a strategic point of view, consider it in more detail below.

What is the flu? What is the basis of prevention of diseases of this type (in particular, prevention of viral diseases in children)? What therapeutic measures implies the influenza virus?

So... The Flu

Clinical picture

Rapid onset, fever above 38°C, often more than 40 ° C, chills, trembling, a feeling of stuffy nose without secretion, headache, dry cough, lacrimation, arthralgia, myalgia, and General toxic appearance. Fatigue, myalgia, and performance often persist for several weeks after the acute phase.

For a high proportion of deaths from the flu are responsible, in particular, its complications.

The infection is transmitted from person to person almost exclusively by droplets, however, have shown that the virus in the dust to remain active for several days.

Infectious dose very low, characterised by high infectivity. The ability of infectiondue to the presence of receptors for attachment of the virus – hemagglutinin. In the human body these receptors are located almost exclusively in cells of the respiratory tract.

Therapy viruses

Treatment mainly symptomatic, antipyretic, antitussive, in some cases, it is recommended that the introduction of Amantadine and Rimantadine, but their effectiveness is very problematic. Indeed, the causal drug is Acyclovir, however, only for the group of herpes viruses.

Treatment of influenza

Treatment is symptomatic – in the ordinary course of bed rest, at least for the period of elevated temperature (measure, important from an epidemiological point of view – person is infectious to others), analgesics, antipyretics, expectorant preparations, plenty of fluids and vitamins. Antibiotics in this course is not recommended.

Cause – and- antiviral therapy

Generation I – drugs that affect not only the viruses of type A, but also on other viruses causing acute respiratory infections. Active ingredient inhibits the passage of M2 protein, resulting in not replicating the virus. The big problem is frequent and relatively rapid emergence of strains resistant to these antiviral drugs. Dose is 2 times a day 100 mg, it is recommended that prophylactic use in persons with increased risk (usually 100 mg/day).

II generation neuraminidase inhibitors of influenza virus. Their discovery represents a real breakthrough in the treatment and prevention of influenza and, in particular, is a big hope in the event of a pandemic, because it allows you to produce stocks for several years (the benefit is a long shelf life). To date, there are 2 active substances: Oseltamivir and Zanamivir. Their action blocks the release of the replicated viruses type A and type b from an infected cell and, thus, the spread of infection in the body.

Zanamivir (relenza) is used by inhalation 2 times a day 10 mg for 5 days.

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) – is introduced 2 times a day 75 mg for 5 days, the drug is in the form of tablets and syrup.

For both preparations is important in initiating treatment within 48 hours of onset of symptoms (the time of greatest viral replication). The late introduction significantly reduces the efficiency, and day 5 after infection has virtually no effect. Receiving both drugs may as a preventive measure.

Prevention of common viral infections

First of all, prevention of viral infection involve some lifestyle changes: good nutrition, healthy habits and, in some cases, strengthening the immune system using immunomodulatory drugs.

Prevention of influenza-like diseases also include vaccination. Some studies and practical experience show high immunity after vaccination "is not flu-like viruses."

Prevention of influenza

In relation to the prevention of viral diseases the greatest effect, both from the point of view of medical, economic, and shows vaccination. Vaccination leads to a significant reduction of the incidence among persons of working age (coefficient of performance in young people – more than 90%) and reduces the frequency of complications and mortality also in elderly persons or in the presence of other major diseases (80% efficiency in preventing lethality). Interesting is also frequently mentioned in the medical literature the fact of increase of immunity after vaccination against other viral infections, except influenza.

Economic and medical aspects of vaccination

Vaccination against flu than the therapeutic effect, also brings benefits to vaccinated individuals, employers and, ultimately, the country. In our country, unfortunately, fails to raise an important prophylactic vaccination rates above 7%, which is one of the lowest in the civilized world.


Viral infections are the most common diseases among the population. Some of them are inapparent, some of the characteristic light speed, which applies only symptomatic treatment.

Among the viruses that cause respiratory illness, the unique position is the influenza virus, respectively, of disease caused by it – the flu. Despite significant progress in the study of the virus, the flu is a serious disease that because of the wide spread causes major health and economic damage.

Definitely the best ratio "price/performance" in the prevention of epidemics is characteristic of vaccination, which is useful for all age groups, even the unvaccinated.