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Viral stomatitis in children symptoms and treatment

Virusnyj stomatit u detej simptomy i lechenie

When a physician diagnoses viral stomatitis in a child, especially it comes to infectious disease. It can be caused by a variety of diseases.
After getting the virus on the oral mucosa, it begins to grow rapidly and to deliver the child a lot of trouble. Treatment of viral stomatitis in children should start from the first minute of its appearance. That's why the immediate need to visit a doctor at the slightest symptoms of this disease.

Causes of disease

Viral stomatitis is able to provoke many diseases. The main reasons are:

  1. Different types of communicable diseases that the child suffered from recently. For example, the flu. But basically herpes causes cold sores approximately 80% of all cases.
  2. Direct contact with a person suffering from stomatitis. This disease can be transmitted through touching various objects such as toys.
  3. Poor immunity.

Causes of viral disease in young children is not very much, however, is the most common disease found in mucosa in the oral cavity. To explain this phenomenon is quite simple.
As long as the baby has not reached the age of four, his body is very susceptible to the virus, causing a cold sores. The disease can occur in children, when loved ones suffer from herpes.


That child is sick with a viral disease, say the characteristic symptoms:

  1. The baby starts to act up,
  2. Looks sluggish and dull,
  3. Lost appetite,
  4. Restless sleep,
  5. Cries,
  6. Fever.

    Virusnyj stomatit u detej simptomy i lechenie

Approximately two days later, the child complains of very severe pain that is felt in the mouth. Especially when pressing lymph nodes under the jaw.
Gums look puffy and bleed much. Mucosa covered Atami. They are very similar to red bumps. After some time they become white and strong run up. From his mouth emanates a very unpleasant smell.
The symptoms and treatment of stomatitis in the initial stage is strongly reminiscent of sore throat:

  • Swollen throat,
  • It hurts to swallow,
  • High temperature.

Parents seeing these signs of the disease, trying to treat the child. They give him a warm drink to warm his throat. As a result of such assistance aphthae virus begins to spread with great speed.
To treat viral stomatitis in children, it is necessary that treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Accurate diagnosis can put only a qualified doctor.

Types of inflammation of the mucous

Depending on the type of agent, stomatitis is divided into several types, which differ in their characteristics. They have one thing in common, they all affect the mucous membranes of the mouth.


The most severe disease. Mostly sick infants. Get infected they can from a loved one. If the immune system of the baby is in good condition, stomatitis occurs fairly easily.
With herpetic stomatitis acute type, temperature begins to rise. It may even exceed 39 degrees. It is very difficult to bring down the antipyretic, which include paracetamol.
Besides the temperature, there are other symptoms:

  1. Greatly enlarged lymph nodes,
  2. Dizzy,
  3. Vomits,
  4. Weakness,
  5. Vomiting.

The mucosa is covered with bubbles, to resemble a windmill. Soon they burst, the formation of a painful erosion, dries out the mucous membrane. The number of bubbles rapidly increases after high temperature. Signs of stomatitis can be seen on the lips, around the nose or around the mouth.


This disease causes the microorganism "Candida". The name of this fungus, stomatitis became known as Candida.
In this disease, the temperature remains normal, lymph nodes not inflamed.
Upon inspection of the mucosa of the mouth, on the tongue and gums visible characteristic white patches.If the disease is passed in the heavy form, this plaque turns into a very solid film.
These raids are easily removed. In the field removal of perhaps the appearance of red spots and bleeding. At this time, the child may become Moody, loses his appetite, he refuses to eat.
Mostly fungal stomatitis detected in newborns. The people called this disease "thrush".


This form of the disease is still studied very little. According to doctors aphthous lesions due to several reasons:

  1. Poor immunity,
  2. Allergic reaction,
  3. Poor digestion.

In addition, any injury of the mucosal surface may also cause the appearance of aphthae. Symptoms associated with aphthous stomatitis is very similar to the appearance of herpetic disease. But the disease looks much softer. The temperature is never very high, and sometimes she even remains normal.
In the beginning of the disease the mucous membrane is covered with ulcers, which eventually delayed the murky film. The edges of the ulcers surrounds the red rim.

Themselves aphthae cause great pain. The child is fussy and refuses to eat.


This disease caused by viral infections. Guilty in appearance of the sores gets herpes simplex virus. In addition, the causes of diseases can be:

  • Measles,
  • Rubella,
  • Chickenpox,
  • ORVI,
  • Flu,
  • Enterovirus,
  • Adenovirus,
  • Tonsillitis,
  • Pharyngitis.

    Virusnyj stomatit u detej simptomy i lechenie


This species strongly resembles viral or aphthous stomatitis. Basically the cause of the disease is considered a complication of trauma to the mucosa. Pathogenic bacteria develop very quickly in wounds and cracks.
This stomatitis has another name "illness of dirty hands." The rapid development of infection associated with the penetration of pathogenic bacteria in the mouth.
Causes bacterial stomatitis diseases of the teeth and gums. These include:

  • Gingivitis,
  • Periodontitis,
  • Caries.

Besides, to provoke the emergence of this disease and is capable of all sorts of chronic tonsillitis. Basically a bacterial infection cause:

  • Staphylococci,
  • Streptoccoci.

Mucosa in this case has a characteristic appearance:

  1. Strong redness,
  2. Friability,
  3. Are bleeding gums.
  4. The mouth comes an unpleasant odor.
  5. The mucosa is covered with red traces of erosion.

Intoxication disease can have different symptoms:

  1. Bad headache,
  2. Weakness,
  3. Nausea,
  4. Dizzy.


The corners of the mouth covered with cracks. They are quite long to heal and always very painful. In some cases they begin to bleed. This irritation occurs due to frequent licking of the lips.
The main cause of such a disease in a child considered to be iron deficiency.
Another reason may be a bacterial infection, and impaired functions of the microflora in the mouth.
If the corners of the mouth covered with cracks very often, it is necessary to do a blood test and then consult a specialist.

Geographic tongue

The name given to the stomatitis, in which the tongue appears white attacks, with numerous cracks. This pathology can be detected only by accident, when an oral examination.
The disease has no symptoms, it does not require any special treatment. Sometimes it is confused with fungal coating formed on the tongue.


The doctor prescribes treatment, taking into account the child's age and level of immunity. It can be of several types.


For the treatment of mucosal anti-inflammatory decoctions are appointed, which include:

  • Calendula,
  • Sage,
  • Oak bark,
  • Chamomile.

    Virusnyj stomatit u detej simptomy i lechenie

The little child who is not able to rinse your mouth, irrigation is carried out an ordinary rubber bulb. In some cases, the mucosa can be treated with modern sprays. A good effect is Tantum Verde.

Treatment ointments

When the rinsing is finished, aphthae should be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil. When the cause of a viral disease was herpes, the patient is assigned a treatment oxolinic ointment.


At high temperatures, to reduce and reduce pain paracetamol is assigned. It successfully replaces Nurofen.


If you suspect that your child is ill with a viral stomatitis, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will be able to quickly establish the cause of painful sores in baby's mouth. The prescribed treatment will stop them from spreading and will save your baby from severe pain.