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Intrauterine infection in newborns effects

Disability from birth is primarily due to the transmission of the virus from mother to child during pregnancy. Also the same reason leads to miscarriage or death of children in the first few days of life. Intrauterine infection of newborns has significant implications, because the disease can change the course of the development of the fetus. In recent times, even in a healthy woman who has no bad habits and chronic diseases, an unhealthy child is born. This phenomenon is due to the fact that during pregnancy there is a major rebuilding of the body, and this greatly weakens the immune system women, with the consequence that the virus present in the inactive phase starts to develop in the body. This process is particularly dangerous in the 1st trimester, at the time of the birth of the fetus. Consider all the features, as manifested intrauterine infection in newborns and all the features of this organism.

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What should I consider?

The considered problem is studied in the last few decades. This is due to the fact that the problem is very common lately. To important moments IUI include the following points:

  1. If the mother has a latent infection in 10% of cases it is transmitted to the fetus.
  2. 0.5% born children have more or less manifested symptoms.
  3. Despite the accepted view that the infection is necessarily transferred from mother to child, it is not. Some types of infections are not transmitted from mother to child.
  4. Many infections practically do not appear in the body of the mother. However, in the fetus or the unborn child may experience more serious violations. Newborn symptoms were evident practically from the first days of birth.
  5. To eliminate the likelihood of problems should be timely inspection. In other words, when planning pregnancy should undergo a full examination. If the pregnancy was unplanned, you should conduct a survey at the initial stage.
  6. Modern treatment allows to reduce the likelihood of virus transmission from mother to fetus is almost 100%.

Doctors conducted a survey of pregnant women in order to exclude the possibility of violations of fetal development. However, be aware that intrauterine infection effects occurring after birth, causing the vivid symptoms.

How is the infection of the fetus?

There are several ways of transmission. These include:

  1. Hematogenous or transplacental. This method of transmitted herpes virus, toxoplasmosis, syphilis. The process of transmission is penetration of the virus from the mother's bloodstream through the placenta. If this process occurs in the 1st trimester, disturbed fetal development, may appear ugly. If the process takes place in term 3, in the first days of life, there is an acute symptoms of the disease. Infection in newborns can also is in the inactive phase for a certain period of time.

    Vnutriutrobnaya infekciya u novorozhdennyh posledstviya
    Doctors conducted a survey of pregnant women in order to exclude the possibility of violations of fetal development
  2. Ascending method of transmission associated with herpes, Mycoplasma, chlamydia. It is characterized by the fact that the infection occurs during the passage of the baby through the genitals of the mother during childbirth. Typically, this process occurs when rupture of membranes during labor. Some deviations during pregnancy will also determine the transmission of the infection. Intrauterine infection is characterized by the penetration of the virus into the amniotic fluid, which may cause respiratory, digestive tract and skin. Signs of intrauterine infection of the child manifest themselves almost immediately.
  3. The downward transfer method is quite common, is the transmission of the pathogen through the fallopian tube.

The above problems should be taken into account when considering how can be transmitted disease from mother to child.


Almost all viruses can be transmitted from mother to child. Only some do not have a strong influenceon the fetus. However, there is a group that has a strong effect, that is, the changes become irreversible, causing serious deviation. However, the viruses that cause the development of SARS is not transmitted from mother to child. The only problem which causes SARS, is a serious increase in body temperature that may harm the fetus. That is why during the audit when planning a pregnancy should consider all of the infection. Even a harmless infection in children can cause serious symptoms.

What consequences?

Intrauterine infection of the child can develop in the following way:

  1. With the manifestation of acute symptoms.
  2. The emergence of chronic symptoms.

It all depends on what are transmitted infection. The acute form is characterized by shock, severe sepsis, pneumonia. Such problems are manifest almost immediately, the child began to eat, sleep, activity decreases. However, the infection that takes place inside the mother's body, may be a long time to manifest.

Chronic manifestation of the problem after the infection during pregnancy is quite common. Health problems arise in the first years of life, in the future, the child will suffer from a gradual manifestation of symptoms.

How to manifest the symptoms?

In the case of transmission of infection from mother to fetus can occur not only deviation. Have miscarriages, antenatal fetal death, stillbirth, as well as the sinking of pregnancy, i.e. the fetus ceases to develop. If the infection during pregnancy transmitted to the fetus may exhibit the following symptoms:

  1. Pneumonia – a disease that leads to disruption of the respiratory system. It is worth considering that this disease can lead to the death of a child or fetus.
  2. Myocarditis is also a disease that can occur due to infection in the fetus. Often, the damage is subjected to the cardiovascular system.
  3. The growth retardation also occurs frequently. The reasons may lie not only in transmission, which may be contained in the mother's blood and transferred to the child.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Fever. Consider the time that the fever occurs only after infection in late pregnancy. Fever is a significant increase in body temperature that occurs with the formation of the immune system and the body to fight viral infection.
  6. Skin rash at birth. A similar problem occurs rarely, because the rash only cause certain infections.

    Vnutriutrobnaya infekciya u novorozhdennyh posledstviya

  7. Dropsy of the fetus. A similar complication is the inflammatory process.
  8. A significant increase in liver or the appearance of jaundice.
  9. Hydrocephalus.

Symptoms at the onset of the active phase. However, they can manifest as the mother and the child.

Does what time passed infitsirovanie?

Intrauterine infection in children, cause quite a few health problems. You should consider the point that the dangerous infection of the fetus in any trimester of pregnancy. We should note the following points:

  1. In the first trimester some viruses are a great danger to health. A case for the rubella virus.
  2. Some pathogens are more dangerous when infected in the last days before birth. Example would be the chicken pox.
  3. Early infection in most cases is the cause of miscarriage, to severe physiological abnormalities of the fetus.
  4. Later infection can be characterized by the fact that the newborn will show symptoms that significantly impair quality of life.

In order to determine the degree of risk and determine what will manifest symptoms in the future, often conduct research ultrasound and take a blood test. Only after determining the type of infection you can prescribe the right treatment.

Risk group

As a rule, to prevent the emergence is easier than to treat manifested symptoms. We note the following risk:

  1. Medical staff meet with infections throughout your work. That is why you should consider the point that women should undergo periodic examination to detect problems.
  2. Women who have children of school age are also at risk. Schools are a public place where children can get infected and become a carrier.
  3. Employees of kindergartens, schools and other public institutions are also becoming vectors of disease.
  4. Pregnant women who have chronic inflammatory diseases also are at risk.
  5. Women who had given birth previously and transferred the pathogen to her baby, also belong to the risk group.
  6. In the case that previously occurred the death of the fetus, and the development of Vice.
  7. Rupture of membranes before the deadline.

The above points should be considered in order to exclude the chance of infecting your body before pregnancy.

What are the signs of infection of the mother?

There are many signs that a woman has an infection that is active or inactive phase. These includefollowing:

  1. A significant increase in body temperature. Consider the time that pregnancy does not cause fever. Fever is a sign that the immune system fights infection. Therefore, you should take into account the point that a significant fever is the main symptom of the disease.
  2. Swollen lymph nodes in size also indicates the existence of a problem.
  3. Severe shortness of breath, cough, chest pain and many other points indicate that the body has the virus.
  4. Conjunctivitis, watery eyes, runny nose – another indication that women have significant health problems.
  5. Swelling of the joints indicates that in the body are inflammatory processes.

Usually, the above signs indicate the presence of allergies, noncommunicable diseases, and dangerous infections. Any changes should be the reason for the visit. Intrauterine infection during pregnancy is observed by doctors for a long period.


When considering that can change the passage of pregnancy, should consider the possibility of being in the body of a pregnant woman the virus CMV. What is CMV? This pathogen belongs to the group of herpesviruses, usually transmitted sexually or through blood. In some cases, there is a probability that transmission of the pathogen will pass through a household contact. Antenatal be transmitted to this virus can not.

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According to studies, almost half of women in Europe is confronted to the virus once in their life. Even if the virus is not in the active phase, it can significantly harm the fetus. CMV in most cases affects the fetus in the third semester, but when infected during the first semester of the consequences more severe. According to studies, the risk of infection is 30-40%, and 90% of the symptoms does not appear. Intrauterine infection of the fetus is given a lot of attention due to the fact that in 10% of newborns have a lot of symptoms.

Despite the small percentage of infection and symptoms, the symptoms of the problem include the following list:

  1. A miscarriage occurs when infection of the fetus in the first trimester.
  2. The low weight of the baby at birth or degeneration.
  3. Significant hearing loss or congenital deafness.
  4. The impaired development of the brain.
  5. Accumulation of fluid in the brain.
  6. The development of pneumonia.
  7. The liver and spleen.
  8. Blindness in different degrees of manifestation.
  9. The delay in the development of the child.

If there is a combination of symptoms, the child dies in the first months of life. Many people have formed a separate deviation: deafness, blindness, mental retardation. But the symptoms are not always expressed by health problems, as the virus can not be transmitted. Effective means of deleting the virus from the body of the newborn virtually no. There are drugs that can greatly facilitate the manifestation of symptoms in eye damage or pneumonia. Many doctors argue that the development of CMV is not the cause for the termination of pregnancy because with proper treatment, the probability of birth of a perfectly healthy baby.


The most common can be called herpes simplex virus. When sexual transmission is the probability that the baby herpes infection occurs. It is worth considering the point that in the first 28 days after birth may experience the symptoms of the disease under consideration. Often contamination takes place at the time of passage of the baby through the birth canal.

The consequences for a child if untimely treatment if the mother has herpes virus, are as follows:

  1. Abortion.
  2. Decreases appetite, fever occurs.
  3. Pneumonia.
  4. Lesion of eyes.
  5. The appearance of the characteristic rash on the body.
  6. A certain degree of brain damage.

The most difficult situation can be called a case when on 4-7 days of life after birth start to show the symptoms. When there is a lesion of organs of the child, it is likely that he will die from the shock. The virus often infects the brain, leading to significant changes. That is why a congenital disability occurs quite often in children because of congenital hepatitis b virus. However, the virus is quite dangerous, but often is not transmitted to the child at birth. The most common form of manifestation is the emergence of skin diseases and eye damage.

Often treatment take place in term 3 of the special antiviral medications. Therefore it is mandatory to consult a doctor. Herpes can manifest itself by the appearance of a particular rash in the genital area, and pregnancy is transmission of the disease. In bright manifestation of symptoms, the doctors may decide to hold caesarean section.

In conclusion, when planning pregnancy should undergo a thorough examination to detect hidden chronic diseases and viral infections. Only after the treatment it is possible to plan pregnancy, as otherwise the child can develop veryserious problems, leading to disability. If the problem was identified already at the time of pregnancy, it is assigned to a particular course of treatment, which will eliminate the possibility of virus transmission from mother to child. However, there is a probability that the doctor will recommend to terminate the pregnancy due to the development of serious virus in the mother's body. Do not forget that some infections during pregnancy are very, very dangerous.