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Cocci in a smear — Discovered cocci in the smear, treatment and prevention

What do you do if after visiting the doctor and undergoing lab diagnosis You have discovered in a smear cocci? How to deal with them? And don't forget can also be cocci in a smear of men, not just women.

Cocci and their types

Sticks cocci microscopic organisms that live in the human body. They are both useful and harmful. You need to remember that there is such thing as a conditionally-pathogenic and pathogenic coccal microflora. That is, coli bacteria cocci are useful only when their population exceeds a certain number.

Bacteria cocci are of different types. Consider the main types of these microorganisms and the diseases they can cause:

  1. Streptococci are the cause of vaginal dysbiosis and inflammatory processes in the genital organs,
  2. Enterococci belong to the microorganisms of the intestinal microflora, because their presence suggests they are not personal hygiene. If detected these organisms, the patient must undergo a mandatory course of treatment,
  3. Coccobacilli – hemophilic Bacillus, Gardnerella and chlamydia. All of these bacteria indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Those bacteria may occur such diseases as bacterial vaginosis. If the detected Coccobacilli – patient you need to diagnose of blood and urine for an accurate diagnosis,
  4. Gonorrhea – provoking cervicitis and salpingitis. And other inflammation,
  5. Diplococci – disturb vaginal flora. Are the reasons for meningococcus and pneumococcus,
  6. Staphylococci – causes disorders of the genitourinary system. In some cases, patients take an additional swab of throat and nose.

Normal amount of cocci in the smear

In vaginal microflora in women contains a lot of bacteria, and each of them performs its work and supports women's health. Such microorganisms include: acidophilus, bifidobacteria and cocci. If their ratio is within the norm – they support alkaline balance, help to occur the metabolism and destroy the alien microorganisms.

To determine the number of bacteria contained in the microflora, it is necessary to make a smear on the alkaline balance. If the number of microorganisms more than normal – this indicates that the microflora increased alkaline medium, i.e. pH greater than 7.5.

The normal pH of not more than 7 and not less than 5.5. Balance cocci in women leads to the disease of cervical erosion, endometritis and even infertility.

Symptoms of excessive amount of cocci in the body

The increase in the number of coccal infection in the body causes certain symptoms. Cocci can detect the fact that the discharge from the genitals become smelly, itching, urination becomes painful. Normal vaginal fluid change color. During intercourse, there are unpleasant sensations.

You need to remember that these symptoms occur in other diseases. Therefore, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to go to the doctor and make a laboratory diagnosis.


If the cocci in the smear is found – this is for certain reasons. If You violate a regimen of antibiotics that affect the microflora, including can promote rapid reproduction of the cocci.

Trigger imbalance can also irregular genital hygiene. You can "add" cocci in body by having sex, especially unprotected, with multiple partners.

Provokes indiscriminate multiplication of microorganisms in the wearing of underwear not at the time of the measure, and its airtightness (if linen, synthetic).

In the early beginning of sexual life the microflora of the teenager has no time to "stabilize", which also leads to improve cocci. More risk factors – hormonal imbalance and weakened immunity.

Remember, the stronger Your health in General, the smaller the probability of development of pathogenic microflora.


In order for cocci bacteria in the smear is not detected, you need to stick to simple principles. Before taking antibiotics, it is necessary to consult a doctor to prescribed safe dosage. Need to wash every day. Linen change daily. Right to have one sexual partner, than a few at a time. This will protect You from various diseases. During intercourse, the most reliable remedy for viruses and bacteria – the condom. Douching to apply only inthe doctor – as it violates the microflora. The first sexual intercourse should take place only after full physical maturity. We need to carefully monitor their hormonal, regularly undergo laboratory diagnosis.

Maintain the immune system.

Treatment cocci in women

If You feel the first symptoms – you need to contact your gynecologist for accurate diagnosis and the correct diagnosis. Women usually take swabs from the vagina, urethra and cervical canal. Before taking analysis do not douche.

Unfortunately, in a smear in women quite often discover an increased amount of cocci. How to treat cocci? The therapy is usually prescribed antibiotics. They destroy harmful microorganisms inside the person. Also used vaginal suppositories to fight with microorganisms directly into the vagina. Instead of candles, the attending physician may prescribe certain douching or tampons impregnated with medicinal substances. And vitamins that support the immune system. After a course of treatment will need to undergo treatment with probiotics, which will restore the disturbed balance of microorganisms.
If the detected cocci, you can also choose treatment of folk remedies. You can do the douching with decoction of chamomile, celandine and calendula. Remember that the solution for irrigation should be warm.

Don't forget that during therapy cocci cannot live sexual life, because otherwise You and your partner will transfer the microorganisms to each other, and all treatment will come to "no."

Treatment cocci in men

Men usually don't like going to doctors, especially the urologist. But if a man or his partner found the cocci, to the doctor still have to go. Before taking the smear test to identify cocci, you need not to urinate two hours. During the day not to drink alcoholic beverages and do not take spicy food, no medicine.
When examining men a swab is taken from the urethra, in order to identify cocci. While taking a smear use disposable probe which is inserted into the urethra to a depth of four inches. Process though causes discomfort, but is painless. Don't be afraid of this analysis, as it will help determine not only the presence of cocci, but other possible infections in the body.

The principle of therapy cocci in men, just like women. All the same antibiotic medications and rectal suppositories. In the case of men, the medicines will affect the microorganisms through the gut. And, as always, be sure to have vitamins.

Cocci treatment for the child

The disease children get sick very rarely. But you must be careful. If You find the redness on the genitals, or an unusual discharge, you should consult a pediatric gynecologist or pediatrician.

If the result of laboratory diagnostics my child was diagnosed with cocci – he will also prescribe treatment with antibiotic drugs. Instead of candles, bath and cleaning two times a day with solutions of essential drugs.


The potential to disrupt the microflora and thus trigger the uncontrolled division of microorganisms that are quite large. So you need to visit a dentist regularly for the timely diagnosis of possible diseases. And don't forget that if You are healthy – this will have a positive impact on all aspects of Your life.