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Bacteria — the Most interesting facts about bacteria, review and description

The study of the simplest organisms we begin at an early biology lessons, where we talk about the fact that these organisms are simple and unicellular, that their body is not difficult in structure, but in fact, bacteria play a huge role in our lives and daily take part in the global processes. The whole composition of the atmosphere and the earth is processed billions of bacilli.

Bacteria really are simple in structure and the body consists only of a single cell. Rare microbes with two cells in the body. The cell consists of a membrane is the inner part of the cell, in it there are all biochemical processes, it is in the heart endowed with seminal fluid, which contain all the hereditary information. Also all necessary for life biological substances contained in the internal composition of the membrane, by contrast to complex organisms, this cell does not have the kernel, but it's not particularly distinguishes it at your life from other life forms.

The shell membrane is a plasma, it is primarily a protective function and protects the center cells from external negative factors. As the plasma produces the penetration of nutrients through your intercession to saturate the cells of the microbe and the release of recycled nutrients out. Sometimes the additional cage forms a capsule to protect the membrane, but this occurs only in certain conditions, when a cell feels the onset of danger in terms of aridity.

Reproduction and nutrition of microorganisms

For reproduction of microorganisms does not require creating special conditions. Bacteria multiply extremely quickly, within 2 hours can be organized about 200 thousand microorganisms. The reproduction of germs is not much more complicated, the simplest cell is divided into two parts and a new body is covered by a protective shell. The movement of microbes occurs most often from wind or water streams. Thus, the bacteria spread worldwide, and the spread of diseases and infection. If necessary strengthening, the bacteria are grouped together and form a dense surface thus, their movement becomes more complicated, but they are more aimed at the attack of any microorganism.

Microorganisms are able to move independently and with the help of flagella. But they are not all bacilli. There are many types of flagella, but there is only a single. Many of the flagella gives the opportunity to the faster movement and the single flagellum provides the opportunity to repulsion from the external environment. Movement occurs by the method of sharp whirling, if this is done pull, or prociscavanje among other masses of germs.

The same bacilli are divided in purpose. Feed on microorganisms in different ways, and there is the division of the species. There are microbes that eat, live and reproduce in the sphere of living beings. Such organisms are pests and they have a negative effect on health and inner state of a person. They contribute to infection and contribute to the development of diseases. But to completely get rid of their presence impossible. Microbes, which are formed on the dead bodies of plants and animals engaged in eating the dead cells. They create the process of decay and exude in the processing of unpleasant smell. But in turn, these bacteria bring global benefits and contribute to the cycle of natural substances, they accelerate the recycling of dead cells and free up space. The bacteria that live under the ground, contribute to the living roots of plants, create favorable conditions. And the microorganisms living in the human body, are directly involved in digestive processes and occupy a special place in the composition of gastric juice. In their absence it is unknown what would have happened on the planet, it is no wonder they appeared on earth several billion years ago and originally existed independently.

The microbes in the lives of children

Microorganisms surround us everywhere, they are not visible to the naked eye and it seems to us that everything is clean and hygienic, but even washing your hands or wiping dust, germs do not disappear, but only continue their reproduction. At birth, the child has a weak immune system not fully protected from the attack of infection. Hygiene special attention should be given to infants, for children receiving infections particularly difficult problem, they can't tell you what's bothering them and the problem becomes total. Micro-organisms develop rapidly in the favorable young the bead and cover the child's body.

Many of the microbes associated with the human body, do not interfere with their existence, but rather to help in digestion. They also contribute to the fight against other infections that react with the human body, for example, bacteria are protected from Pets.

Myths and facts about germs

Interesting facts about bacteria sometimes cause much wonder and imagine how tightly we are surrounded by germs. Our human body is inhabited by tens of trillions of bacteria. An interesting phenomenon that microbes in the human bodymore than cages. It seems to us that our clean apartment or washing out germs do not exist, although it is not. Even if you produce complete disinfection, the multiplication of the bacilli occurs instantly and continuously.

The importance of bacteria is a huge role in the lives of all humanity and the planet as a whole. They are involved in many vital processes and create a favorable environment for life.