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Vaginosis treatment of bacterial vaginosis, the drugs

The majority of women at least once in their life faced with a problem like bacterial vaginosis. This disease is characterized by the abundant discharge from the vagina, due to the disruption of the natural microflora. High rates of disease associated with defined factors: environmental, disorders of the immune system, hormonal disruptions in the body, as well as the use of various drugs, particularly antibiotics.

Characteristics of the disease

The initial factors in the development of the disease determine long-term or wanton administration of antibiotics, these drugs not only lead to significant changes in the microflora, but also the disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Bakugans can also be a consequence of the inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system.
The development of the disease in the initial stage is characterized by the manifestation of unpleasant odor which may increase after sexual intercourse. The disease can be transmitted to the partner through unprotected sexual intercourse that may also be a manifestation of relapse in the future.

The development of vaginosis occurs in a very rapid pace: within a day after infection may manifest itself as the primary symptoms. The volume of discharge in women may depend on age differences. The girls of teenage age the disease can occur without any visible symptoms in women of older age the changes mainly become noticeable. However, there are cases of asymptomatic course of the disease in women for several months, and even years.

Women who gave birth, the disease occurs in a more acute form, discharge profuse, their color is gray or white. To get rid of smell in this case is not possible.

Some women confuse vaginosis. due to the similarity of symptoms. Start applying anti-fungal drugs or antibiotics, thus exacerbating the situation. Before taking medication, you need to understand that not all chemicals are effective against diseases of this type.


Every single disease has a cause, and sometimes a number of reasons. Vaginosis is no exception. Consider the causes of the disease in more detail.

  • - Fitting underwear made from synthetic materials do not allow oxygen to penetrate to the skin and the vaginal mucosa.
  • The presence of a helix, pads or tampons for daily wear.
  • The use of antibiotics, including those that can destroy the beneficial bacteria.
  • The main sources of lactic acid bacteria are defined by food. The lack of them can lead to the development of the disease.
  • Chronic intestinal diseases.
  • A weak immune system, inability of the body to overcome disease.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes, which may be a result of the development of the disease.
  • Related diseases of the female reproductive system.
  • Hormonal disturbance or disruptions of the menstrual cycle.
  • The use of certain contraceptives (creams, candles, condoms, etc.)
  • Deformity of the cervix after conducting some operations.
  • Excessive hygiene (frequent cleaning, irrigation, etc.)
  • The ingress of a foreign body in the vagina.

The main symptoms of vaginosis

The manifestation of initial symptoms, you must immediately contact to a gynecologist, and then carry out the treatment of the disease vaginosis. Consider the main symptoms of the disease in an acute form in women.

  • Highlight gray or whitish in color, possibly a manifestation of the foam,
  • The presence of unpleasant odors whose removal yields no results,
  • Violation of urination,
  • The manifestation of itching or burning sensation when urinating, pain in the vagina,
  • Pain during sexual contact,
  • Heavy discharge after sexual intercourse or before menstruation,

The process of curing the disease

In order to establish the correct diagnosis, the specialist should collect detailed medical history, and conduct an inspection. On the eve of the visit to the doctor should refrain from sexual relations. During the inspection it is possible to smear on the basis of which it is possible to determine the number of special sticks. In the formulation of the correct diagnosis will also help the determination of the acidic environment of the vagina. You must also make the amino test for detecting odor in the interaction of the discharge with a specific chemical. Full details of the research are the basis for determining vaginosis.

In the case of early detection of the primary symptoms of the disease, bacterial vaginosis treated quite easily. Traditional disease treatment is to restore the normal microflora of the vagina. Most often, treatment involves removal ofmalicious Gardnerella, and this bacterium is resistant to common drugs.
Along with the main treatment physician may also prescribe vitamins and means to enhance immunity.

The process of restoration of microflora is made in home conditions, but after all the necessary research. Start treatment immediately after the menses, sex in period of taking the drugs needs to be protected. It is important to consider the factor that self-treatment can lead not only to a worsening of the condition, but also to serious consequences. Should not be used, for example, candles, if there is no confidence in their positive effect. The most effective measure for prevention of the disease is serious relevant to sexual life and maintain a healthy way of life.

So, consider how to treat bacterial vaginosis properly. In order for the treatment process have yielded positive results, may be administered several drugs simultaneously. Usually, these are drugs as the Doctor, Metronidazole, Naxogin. The alternative can serve as Ampicillin, Dalacin, vaginal smear, etc. Terginan Also noted effective tool Trihopol, which applies to the DNA destruction of harmful bacteria. His technique is designed for approximately 7-10 days. To eliminate vaginosis in girls, doctors recommend the administration of oral drugs, women can use vaginal suppositories.

Produce vaginosis treatment you can also and traditional methods, however, therapy of this kind is imperative to check with a specialist. Before starting treatment, you must find out the reason for the change of microflora. If the reason are not more serious infections, the application of herbal baths, douches or gauze soaked with oil mixture (olive and coconut).

When the diagnosis of vaginosis a pregnant woman, the question arises: what can be used to treat bacterial vaginosis in this case? The disease is not uncommon and during pregnancy. The result is a low level of immunity and the increase of progesterone in the body, which increases the content of mucus and its thickness in the vagina. The biggest danger is disease, to identify which managed during pregnancy, however, it appeared earlier. In any situation, vaginosis during pregnancy should be treated. Symptoms of a pregnant woman are no different from the usual. Disease of pregnancy with serious consequences, among which are: spontaneous abortion, infection of the embryo, birth complications, their prematurity, the appearance of purulent processes.
Upon detection of pathogenic microorganisms in the vagina, the partner also need to undergo a medical examination.

Prevention vaginosis

In order to avoid relapses, the woman must observe some simple preventive measures.

  1. To exclude casual sex, in extreme cases, they must be protected,
  2. You must on a regular basis to strengthen the immune system, eliminate disease of the endocrine system and pass inspection specialist at least twice a year,
  3. To exclude the holding of douching with antiseptics, which are able to reduce the number of necessary bacteria,
  4. Should abandon antibacterial medications without prescription specialist,
  5. To monitor the condition of the intestine, to prevent the occurrence of interrelated dysbiosis,
  6. To comply with all the rules of their own hygiene, to take seriously the choice of underwear,
  7. To build the right diet and stick to it,
  8. When the disease not to use antibiotics for a long period.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the treatment must be performed in accordance with the individual indicators. Treatment can be considered completed at the end of two stages: elimination of pathogenic bacteria and full recovery of the vaginal flora. To prevent recurrence of the disease should eliminate all symptoms. Errors in diagnosis and improper treatment can lead to very serious consequences.