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Beneficial bacteria — the 5 most beneficial bacteria and their role in the human body

The collection of bacteria inhabiting the human body, is collectively called microbiota. In a normal, healthy human microflora has several million bacteria. Each of them plays an important role for the normal functioning of the human body. In the absence of any kind of beneficial bacteria a person begins to get sick, disrupted digestive tract, respiratory tract. Beneficial bacteria to humans are concentrated on the skin, in the intestine, in the mucous membranes of the body. The number of microorganisms is regulated by the immune system.

Variety of beneficial bacteria

Normal human body contains both beneficial and pathogenic microflora. The bacterium is useful and pathogenic. Beneficial bacteria much more. They make up 99% of the total number of microorganisms. If this position is respected the necessary balance. Among different types of bacteria living on the human body can highlight:

  • bifidobacteriums,
  • Lactobacillus,
  • enterococcus,
  • colon bacillus.


This kind of microorganisms is the most common, participating in the production of lactic acid and acetate. It creates an acidic environment, thereby neutralises most pathogens. Pathogenic flora ceases to grow and cause putrefaction and fermentation.

Bifidobacteria play an important role in a child's life, as they are responsible for the presence of allergic reactions to any foods. In addition they have an antioxidant effect, prevents the development of tumors.

The synthesis of vitamin C does not do without participation of bifidobacteria. Besides, there is information that bifidobacteria help to absorb vitamins D and B, which are necessary for normal human life. If you have a deficit of bifidobacteria even the intake of synthetic b vitamins will not bring any result.


This group of microorganisms is also important for human health. Through their interaction with other inhabitants of the intestine inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed, the pathogens of intestinal infections.

Lactobacilli are involved in the formation of lactic acid, Lisitsina, bacteriocins. This is a great assistance to the immune system. If in the intestine there is a shortage of these bacteria very quickly develop goiter.

Lactobacilli colonize only the intestines, but also mucous membranes. So these microorganisms are important for women's health. They maintain the acidity of the vaginal environment, do not allow the development of bacterial vaginosis.

Colon bacillus

Not all E. coli are pathogenic. Most of them on the contrary are protective. The usefulness of the genus Escherichia coli is the synthesis of catilina, which is actively opposed by the bulk of pathogenic microorganisms.

These bacteria are useful for the synthesis of different groups of vitamins, folic and nicotinic acid. It is impossible to underestimate their role for health. For example, folic acid is essential for the production of red blood cells and maintain normal levels of hemoglobin.


This kind of microorganisms colonizes the human intestine shortly after birth. They help to absorb the sucrose. Living mainly in the small intestine, they, like other useful non-pathogenic bacteria provide protection from excessive reproduction of harmful elements. At the same time, enterococci are relatively safe from bacteria. If they begin to exceed acceptable norms, develop different bacterial diseases. The list of diseases is very high. Ranging from intestinal infections, meningococcal ending.

The positive impact of bacteria on the body

Useful properties of non-pathogenic bacteria is very diverse. Until there is a balance between inhabitants of the intestines and mucous membranes, the human body is functioning normally.

The majority of bacteria involved in the processes of synthesis and breakdown of vitamins. Without their presence the b vitamins are not absorbed by intestine, which leads to violations of the nervous system, skin diseases, lowering of the hemoglobin.

The bulk of non-digested food components that have reached the large intestine, it is split by bacteria. In addition, the microorganisms provided by the constancy of water-salt metabolism. More than half of the entire microflora is involved in the regulation of intake of fatty acids, hormones.

The intestinal flora forms a local immunity. It is here that the destruction of the main mass of pathogens, blocks harmful organism. Accordingly, people do not feel the bloating and flatulence. The increase in lymphocytes triggers the active phagocytes to fightenemy, and stimulate the production of immunoglobulin A.

Non-pathogenic beneficial microorganisms have a positive effect on the walls of the small intestine and colon. They maintain there is a constant level of acidity, stimulate the lymphoid apparatus, the epithelium becomes resistant to different carcinogens.

Intestinal peristalsis also depends on what are the microorganisms in it. The suppression of putrefaction and fermentation is one of the main objectives of bifidobacteria. Many microorganisms many years developing in symbiosis with pathogenic bacteria, thus, controlling them.

Biochemical reactions occurring bacteria produce a lot of heat, maintaining the overall heat balance of the body. Microorganisms feed on the undigested residues.


Dysbiosis is a change of the quantitative and qualitative composition of bacteria in the human body. Useful organisms are killed and a malicious active breed. Dysbiosis affects not only the intestines, but also mucous membranes (can be a dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity, vagina). The analysis will prevail names: Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, micrococci.

In normal condition the beneficial bacteria regulate the development of pathogenic microflora. Skin, respiratory organs usually are protected. When disturbed the balance a person feels the following symptoms: bloating of the bowel, bloating, abdominal pain, upset. Later can start weight loss, anemia, vitamin deficiency. Part of the reproductive system observed profuse discharge, often accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Appear on the skin irritation, roughness, cracks. Goiter side effect after taking antibiotics.

Upon detection of such symptoms must consult a doctor who will prescribe a complex of actions for restoration of normal microflora. Often this requires the intake of probiotics.